研究生: |
蔡凱迪 Tsai, Kai-Di |
論文名稱: |
非營利基層運動員培訓組織之營運探討-以臺北市天母網球協會為例 Research on Operation of Non-profit Youth Athletic Training Organization- A Case Study of Taipei Tianmu Tennis Association |
指導教授: |
Wang, Shih-Ju |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 70 |
中文關鍵詞: | 非營利組織 、非營利運動組織 、基層運動員 、基層運動員訓練站 |
英文關鍵詞: | non-profit organization, non-profit sports organization, youth athlete, youth athlete training centers |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.EMBA.022.2019.F08 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:246 下載:14 |
分享至: |
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
This study is intended to investigate how non-profit youth athletic training
organizations collaborate with governmental youth athletic training centers
(hereinafter referred to as “non-profit training centers” and “governmental training
centers” respectively) to produce elite youth athletes under current national youth
athletic training system.
Following a discussion on the present status of sports in Taiwan and a literature
review, this study uses a case to examine Taiwan’s athletic training from five aspects:
non-profit organizations, private sports organizations, national law and regulations,
youth athletic training centers, and elite youth athletes. The case selected for
discussion is based on its distinctiveness, current operation conditions and
development, and future prospects. Through an in-depth interview and the analysis of
collected data, this study concludes:
1. There is no restriction for non-profit training organizations on coach hiring and
member recruitment. The organizations could divide trainees into groups by their
strength levels, and train athletes of different ages and levels.
2. Non-profit training organizations do not aim to make money and have no need of
profit allocation; instead, their purpose is to serve athletes. Therefore, all acquired
resources can be used on training.
3. Non-profit training organizations can help train the youth athletes who are not able
to get into governmental training center due to unchangeable student status or
regulatory constraints.
4. Non-profit training organizations and governmental training centers can collaborate
to build a win-win future.
5. A common goal among members of a non-profit training organization is necessary
for them to strive for the organization’s sustainability.
6. Non-profit training organizations are as capable of producing elite athletes as
governmental training centers are.
7. Non-profit training organizations need a comprehensive system and management
and marketing professionals as much as private companies do.
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