簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 謝佩君
Hsieh, Pei-chun
論文名稱: 優秀運動選手重大術後復健心理與參賽歷程之探究
The psychology of rehabilitation after major surgery and history of the competition in elite athletes
指導教授: 梁嘉音
Liang, Chia-Yin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 運動競技學系
Department of Athletic Performance
論文出版年: 2015
畢業學年度: 103
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 83
中文關鍵詞: 優秀運動員運動傷害復健心理復健參賽歷程
英文關鍵詞: elite athletes, sports injuries, rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation, competition participate
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:388下載:39
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  • 摘 要

    This study aimed to explore the elite athletes in rehabilitation psychology process after major surgery, as well as the important factors affecting the transition of athletes return to the court less than two years. The qualitative study was conducted by in-depth interviews, to interview the five respondents of women's team sports players who represented to participate international competition at least the Asia-class competition. Interview results are supplemented by literature review, collation and analysis via the concept of narrative analysis. The findings of this study showed the main situation and the factors of elite players injured, rehabilitation psychology process after major surgery and return to the court are as follows: 1) The main reasons that cause most outstanding athletes injured are compitition, fatigue, overtraining, and climate, 2) after the injured, the psychological and emotion of alathlete in compliance with the stage model and the cognitive model, gradually overcome the shadow and inner fear, transition from depression and other negative emotions to positive by self-talk goals setting to rediscover their own values, 3) the important factors in rehabilitation psychology process after major surgery than return to court successfully can be found in family, friends, teammates, coaches and trainer support, plus the players self-talk, can enhance mental construction, giving players a positive energy and reduce negative thoughts. The follow-up studies could be compare with personal projects and group projects, individual sports and team sports contain different gender, in order to find the variety factors cause to hurt, and the differences in the process of rehabilitation to do in-depth analysis.

    目 次 口試委員及系主任簽字證書……….…………….………….…………..… i 論文授權書……….…………….……………………..……...…….……… ii 中文摘要………….……………..……………………..……..…….……… iii 英文摘要……….…………….……..………………..……..…….…………iv 謝 誌………….…………….…….……..…………..……..……….………v 目 次………….…………….……….………….…..……..……….….……vi 表 次………….…………….…………..…………..…………..…….……viii 圖 次………….…………….…………..…………..……..……….….……ix 第壹章 緒論.......................................................................................1 第一節 問題背景………………….…………….……….……………..… 1 第二節 研究目的..…………….…………………………..……………… 5 第三節 研究問題…..…………………………………..….……………… 6 第四節 研究倫理與限制……..……….…………….….………………… 6 第五節 名詞釋義…………..……..…………………….…….……………9 第貳章 文獻探討.............................................................................10 第一節 運動選手之於重大運動傷害…………..…….………………… 10 第二節 運動選手傷後復健與心理反應…………..….………………… 11 第三節 運動選手受傷復健後之參賽歷程………..….………………… 14 第四節 文獻總結…………………………..………….………………… 16 第參章 研究方法..............................................................................18 第一節 研究架構………… .…….……..……………….……….……… 18 第二節 研究流程………………...………..…………….…….………… 19 第三節 研究對象………………...…………..………….…….………… 20 第四節 研究方法與設計………………….....……….…….…………… 20 第五節 質性研究信效度建立……………..……...….…….…………… 23 第肆章 結果與討論...........................................................................25 第一節 受訪者之描述側寫……………………………………………….25 第二節 優秀運動選手之重大運動傷害情境與原因.……………….…...28 第三節 優秀運動選手之術後復健心理歷程……………………….……29 第四節 影響優秀運動選手再度參賽歷程轉換之關鍵因素……….……32 第五節 小結……………………………………………….………………35 第伍章 結論與建議............................................................................37 第一節 結論………………………………………………………………..37 第二節 建議……………………………………………….………….…....39 參考文獻................................................................................................40 附錄........................................................................................................44 受訪者同意書 ……………..……………………………………... 44 A受訪者逐字稿 …………………..……………..…………………... 45 B受訪者逐字稿 ……………………..…………..…………………... 54 C受訪者逐字稿 ……………………..………..……………………... 63 D受訪者逐字稿 …………………..…………..……………………... 70 E受訪者逐字稿 …………………..………………..………………... 75

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