研究生: |
黃勝輝 Sheng-hui Huang |
論文名稱: |
基於學習專注力發展自律學習機制提升網路學習成效 Developing a Self-regulated Learning System based on Attention for Promoting Web-based Learning Performance |
指導教授: |
Hong, Chin-Ming 陳志銘 Chen, Chih-Ming |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
電機工程學系 Department of Electrical Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 91 |
中文關鍵詞: | 注意力 、自律學習 、數位閱讀 、閱讀學習成效 |
英文關鍵詞: | Attention, Self-regulated Learning, Digital Reading, Learning Performance |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:466 下載:49 |
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Thanks to quickly development of technology, Internet learning has become a new developing trend that can create a learning place without the limit of time and space through Internet learning. Learners can do it all the time according to their plans. Learners need to do it automatically based on Internet learning space to study digital reading. So learners’ autonomic learning becomes the main factor that affects digital reading’s result. And “attention” is the main factor that influences learning performance in the process of reading. Therefore, how to make students concentrate on the class when studying is the challenge that digital learners need to face. This research aims to assist digital reading to margin learning design developing a self-regulated learning system based on attention. It can provide reading learners a self-control system to learn and raise learners’ attentions when reading and then heighten the reading performance. This research subjects are 126 seventh-grade students of four classes from in a junior high school in New Taipei City. The subjects are randomly divided into the experimental group and control group. The experimental group takes “self-regulated learning system on the basis of having attention” to support on-line reading margin. The control group don’t take “self-regulated learning system on the basis of having attention” to support on-line reading margin. The result show that taking “self-regulated learning system on the basis of having attention” can effectively heighten on-line English reading margin learners’ learning concentration and learning performance. Also, this research find that “self-regulated learning system on the basis of having attention” are better for female learners than male learners in heightening on-line English reading margin learners’ learning concentration and learning performance. Besides, taking “self-regulated learning system on the basis of having attention” to support on-line English reading margin’s reading concentration and learning performance of high self-regulated ability experimental learners are better than low self-regulated ability learners. Also, taking “self-regulated learning system on the basis of having attention” to support on-line English reading margin’s concentration and reading performance of experimental learners are significant correlation, and the concentration can effectively predict learning performance.
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