研究生: |
黃韶顏 |
論文名稱: |
阿里山特富野鄒族原住民飲食生活與營養之研究 Dietary life style and nutrition of Tsou tribes in Tefuye of Ali-Mountain |
指導教授: | 洪久賢 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2001 |
畢業學年度: | 89 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 278 |
中文關鍵詞: | 鄒族 、營養知識 、營養態度 、飲食行為 、營養教育 |
英文關鍵詞: | Tsou tribe, nutritional knowledge, nutritional attirude, eating behavior, nutritional education |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:573 下載:43 |
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本研究對象營養知識答對比率為73%,營養態度得分占滿分的80.2%,飲食行為得分占滿分65.8%。由124位阿里山特富野鄒族原住民所作二十四小時飲食回憶法,十九歲以上成人營養素攝取如下:男性每天平均攝取熱量2113大卡,蛋白質65公克,脂肪76.6公克,醣類270.8公克,蛋白質、脂肪、醣平均攝取量占總熱量16.1%、33%、50.9%;女性每天平均攝取熱量1824大卡,蛋白質71.3公克,脂肪67.3公克,醣類248.2公克,蛋白質、脂肪、醣平均攝取量占總熱量15.4%、29.4%、55.2%。男性每天平均攝取維生素B1 0.96 mg,維生素B2 1.13 mg,菸鹼酸12 mg,維生素C 150 mg,維生素A 7670 I.U.,維生素E 7.97 mg;女性每天平均攝取維生素B1 1.03 mg,維生素B2 1.1 mg,菸鹼酸10.5 mg,維生素C 166 mg,維生素A 8066 I.U.,維生素E 8.18 mg。男性每天平均攝取鈣623 mg,鐵16.4 mg,鈉4359 mg;女性每天平均攝取鈣445 mg,鐵10.5 mg,鈉4601 mg。
Dietary Life Style and Nutrition of Tsou tribes In Tefuye of Ali-Mountain
The study, lasting four years, was targeted at the Taiwanese aborigines of the Tsou tribe living in Tefuye of Ali Mountain, using methods including interviewing, questionnaries, and intervention. The objective was to understand these aborigines’ dietary life style, nutritional knowledge, attitude, and behavior, and the influence of nutritional intervention on the foregoing aspects.
The results indicate that the environment in Tefuye of Ali-Mountain is resourceful. Nature provides with affluent resources. People living there are self sustained by growing their own produce, fishing, and hunting, mostly. Patriarchy society accounts for the dietary difference between men and women. Onion, ginger, garlic, and fish are forbidden before the ritual. Wild herbs in the mountains are gathered for curing diseases. High percentage of the subjects were drinkers. Drinking habit starts at the age of sixteen after the adult ceremony. Drinking time is usually in the evening when tribe people can gather to socialize, relieve work pressure, and show their heroism by daring to drink excessively, leading to ill health, failed example, and discord in the community and family. To solve the drinking problem, the perception of drinking in the minds of tribal administration officers and tribal elders should be rectified, and tea should be substituted for alcoholic beverages in the occasion of ceremony and friendship gathering.
The subjects scored 73% correctness on the nutritional knowledge test, 80.2% on the nutritional attitude test, and 65.8% on the dietary behavior test. Based on the data on the dietary memory recall for the past 24 hours by 124 Tsou people living in Tefuye of Ali-Mountain, the nutrient intakes by the adults above 19 years of age were summarized as follows. The average daily intake by the males was 2113 kilo-calories for energy, 65g for proteins, 76.6g for fats, and 270.8g for carbohydrates. The average percentages of the daily total energy intake contributed by proteins, fats, and carbohydrates were 16.1%, 33%, and 50.9% respectively. The average daily intake by the females was 1824 kilo-calories for energy, 71.3g for proteins, 67.3g for fats, and 248.2g for carbohydrates. The average percentages of the females’ daily total energy intake contributed by proteins, fats, and carbohydrates were 15.4%, 29.4%, and 55.2% respectively. The daily average intakes of vitamins by the male subjects were 0.96 mg for B1, 1.13 mg for B2, 12 mg for niacin, 150 mg for vitamin C, 7670 IU for vitamin A, and 7.97 mg for vitamin E. The daily average intakes of vitamins by the female subjects were 1.03 mg for B1, 1.1 mg for B2, 10.5 mg for niacin, 166 mg for vitamin C, 8066 IU for vitamin A, and 8.18 mg for vitamin E. The male subjects took in 623 mg of calcium, 16.4 mg of iron, and 4359 mg of sodium daily, while the female counterparts took in 445 mg of calcium, 10.5 mg of iron, and 4601 mg of sodium daily.
Compared to the Chinese Recommended Daily Nutrient Allowances(RDNA), the energy contributions of proteins(16.1%) and fats(33%) for the male subjects above 19 years of age were too high, and too low for carbohydrates(50.9%). The males’ intakes of B1, B2, niacin, and vitamin E were lower than RDNA, while the consumption of vitamin A and C was higher. The intake of calcium was lower and the intake of iron was higher than RDNA. The daily energy contribution by proteins(15.4%) for the females was too high. The females’ intakes of B1, B2 meet the requirements, while niacin and vitamin E consumption was lower. While the consumption of vitamin A and C was higher, the intakes of calcium and iron were lower than RDNA.
The intervention of nutritional education has significantly improved the nutritional knowledge, attitude, and behavior for Tsou tribe. The frequency of having breakfast and diner is in the increasing trend, while the consumption of oily canned food, fat meat, carbonic beverages, raw boar meat, raw animal organs, decayed boar meat, and alcohol is in the declining trend. Those subjects without receiving nutritional education did not show improvement in their nutritional knowledge, attitude, and behavior.
Factors affecting nutritional education are nutritional education teaching plans, the learners’ needs, participation of the community leaders, teachers’ character, and the nutritional education of the store owners in the community.
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