研究生: |
鄧仕文 Shen-Wen Deng |
論文名稱: |
攝取靈芝對籃球運動員淋巴細胞亞群和肝功能之影響 Effects of ganoderma lucidum ingestion on lymphocyte subsets and liver functions in basketball players |
指導教授: |
Hsieh, Shen-Yu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育學系 Department of Physical Education |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 63 |
中文關鍵詞: | 靈芝 、淋巴細胞亞群 、肝功能指標 |
英文關鍵詞: | ganodorma lucidum, lymphocyte subsets, liver functions |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:234 下載:2 |
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目的:本研究主要探討攝取靈芝對籃球員淋巴細胞亞群和肝功能之影響。方法:本研究召募16位高中男子籃球選手,並依其專項體能測驗成績優劣將受試者分為實驗組與控制組,每組各8人。兩組受試者除了進行6週籃球專項訓練課程外,分別於每天早、中、晚餐前各服用2顆靈芝或安慰劑膠囊。所有受試者分別於訓練前一週(T1) 、訓練期第二週(T2) 、訓練期第四週(T3)與訓練期第六週(T4)進行採血,以觀察淋巴細胞亞群(CD3+、CD3+CD4+、CD3+CD8+、CD3-CD19+、CD3-CD16+CD56+)數量、百分比和肝功能指標(AST、ALT)之變化情況。所得資料以混合設計二因子變異數進行分析。結果:(1)短期高強度運動訓練會使CD3+、CD3+CD4+、CD3+CD8+百分比與數量明顯上升,但會使CD3-CD19+百分比與數量明顯下降,至於CD3-CD16+CD56+同樣產生些微抑制的情形,唯其變化未達顯著差異。(2)短期高強度運動訓練期補充靈芝並不會對CD3+、CD3+CD4+、CD3+CD8+百分比與數量有所影響,但能稍微減緩因運動訓練而產生CD3-CD19+、CD3-CD16+CD56+百分比與數量之下降情形。(3)肝功能指標AST及ALT數值變動仍在可接受的範圍,所以短期高強度運動訓練期補充靈芝不具有促進肝臟功能之效果。結論:運動員進行六週短期高強度運動訓練期間服用靈芝,對T淋巴細胞及其亞群與肝功能之影響功效不大,但能稍微舒緩運動訓練造成之B淋巴細胞與自然殺細胞抑制現象,唯其相關機制仍需進一步再加以釐清。
Purpose: To investigate the effects of ganoderma lucidum on lymphocyte subsets and liver functions in basketball players. Methods: Subjects were sixteen senior high school basketball players who went through a six-week training program. They were divided into experimental group and control group according to their fitness. Blood samples were collected four time. The first blood sample was taken one week before the training and used as the starting point. The second sample was taken at week two、the third one at week four、and the fourth one at week six. Subjects have to take two capsules of ganoderma lucidum or placebo respectively before each meals for six weeks. The variable examined were lymphocyte subsets (CD3+、CD3+CD4+、CD3+CD8+、CD3-CD19+、CD3-CD16+CD56+) amount、percentage、and liver functions. (ASL and ALT). The statistics were perforced using a mixed design two-way ANOVA. Results: No effective results on amount、percentage、concentration of liver functions were found after taking ganoderma lucidum. Conclusion: During the six-week training program、subjects who took ganoderma lucidum did not improve their immune system even though there was an increase in the amount of and percentage. The changes in liver functions were still within the controllable limits、Thus、ganodorma lucidum can not help to improve the normal function of the liver.
Keywords:ganodorma lucidum、lymphocyte subsets、liver functions
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