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研究生: 孫林宏証
Sun Lin, Hong-Zheng
論文名稱: Effects of Gamified Meta-Cognitive Strategy on Sixth Graders' Algebra Learning
Effects of Gamified Meta-Cognitive Strategy on Sixth Graders' Algebra Learning
指導教授: 邱貴發
Chiou, Guey-Fa
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 資訊教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 120
中文關鍵詞: self-explanationcomparisonlearning gamificationalgebra variablealgebra word problemlearning attitudemeta-cognitive awareness
英文關鍵詞: self-explanation, comparison, learning gamification, algebra variable, algebra word problem, learning attitude, meta-cognitive awareness
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203516
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:333下載:2
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    This research is to examine the effects of meta-cognitive and gamification strategies on sixth graders’ algebra learning by conducting three studies.

    The first study examined the interaction effects of self-explanation and game-reward strategies on sixth graders’ learning achievement of algebra variable, learning attitude towards algebra variable, and meta-cognitive awareness of algebra variable learning. A 2 × 2 quasi-experiment was conducted, and a mini learning system, Self-explanation with Game-reward Learning System (SGLS), was developed to support the learning activities. Ninety-seven students were invited to participate in a four-week experimental instruction and assigned to four groups: self-explanation with game-reward, self-explanation, game-reward, and control.

    The second study examined the interaction effects of comparison and game-challenge strategies on sixth graders’ learning achievement of algebra variable, learning attitude towards algebra variable, and meta-cognitive awareness of algebra variable learning. To support students’ learning activities, a mini learning system, Comparison with Game-challenge Learning System (CGLS), was developed. A 2 × 2 factorial design was used, and 86 sixth graders were invited to participate in a four-week experimental instruction and assigned to four groups: comparison with game-challenge, comparison, game-challenge, and control.

    The third study investigated the effects of gamified comparison on sixth graders’ learning achievement of algebra word problem solving on tests of similar and transfer problems, together with their learning attitude towards algebra word problem solving. For the research purposes, a mini learning system, Gamified Comparison Learning System (GCLS), was created. A three-group quasi-experimental design was utilised, and 72 sixth graders were invited to participate in a four-week experimental instruction and assigned to three groups: gamified comparison, comparison, and control.

    The results of study 1 showed that (1) a significant interaction effect was found on the students’ learning achievement of algebra variable: the self-explanation with game-reward group performed significantly better than the self-explanation group, the game-reward group scored significantly higher than the control group, and the self-explanation group gained significantly higher scores than the control group; (2) a significant interaction effect was found on the students’ learning attitude towards algebra variable: the self-explanation with game-reward group reported significantly positive results than the self-explanation group, and the control group responded more positively than the self-explanation group; (3) no significant interaction effect was found on the students’ meta-cognitive awareness of algebra variable learning: while the game-reward strategy did not show a significantly positive effect, the self-explanation did.

    The results of study 2 showed that (1) a significant interaction effect was found on the students’ learning achievement of algebra variable: the comparison with game-challenge group performed significantly better than the comparison group and the game-challenge group respectively; (2) a significant interaction effect was found on the students’ learning attitude towards algebra variable: the comparison with game-challenge group responded significantly more positively than the comparison group and the game-challenge group respectively; (3) a significant interaction effect was found on the students’ meta-cognitive awareness of algebra variable learning: the comparison with game-challenge group reported significantly higher scores than the comparison group and the game-challenge group respectively.

    The results of study 3 showed that (1) a significant effect was found on the students’ learning achievement of algebra word problem solving on similar problems: the gamified comparison group performed significantly better than the comparison group and the control group respectively, and the comparison group performed significantly better than the control group; (2) a significant effect was found on the students’ learning achievement of algebra word problem solving on transfer problems: the gamified comparison group achieved significantly higher scores than the comparison group and the control group respectively, and the comparison group achieved significantly higher scores than the control group; (3) a significant effect was found on the students’ learning attitudes towards algebra word problem solving: while no significant difference was found on students’ confidence, the gamified comparison group responded significantly more positively than the comparison group and the control group on dimensions enjoyment, motivation, and perceived value, and the comparison group responded significantly more positively than the control group on the enjoyment.

    Based on the results of study 1, study 2, and study 3, a feasible design of gamified meta-cognitive strategy is discussed and proposed. It covers different aspects of learning gamification (external and internal), meta-cognitive learning strategies (single and combined), and different types of knowledge (conceptual and procedural) for sixth graders’ algebra learning. This research has taken a step in the direction of implementing gamification in terms of meta-cognitive strategies and algebra learning, and several learning implications can be drawn from each study.

    Abstract i Table of Contents iv List of Tables xi List of Figures xiii 1. Introduction 1 1.1. Research Background 1 1.2. Conceptual and Operational Definitions 4 2. Literature Review 9 2.1. Algebra Learning 9 2.1.1. Learning of algebra variable 9 2.1.2. Algebra word problem solving 11 2.2. Meta-Cognitive Strategies 13 2.2.1. Self-explanation 13 2.2.2. Comparison 17 2.3. Learning Gamification 20 2.3.1. Game elements commonly used in learning gamification 21 2.3.2. Challenges of learning gamification 24 2.4. Summary and Research Framework 25 3. Study 1 29 3.1. Research Purposes and Questions 29 3.2. Method 29 3.2.1. Participants 30 3.2.2. The Self-explanation with Game-reward Learning System 31 3.2.3. Instruments 35 3.2.4. Procedure 36 3.2.5. Data analysis 37 3.3. Results 37 3.3.1. Learning achievement of algebra variable 37 3.3.2. Learning attitude towards algebra variable 39 3.3.3. Meta-cognitive awareness of algebra variable learning 41 3.4. Discussion 42 4. Study 2 47 4.1. Research Purposes and Questions 47 4.2. Method 47 4.2.1. Participants 48 4.2.2. The Comparison with Game-challenge Learning System 49 4.2.3. Instruments 53 4.2.4. Procedure 54 4.2.5. Data analysis 55 4.3. Results 55 4.3.1. Learning achievement of algebra variable 55 4.3.2. Learning attitude towards algebra variable 57 4.3.3. Meta-cognitive awareness of algebra variable learning 58 4.4. Discussion 60 5. Study 3 65 5.1. Research Purposes and Questions 65 5.2. Method 65 5.2.1. Participants 66 5.2.2. The Gamified Comparison Learning System 66 5.2.3. Instruments 71 5.2.4. Procedure 72 5.2.5. Data analysis 73 5.3. Results 73 5.3.1. Learning achievement on similar problems 73 5.3.2. Learning achievement on transfer problems 74 5.3.3. Learning attitude towards algebra word problem solving 74 5.4. Discussion 76 6. Comprehensive Discussion 81 7. Conclusions 87 8. Limitations and Future Research 89 References 91 Appendices 105 Appendix A: Pre-test of Learning Achievement of Algebra Variable 107 Appendix B: Post-test of Learning Achievement of Algebra Variable 109 Appendix C: Attitude Scale of Algebra Variable Learning 111 Appendix D: Meta-Cognitive Awareness Scale of Algebra Learning 113 Appendix E: Test of Similar Algebra Word Problems 115 Appendix F: Test of Transfer Algebra Word Problems 117 Appendix G: Attitude Scale of Algebra Word Problem Solving 119

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