研究生: |
卓靖雪 Cho, Ching-Hsueh |
論文名稱: |
女性霸凌性焦慮的藝術療癒- 卓靖雪彩墨創作論述 Artistic Healing of Female Bullying Anxiety -The Thesis on Creation of Colored Ink Painting |
指導教授: |
Sun, Yi-Hua |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
美術學系 Department of Fine Arts |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 72 |
中文關鍵詞: | 水墨創作 、人群焦慮 、隱匿心理 、創作療癒 、女性霸凌 |
英文關鍵詞: | Chinese ink painting, crowd anxiety, hidden psychology, creation healing, women bullying |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202203405 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:310 下載:13 |
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本文主要針對人際間的互動模式存在著一種同儕之間雙方權力關係不對等 的形態,在這樣彼此不對等的相處模式中,趨於弱勢的一方往往會因為強權者施 予的壓力而有了以下幾種不同的行為應對模式:「以眼還眼,以牙還牙」、「隱 忍不發,默默承受」、「試圖報復,膽怯退縮」等,尤其在女性間的權力互動關 係裡,存在著有別於男性外顯性的行為互動方式,筆者主要著重於探討當弱勢者 面對女性強權者施壓欺凌時,這些選擇了「隱忍不發、默默承受」的弱勢者,雖 然當下選擇了忍氣吞聲,其實在她們內心所受到的創傷與壓力,形成了必須透過 其他內在的管道去消化這些令人難受的情緒。
筆者試圖在繪畫中為這些受凌不平默默不語的人物發聲,引起觀者在觀看藝 術作品的同時所產生的共鳴。面對人際間疏離的危機,筆者學習與孤獨自處,將 負向情緒昇華為對未來生活正向積極的尋求與渴望,透過自我的管道內化情緒, 對人際關係間的異化、疏離進行反思。
This study is majorly involved in discussing over the interactive mode that is characterized by power gaps among peer interpersonal relations. Under such unequal relationship, the weaker side would respond with following different behavior modes when imposed with pressure from the stronger side: “Tit for Tat”, “Endure Silently” and “Seek for Revenges”. When it comes to interactive power relations among women, they are especially different from the explicit behavior interactive modes of men. This study focuses on probing into those weak sides choosing “Endure Silently” when bullied and humiliated. Although these people were choosing to endure in that moment, the mental pressure and the miserable emotions have to be soothed with their own inner world. The author tries to speak for those got humiliated and bullied while still keeping silent through artistic works to raise the sympathy of viewers when appreciating the works.
When confronting with crisis of interpersonal alienation, the author learns to accompany with loneliness and sublimate negative emotions into positive pursuits and eagerness for a better life, while reflecting on the estrangement and alienation among interpersonal relations by handling with the author’s own emotions through inner world.
Key words: Chinese ink painting, crowd anxiety, hidden psychology, creation healing, women bullying
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