研究生: |
朱雯琪 Chu, Linda Wen-Chi |
論文名稱: |
「譬學」:論明清耶穌會士對西洋古典修辭學與中國「文」的傳統之貢獻 Pixue: Metaphorical Mediation of Western Classical Rhetoric and the Chinese Wen Tradition by Alfonso Vagnone and Other Jesuits in Late Imperial China |
指導教授: |
Li, Sher-Shiueh |
口試委員: |
Li, Sher-shiueh 康士林 Koss, Nicholas 陳慧宏 Chen, Hui-hung 胡宗文 Hu, Daniel 林熙強 Lin, Hsi-chiang |
口試日期: | 2024/07/11 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
翻譯研究所 Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 245 |
中文關鍵詞: | 《譬學》 、《西學》 、《西學凡》 、《文則》 、高一志 、艾儒略 、陳騤 、古典修辭學 、亞里士多德的譬喻論述 、文化翻譯 、宗教與人文主義 |
英文關鍵詞: | Pixue, Xixue, Xixue fan, Wenze, Giulio Aleni, Chen Kui, classical rhetoric, Aristotelian metaphor, cultural mediation, Christian humanism |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202401756 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:339 下載:4 |
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第一章審視了中國史上如何翻譯「修辭」這一概念,並探討西方古典修辭學與明清時期耶穌會士的傳教活動、文藝復興人文主義(Renaissance humanism)和中國傳統之間的關係。
第三章詳細分析《譬學》中的譬喻規則和十大類型,並取之以比較羅馬修辭學家的作品與文藝復興手冊式的修辭著作,揭示坤體良(Quintilian,約35–100年)的《演講術》(Institutio Oratoria)、《獻給赫倫尼》(Rhetorica ad Herennium,作者不明)以及南宋文人陳騤(1128–1203年)的《文則》可能是高一志的主要參考來源。
Rhetoric, traditionally seen as a Western discipline, is increasingly recognized as a global heritage. This dissertation explores the Jesuits' introduction of classical rhetoric to late imperial China, a crucial but under-explored moment in the intersection of Chinese and European literary traditions during the late sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Specifically, it addresses the research question: How did Alfonso Vagnone and other Jesuits in late imperial China metaphorically mediate Western classical rhetoric and the Chinese literary tradition of wen?
The study begins with a historical and etymological examination of "rhetoric" in China, setting the stage by situating the Jesuit mission within the broader contexts of Renaissance humanism and the Chinese literary tradition. This introductory overview provides insights into how classical rhetoric was introduced to Ming-Qing literati and tracks the evolution of Chinese rhetorical terminology, laying the groundwork for addressing the central research question.
With this context established, the dissertation surveys Western classical sources that influenced the Jesuits' presentation of rhetoric and metaphor in China, focusing particularly on Aristotle. This analysis demonstrates how Aristotelian thought shaped the Jesuits' approach to metaphor and underscores its significance in the successful mediation of Western rhetoric for a Chinese audience.
The core analysis centers on Alfonso Vagnone's Pixue (Study of Comparison, 1633), comparing it with Roman and Chinese works on rhetoric. Quintilian's Institutio Oratoria emerges as a key source for Vagnone's rules on metaphor, alongside Rhetorica ad Herennium and Chen Kui's Wenze (The Rules of Writing) from the Song dynasty, which influence his typology of ten metaphors. Notably, Vagnone integrates the moral and ethical dimensions emphasized by Quintilian's focus on virtuous rhetoric, which resonate with the Confucian emphasis on cultivation. This integration underscores how these values shaped Vagnone's rhetorical approach, reflecting his commitment to humanist themes. By harmonizing Western rhetorical principles with Chinese Confucian ideals of propriety and moral rectitude, Vagnone not only enriches both traditions but also promotes a form of metaphor that is intellectually rigorous, ethically grounded, and reflective of Christian humanism.
Further exploration delves into other Chinese influences on Pixue, linking Vagnone's model to ancient Chinese conceptual theories of association. By comparing Aristotelian and pre-Qin rhetorical traditions, this research reveals connections between Western thought and Chinese oral persuasion, indicating that Vagnone's model is deeply rooted in ancient Chinese conceptual dimensions of metaphor.
Shifting to a translation studies perspective, the dissertation examines how Western knowledge was "translated" into Chinese, contrasting Jesuit translation practices with those of Buddhist enterprises. It proposes a novel Jesuit-Chinese translation model that broadens the concept of "translation" to include metaphor as a process of change and transformation.
Building on these findings, this dissertation reevaluates the Jesuits' contributions to the study of rhetoric, proposing a new framework that merges Chinese and Western traditions. It illustrates how the Jesuits introduced new forms of knowledge through the rhetorical tradition of metaphor, transforming and reshaping the understanding of rhetoric and intercultural exchange. By investigating the Jesuits' role in shaping intercultural rhetoric, this research aims to pave the way for future studies on the impact of Western doctrines on Chinese thought, education, culture, and literary traditions, reflecting the broader movement of Christian humanism that sought to harmonize classical learning with Christian values.
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