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研究生: 陳淑芬
Chen, Shu-Fen
論文名稱: 反思團隊在學校個案輔導工作系統合作之應用-行動研究
The Application of Reflecting Team Used in the School Systemic Collaboration of Student Counseling -An Action Research
指導教授: 陳秉華
Chen, Ping-Wha
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 259
中文關鍵詞: 反思團隊個案輔導工作學校系統合作行動研究
英文關鍵詞: Reflecting team, Student counseling, School systemic collaboration, Action research
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900668
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:529下載:0
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  • 本研究的目的是建立一個新的學校個案輔導工作合作系統,運用教師作為反思團隊進行諮商。本研究的研究問題為:1.如何組成新的學校個案輔導工作合作系統以進行研究?2.當前學校需要輔導之個案問題類型為何?發生原因為何?舊的合作系統之困境為何?是否需要建立新的合作系統?3.如何在新的合作系統中將教師作為反思團隊進行諮商,運用於學生個案輔導工作?4.在本研究中反思團隊之運用歷程為何?研究團隊對於教師作為反思團隊進行諮商的反應及建議為何?5.評估本研究所建立之新的合作系統之效益如何?本研究運用行動研究方法,進行發現問題、澄清問題、發展行動、採取行動、評估結果五階段之研究歷程。本研究之研究對象為某學生運動員培訓高中,研究團隊包括研究者、學校教師、受輔學生以及研究者之專業督導。本研究運用質性研究分析方法獲得研究結果有:1.發現問題階段:研究發現為「學校之研究團隊應如何組成」、「學校需要輔導之個案問題類型」、以及「學生問題發生的多重影響來源」。2.澄清情境階段:研究發現為「學校對新的系統合作方案有期待」、「現有的合作系統之困境」。3.發展行動階段:研究發現為「研究者向研究團隊介紹反思團隊之精神與運用方式」、「研究團隊演練反思團隊後有體會與收穫」、「研究團隊討論日後如何將反思團隊運用在學生輔導工作」。4.採取行動階段:研究發現為「反思團隊之運用歷程」、「運用學校教師為反思團隊成員的經驗」、「研究團隊對學校系統運用反思團隊的建議」。5.評估結果階段:研究發現為「反思團隊運用有好處」、「在諮商中運用反思團隊前的預備動作」、「本研究建構之新的合作系統有助系統合作」。研究結果顯示:透過行動研究運用教師作為反思團隊進行諮商能促進系統合作,運用教師作為反思團隊進行個案輔導工作是可行的。本研究建構之新的合作系統要運用於未參與研究之系統成員、非自願個案、多壓力家庭或棘手個案,需要更多的研究支持,建議實務工作者持續研究以拓展教師作為反思團隊之運用經驗。

    This study aimed to establish a new school collaborative system of student counseling, using the teachers as a reflecting team in the counseling sessions. The research questions in this study were showed as follows. First, how did the researcher form a new school collaborative system for student counseling? Second, what type of students’ problems that the current school needed to deal with? What were the underlying causes for these students’ problems? What were the dilemmas of the existing school collaborative system? What were the needs for constructing the new school collaborative system? Third, how were the teachers in the school collaborative system used as a reflecting team in the student counseling sessions? Fourth, how was the reflecting team implemented in the counseling sessions? What were the reflections and the suggestions given by the research team to the teachers served as the reflecting team? Fifth, how was the efficiency of the new collaborative system established in the study? This study adopted the action research strategy to discover the problems, clarify the questions, develop the action, adopt the action, and evaluate the results. The subject of the study was a physical education high school. The researcher initiated a research team which includes school teachers, a student client, a reflecting team composed by school teachers to participate into the counseling sessions, and a professional supervisor to discuss concerns the researcher occurred. The researcher also served as the school counselor in the present study. Qualitative study analysis was adopted in this research for data analysis. The results of this study were displayed as follows. (1) The findings of the stage of discovering the problems were: how to form a school’s research team to conduct the current study, the type of students’ problems the school needed to deal with, and the multiple factors caused the students’ problems. (2) The findings of the stage of clarifying the questions were: the potential benefits of developing the new school collaboration system, and the dilemmas of the old school collaborative system. (3) The findings of the stage of developing the action were: the researcher introduced the spirit and the application of the reflecting team used in the counseling sessions to the research team, the realization and the gains from the research team after role playing the reflecting team, and the research team discussed how to apply the reflecting team onto student counseling in the future. (4) The findings of the stage of adopting the action were: the process of applying the reflecting team, the experiences of being as reflecting team members for the school teachers, and the suggestions for applying reflecting team in the student counseling school system. (5) The findings of the stage of evaluating the results were: the benefits of using the reflecting team, the preparation of the reflecting team before the counseling started, and the new collaborative system established in the current study was helpful to the school systemic collaboration. The results of this study showed that using school teachers served as reflecting team members in student counseling sessions was useful and feasible. Applying reflecting team in the school collaborative system is also helpful to teacher-student communications. Future suggestions were proposed for including more teachers, involuntary student clients, clients from multi-stressed families, or difficult student clients for using reflecting team in school counseling as well as developing school collaborative system. Researchers are suggested to conduct more future researches to explore the efficacy of using teachers as reflecting team members.

    誌謝詞ⅰ 中文摘要ⅲ 英文摘要ⅴ 目次ⅸ 表次ⅺ 圖次xiii 第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機1 第二節 研究目的與問題10 第三節 名詞釋義11 第二章 文獻探討13 第一節 學校輔導工作之系統合作13 第二節 後現代哲學觀之系統合作22 第三節 反思團隊之發展及相關研究34 第四節 反思團隊運用於學校個案輔導工作系統合作之概念及研究55 第三章 研究方法57 第一節 行動研究法57 第二節 研究場域65 第三節 研究團隊67 第四節 行動研究團隊成員之間的關係72 第五節 研究工具74 第六節 資料收集78 第七節 資料整理與分析步驟80 第八節 研究步驟與過程83 第九節 研究倫理85 第十節 研究品質87 第四章 研究結果91 第一節 發現問題階段91 第二節 澄清情境階段103 第三節 發展行動階段113 第四節 採取行動階段125 第五節 評估結果階段165 第五章 研究討論179 第一節 本研究之行動研究如何促進學校系統合作79 第二節 後現代思維的學校系統合作187 第三節 教師作為反思團隊進行諮商之相關議題194 第四節 運用反思團隊之諮商歷程議題215 第五節 學生運動員的輔導需求220 第六章 結論、限制與建議227 第七章 研究者的學習與反思233 參考文獻235 中文部分235 西文部分238 附錄249 附錄一 研究邀請函(學校系統人員版)249 附錄二 研究邀請函(受輔學生版)251 附錄三 研究參與者知情同意書252 附錄四 研究日誌255 附錄五 反思團隊(Reflecting Team)之介紹256

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