研究生: |
章家綺 Chang, Chia-Chi |
論文名稱: |
音樂會觀眾研究─以國家交響樂團與臺灣國樂團為例 Concert Audience Research ─ A Comparative Study on National Symphony Orchestra and National Chinese Orchestra |
指導教授: |
Hsia, Hsueh-Li |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
表演藝術研究所 Graduate Institute of Performing Arts |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 238 |
中文關鍵詞: | 音樂會觀眾 、國家交響樂團 、臺灣國樂團 、表演藝術 、生活型態 、文化消費 |
英文關鍵詞: | audience, National Symphony Orchestra(NSO), National Chinese Orchestra (NCO), performing arts, lifestyle, cultural consumption |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204711 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:417 下載:38 |
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欲了解交響樂團與國樂團音樂會的觀眾之特性與差異,本研究以量化(quantitative research)問卷調查,以及質化(qualitative research)文獻探討與深度訪談研究方式,比較在臺灣同為國家級樂團──國家交響樂團與臺灣國樂團,從生活型態差異、觀賞動機與人口統計變數,了解樂團音樂會觀眾的個人背景與特質,對於表演藝術消費與行銷上所產生的影響,並與樂團的執行人員以及樂團經營之專家學者進行訪談,針對臺灣國家級樂團的發展情況、觀眾開發與行銷手法提供經驗與看法。公設樂團亦是國家文化實力的展現,不管是交響樂團或是國樂團都是有高度專業需求的單位,希望透過本研究能更熟知臺灣兩國家級樂團之音樂會觀眾特性,並就公設樂團在市場上的分眾與結合之可能性、樂團的觀眾培養發展、行銷手法與策略給予建議。
Cultural policy of Music Industry in Taiwan government established three National-Level Orchestras, including symphony orchestra and Chinese orchestra types. The orchestra takes responsibility of promoting music education and interacting of international culture. In order to understand difference of audiences between three National-level Orchestras, this study uses both quantitative and qualitative research methods to compare with National Symphony Orchestra (NSO) and National Chinese Orchestra (NCO).
To realize impact of performing arts consumption and marketing, discussing factors include lifestyle, demographics and motivation of participating. Beside, this study solve subject of realizing audience characteristics by individual depth interviewing. We inquired some questions by administrators in orchestra and expert of performing art filed which include audience developing, operating planning and marketing strategy. Finally, we provide suggestions of probability of market segment and combining strategy, education and development of orchestra’s audience.
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