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研究生: 李佳芠
論文名稱: 新莊模具產業生產網絡之轉型
指導教授: 王文誠
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 92
中文關鍵詞: 新莊模具產業全球價值鏈治理區域資產
英文關鍵詞: Sinjhuang, Model industry, the governance of global value chains, relational assets
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:308下載:0
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  • 本文關注新莊模具產業於大陸開放投資後,區域產業如何調適的過程。本研究以全球價值鏈治理與區域資產觀點探討,地方行動者在面對產業環境轉變,如何調整既有的生產制度;區域資產如何支持其生產制度之轉變,以了解新莊模具產業在兩岸跨界生產的調適過程,及產業空間的內涵轉變。本研究以半結構訪談方式,共訪談17家廠商、1家資訊業者。研究結果顯示:第一、在調適的過程中,模具生產鏈由大量外包轉為垂直整合型,產品生產鏈朝向統包型供應商,作為回應產業環境轉變與區域重構。第二、新莊工業地域鄰近大台北資訊業者的研發部門,有利進行產品及模具研發的活動;透過行動者積極地向多方廠商與學術機構互動,技術創新得以產生;在地方中,透過「舊三重埔式」的學習方式將模具的經驗流傳下來,同時藉由地方的關係網絡將技術擴散,促進區域的集體學習,在上述的空間鄰近性、技術創新、關係網絡的互動之下,形成新莊特有的資產。最後,生產鏈結與區域資產的互動,改變新莊模具產業的生產制度及技術學習軌跡,得以在兩岸跨界生產中扮演研發與創新的基地。

    This paper aims to elucidate the process of transformation of model industry in Sinjhuang, after Mainland China opens its investment market. In order to understand the process of adjustment and inner transformation of industrial space of the model industry, the analysis is conducted basing on the theory of the governance of global value chains and relational assets This paper adopts Semistructured Interviews to obtain samples which consists of 17 model companies, 1 information-technology company. In response to environmental change, the value chain of model transformed from relational type to quasi-hierarchy type, and the value chain of products transformed from relational type to modular type. The proximity to Greater Taipei Area facilitates the innovation, promoted by cooperation between Sinjhuang’s model companies and IT industry in Taipei area. The intensive interactions between multi-type companies and academic organizations galvanize the innovation of technique. Furthermore,through the "Old-Sanchong" learning process the experience of model is handed down,and the regional relational-network enhances the sharing of technique and tacit knowledge, and gives rises to collective learning. The interaction between value chain and relational assets transforms the system of production and pattern of gaining tacit knowledge of Sinjhuang’s model industry. The benefit gained during transformation bolsters its position as a hotbed of innovation.

    第一章 緒論............. 1 1-1 研究動機............. 1 1-2 研究目的............. 3 1-3 研究概要............. 4 1-4 研究範圍與產業概況..... 4 第二章 文獻回顧........... 7 2-1 研究架構............. 7 2-2 全球價值鏈治理........ 10 2-3 區域資產............. 13 第三章 研究方法........... 16 3-1 資料收集方法.......... 16 3-2 模具產業的發展歷程..... 19 第四章 新莊模具產業生產網絡轉變 33 4-1 1980年代生產鏈運作.... 33 4-2 2002年後生產鏈之轉變.. 47 4-3 新莊的區域優勢....... 71 第五章 結論.............. 86 5-1 研究發現............. 86 5-2 研究發現與理論觀點的關連性 87 5-3 研究限制............. 88 參考文獻................. 89

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