研究生: |
秦啟光 Qin, Qi-Guang |
論文名稱: |
「縣管校聘」背景下大陸鄉村教師流動場域邏輯之個案研究 A case study of the field logic behind rural teacher mobility under the “Xian Guan Xiao Pin” policy in Mainland China |
指導教授: |
Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon |
口試委員: |
Zhang, Jian-Chang 許殷宏 Xu, Yin-Hong 卯靜儒 Mao, Chin-Ju 沈姍姍 Shen, Shan-Shan 甄曉蘭 Chen, Hsiao-Lan Sharon |
口試日期: | 2022/06/07 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 232 |
中文關鍵詞: | 中國大陸 、縣管校聘 、鄉村教師 、流動場域 、場域邏輯 、個案研究 |
英文關鍵詞: | Mainland China, Xian Guan Xiao Pin, Rural Teacher, Mobility Field, Field logic, Case Study |
研究方法: | 調查研究 、 個案研究法 、 觀察研究 、 文件分析法 、 深度訪談法 、 內容分析法 、 半結構式訪談法 、 田野調查法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200734 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:218 下載:22 |
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Based on Bourdieu’s Field Theory, this study focuses on the logic of the field where rural teacher mobility is viewed as a social space. It is aimed to explore the logic of this field through qualitative case study of Wu-Cheng County in Mainland China under the policy of “Xian Guan Xiao Pin”, which means teachers are employed by schools, but managed by local government. Research methods such as observation, in-depth interview and document analysis were applied for data collection. In order to capture teacher’s intention for switching schools and the teacher turnover rate, a questionnaire survey was conducted among all school administrators and teachers in Wu-Cheng rural schools. For validation process, the researcher collected and analyzed data from multiple sources, including the national policy, the education administrative system, the rural schools, views from principals and teachers of urban and rural schools. Based on the analysis of the aforementioned data, the findings of this study are as follows:
1. In the formation of the rural teacher mobility field, the State implements the mobility policy which embodied a logic of control. Therefore, the field becomes a controlled unit by the State, which is a mixture of status, discourse, operation of the mechanism and so on.
2. After the implementation of “Xian Guan Xiao Pin” policy, the migration of rural teacher in Wu-Cheng features three main characters: First, the policy did not fulfill the intended goal to encourage urban teacher to relocate to rural school. Secondly, attrition of the outstanding staffs in rural school become more serious than before. Finally, the imbalance of teachers’ allocation between urban and rural schools become more prominent.
3. As the State urbanized as a result, the discrepancy between urban and rural schools even increased more in this county. During the process, the outstanding staffs of the rural schools become the key subject of the movers.
4. The practice of rural teachers in the field followed the rules of the field, however, the determined driving force behind their mobility intention were mainly from family, especially involves parenting. Thus, the individual choices revealed the independent logic characterized by rationality different from the logic of State control.
The rural teacher mobility field in China has a contradicted logic resulted from the tension between personal choice and government control, which make it different from Bourdieu’s perspective on the logic of field. And the changes of the field logic are caused by the effects of “Field Agents” as well as the co-construction from divergent fields, such as family, working environment, and etc. Further, the difference between Chinese and Western social structure provide a context to foster such changes. Therefore, the researcher refers to Bourdieusien field as “Hierarchical Field” and the field in China as “Prioritized Field”. In Prioritized Field, the individuals are self-interested in their mobility. Subsequently, a new concept of capital was identified by this study. The researcher referred the power capital in Bourdieusien field as “Homologous capital”, while the new concept of capital in China, viewed from perspective of agency, referred as “Heterologous capital” that represents the driving forces of individual self-interested practice.
There is a long-stand contradiction between policy goals and mobility reality in the field. That is, the rural teachers tends to move toward city while the policy aims to bridge the educational equality between urban and rural. This study points out that referring to the perspective of the field (also understanding the logic of the field) can better explain the above mentioned contradiction. Basically, the moral discourse advocated by modern State is difficult to be fully accepted by individuals in Prioritized Field. And the social differences between China and the West is deep rooted in this contradiction of the rural teacher mobility field. At last, this study concludes that:
1. The policy of “Xian Guan Xiao Pin” intensifies rural teacher’s migration toward city.
2. The logic of the rural teacher mobility field has two kinds of tensions, which makes it different from Bourdiuesien field logic.
3. The rural teacher’s migration towards city reflects a traditional Chinese cultural value manifested in the process modernization.
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