研究生: |
葉季蓉 |
論文名稱: |
國中生幽默欣賞類型、幽默風格與創造能力、創造傾向之研究 A Study on the Types of Humor Appreciation, Humor Styles, Creative Ability, and Creative Tendency of Junior-high School Students in Taipei. |
指導教授: | 陳學志 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
創造力發展碩士在職專班 Continuing Education Master's Program of Creativity Development |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 154 |
中文關鍵詞: | 幽默欣賞類型 、幽默風格 、創造能力 、創造傾向 |
英文關鍵詞: | Types of humor appreciation, Humor styles, Creative ability, Creative tendency |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:365 下載:45 |
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This study aims to understand the contents of types of humor appreciation, humor styles, creative ability and creative tendency of junior high school students, and the relationship of these four.Researcher used The Questionnaire of Humor Appreciation and Yi-Chen Ho’s HSQ-TW, and The New Tests of Creative Thinking, and The Creativity Aptitude Scale for Junior High School Students to acquire the data of types of humor appreciation, humor styles, creative ability and creative tendency of 710 junior high school students in Taipei. Research data are analyzed by Descriptive Statistics, Analysis of Variance, Analysis of Correlation and Analysis of Regression. The results were:
1. There were no significant grade differences on types of humor appreciation.
2. Junior high school students with different grade showed significantly differences in the scores of humor styles. Eight-grade and nine-grade students showed significantly higher aggressive humor than seven-grade students. nine-grade students showed significantly higher self-defeating humor than seven-grade students. There were no significantly grade differences in affiliative humor and self-enhancing humor.
3. Junior high school students with different gender showed significantly differences in the scores of types of humor appreciation. Male students showed significantly higher type of aggressive humor and type of sexual humor than female students. There was no significantly gender differences in type of ambiguous humor.
4. Junior high school students with different gender showed significantly differences in the scores of humor styles. Male junior high school students showed significantly higher self-enhancing humor and aggressive humor than female students. There were no significantly gender differences in affiliative humor and self-defeating humor.
5. Junior high school students’ types of humor appreciation and humor styles have no significant prediction to their creative ability.
6. Junior high school students’ types of humor appreciation and humor styles have significant prediction to their creative tendency, especially students with type of self-enhancing humor, affiliative humor, aggressive humor and self-defeating humor have the most prediction.
According to the major findings of this research, author gave some suggestions for educational consultation and further studies in the future.
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