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研究生: 蘇信滿
Sue, sing-maan Su
論文名稱: 國中英語教學光碟評鑑與應用:以康軒、南一、佳音版本為例
A Software Evaluation Project of Instructional CD-ROMs for Junior High School English ---Products of Kang-hsuan, Nan-i, and Joy
指導教授: 周中天
Chou, Chung-Tien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 111
中文關鍵詞: 電腦輔助教學教學光碟評鑑應用
英文關鍵詞: CALL, Instructional CD-ROMs, Evaluation, Application
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:509下載:14
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  • 中文摘要

    由於教育當局的大力推廣及家長、學生的強烈需求下,教師們感受到「資訊融入英語教學」的急迫性。 應用教學光碟於課堂上是實施「資訊融入英語教學」的方法之一。此項教學軟體可將課本的內容以多媒體方式呈現,提供各種練習活動,並增加學生自學機會和老師上課的多樣性;但依據觀察,教師們很少在課堂上使用,似乎對光碟軟體的選擇與應用有困難。因此本研究希望能提出一份有效且實用的評估標準供忙碌的教師們評選適當的教學光碟軟體。依據此評估表,分析康軒、南一、佳音三個版本教學光碟的優缺點並討論如何將光碟內容應用在日常教學上。


    The advancement of computer technology has dramatically changed students’ learning styles as well as teachers’ instructional modes. In addition, with the implementation of the Nine-Year Integrated Curriculum in August 2002 in junior high school, the textbook market liberalization policy gives English teachers the power to select textbooks for their students. To meet fierce competition among competitors, textbook publishers have offered many teaching aids for teachers to use in class, including the newly developed instructional CD-ROMs.
    Teachers today are urged to use multimedia materials to teach English under the suggestion of educational administrations and the strong encouragement of parents and students. One of the implementations of computer technology is using CD-ROMs in language class. This kind of multimedia presentation of the textbook materials offers a variety of activities to increase students’ self-learning opportunities and diversify teachers’ teaching modes. However, teachers seldom use them in class. The main reason may be that teachers are unfamiliar with the computer or the software, uncertain of the evaluation process and implications involved.
    The aims of this study are thus to propose a set of practical evaluation criteria for busy teachers to choose the most suitable software. Based on a set of chosen criteria, this study will also assess Kang Hsuan, Nani, and Joy CD-ROMs and discuss ways to implement them in language classes.
    The three CD-ROMs have their own special designs. Nani’s program is unique in its simplicity and multimedia presentation, which provides a novel experience to students. In the reading section of Joy’s software, a series of short stories ‘Tom N Huck’ stimulate students’ interest. Furthermore, it has the design of recording and printing the user’s performance. Kang Hsuan’s CD-ROM provides many instructional activities, intuitive functions that students can operate, and games designed especially for group work. It deserves to be called ‘a good teacher’s helping hand in class’. Nevertheless, there are still space for improvement, which includes limited vocabulary introduction, drill practice, lack of authoring ability, no dictionary, insufficient tracking system, lack of downloadable designs and insufficient practice in speaking due to the lack of Speech Recognition Technology (SRT).
    Finally, based on the findings of the study, some pedagogical suggestions are provided for teachers, school administrators, and software developers. English teachers may integrate multimedia software into their curricula. School administrations may try their best to offer adequate computer facilities and construct “a self-learning center” to assist the development of integrating technology into English teaching and learning. Software developers should add more practical and newly developed technology to their CD-ROMs.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter One: Introduction 1 1.1 Computer Assisted Language Learning 1 1.1.1 The History of CALL 2 1.2 Application of CALL 3 1.2.1 SLA and CALL 4 1.2.2 Teamwork in CALL classroom 4 Computers 5 Teachers 6 Learners 8 Administrators 9 1.3 Current EFL Context in Junior High School 9 1.3.1 Opening the Choice for Textbooks 10 1.3.2 Problems of Current EFL Context in Junior High School 11 1.4 Purpose of the Study 14 1.5 Research Questions 15 1.6 Organization of the Study 16 Chapter Two: Literature Review 17 2.1 Computer-Assisted Language Learning 18 2.1.1 The Role of Computers 18 2.1.2 Users’ Cognitive Process in CALL 20 Input 21 Output 21 Interaction 22 2.1.3 Characteristics of Instructional Multimedia CALL: User Interface 23 2.2 Issues on Instructional Software Evaluation 25 2.2.1 Formative and summative evaluation 25 Formative Evaluation 25 Ayersman’s checklist 26 Hagar’s formative evaluation form 26 Discussion 27 The Process of Summative Interactive Multimedia CD-ROM Evaluation 28 2.2.2 Two perspectives of evaluation: Judgmental and Empirical 29 Reviews of Instructional Multimedia CD-ROMs 30 2.2.3 Difficulties of Evaluating CALL 32 2.3 Criteria and Checklists of Instructional CD-ROM Evaluation 33 2.3.1 Criteria of language instructional material: Textbook 34 2.3.2 Criteria and checklists of General Instructional Multimedia CD-ROM Evaluation 35 General Criteria and Guidelines 35 Thorn’s Points: Evaluating Interactive Multimedia 35 K. Haugen’s Evaluation of Software for Young Learners 36 Dallas College’s CD-ROM Evaluation Criteria 37 Discussion 38 Guidelines and Checklists with Numerical System 39 J. Kerr’s Software Evaluation 40 UniServe’s Software Evaluation Form 40 Allen’s Online Software Evaluation Checklist 41 Discussion 41 2.3.3 Criteria and checklists of ESL CD-ROM Evaluation 42 General Criteria: Chapelle’s Criteria for Evaluating CALL 42 Checklists including technical aspect 43 Eastment’s Survey Review of CD-ROM Materials 44 GSL 520 CALL ESL Software Evaluation Form 44 Chang, Sheng Yong’s Checklist 45 Ioannou-Georgiou’s Selecting Software for Language Classes 46 Discussion 48 2.3.4 Summary 49 Chapter Three: Research Design and Methodology 53 3.1 Research Design 53 3.1.1 Method 54 3.1.2 Object of Evaluation 54 3.1.3 Instrument 55 3.2 Data Collection and Analysis 56 3.3 Pilot Testing 57 3.4 Evaluation Procedure 59 3.4.1 Description of Objects: Three Junior High School CD-ROMs, Book One 60 Chapter Four: Findings and Discussion 63 4.1 The Analysis of Findings of the Evaluation and Discussions 63 4.1.1 Technical Criteria 64 Installation and Navigation 64 Interface 65 Structure activities 66 Help options and Teacher support 66 Authoring ability 67 4.1.2 Methodological Criteria 70 Compatibility of Methodology 70 Software Aim 71 Feedback 72 Authenticity 74 Classroom Set-up 75 Comprehensible Input 75 Comprehensible Output 76 Data Input: Accepting a Variety of Responses 76 Meaningful Use 77 4.1.3 Pedagogical Criteria 79 Curriculum Compatibility 79 Effectiveness 79 Motivation Enhancing 80 Learner Suitability 80 Variety of Activities 81 Non-threatening 82 Variety of Learning Modes 82 Branching 82 4.1.4 Summary 84 4.2 Discussions of the Application of Junior High School CD-ROM titles 86 4.2.1 Dialogue 89 4.2.2 Reading 90 4.2.3 Vocabulary 91 4.2.4 Pronunciation 92 4.2.5 Grammar 93 4.2.6 Chant and song 94 4.2.7 Games 94 4.2.8 Test 95 4.2.9 Summary 97 Chapter Five: Suggestions and Conclusion 101 5.1 Summary of the Study 101 5.2 The Limitations of the Study 105 5.3 Suggestions 106 5.3.1 For Language Teachers 106 5.3.2 For Educational or School Administration 107 5.3.3 For Software Developers 108 5.4 Suggestions for Further Studies 110 5.5 Conclusion 110 Software Reference ii Bibliography iii Appendix 1 xiv List of Tables Table 2-1 Four Aspects of evaluating instructional multimedia CD-ROMs……… 38 Table 2-2 Four Aspects of evaluating instructional multimedia CD-ROMs……… 42 Table 2-3 Questions for judgmental analysis of CALL appropriateness…..…...…. 42 Table 2-4 Five Aspects of evaluating instructional multimedia CD-ROMs…….... 49 Table 4-1 Data of Evaluation of three Junior High School CD-ROM Titles in Technical Criteria…………………………………………………………… 68 Table 4-2 Data of Evaluation of three Junior High School CD-ROM Titles in Methodological Criteria…………………….……………… ………….77 Table 4-3 Data of Evaluation of three Junior High School CD-ROM Titles in Pedagogical Criteria…………………………………………………….83 Table 4-4 Data of Evaluation of three Junior High School CD-ROM Titles in instructional sections……………………………...…………………….96

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