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研究生: 尚法諾
Robert Sean Farnon
論文名稱: 艾倫‧金斯堡〈嚎叫〉及〈卡第绪〉中 失敗的真摯性
Failed Authenticity in Allen Ginsberg's “Howl” and “Kaddish”
指導教授: 狄亞倫
Deveson, Aaron
口試委員: 曾思旭
Prystash, Justin
Deveson, Aaron
Benjamin J. Heal
Benjamin J. Heal
口試日期: 2023/01/13
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 74
中文關鍵詞: 真摯性閾限狀態艾倫‧金斯堡〈嚎叫〉猶太性〈卡第绪〉
英文關鍵詞: authenticity, liminality, Allen Ginsberg, “Howl”, Jewishness, “Kaddish”
研究方法: Primary Textual AnalysisSecondary textual Analysis
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300271
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:159下載:17
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  • 摘要

    This thesis explores the meanings and textual experiences of Ginsberg’s two most famous poems––poems that helped to define his generation in twentieth-century American literary culture. As this thesis argues, these texts are significant for the way they express the effects of a failed claim to authenticity arising in part from a mythologizing form of nationalistic ideology. I wish to show that instead of endorsing a divisive individualism, Ginsberg’s expansive poetic structures expose official (white Protestant) American culture to heterogeneous memory and discursive material arising within its own borders. This poetic mode of exposure undermines dominant American claims to authenticity based on a reifying nationalism.
    Chapter One looks at why American nationalism was so problematic for Ginsberg by exploring how Ginsberg’s liminality shapes his critique of America in “Howl,” and how the issues of nationalism are presented through juxtaposing Shoah imageries from Europe with an American exposition of its own drama. Ginsberg’s work seeks to redress and revise the putative authenticity of America by gathering in unacknowledged voices from the American historical narrative and by drawing attention to minority expressions of American life.
    In Chapter Two my focus is on Ginsberg’s poetic reckoning with the failure of much more personal forms of perceived authenticity in his poem “Kaddish.” These forms are problematized through the contexts of mental health evaluation and the role of motherhood and as part of a deconstruction of the Jewish prayer of mourning. Carrying the weight of his mother’s legacy, Ginsberg approaches historical Judaism’s formal rituals more directly in “Kaddish” than in “Howl.” In this later work, the poet reconfigures relations between traditional religious authority and his own spiritual authenticity in a way that holds out the possibility of a reconstitutive way of being in the world but which also risks failure in terms of his own authenticity.

    Table of Contents Introduction Ginsberg, and the Beats 1 Authenticity and the Beats 6 Ginsberg and Authenticity 14 General Aims 19 Chapter One Claims to Authenticity: “Howl” and America 21 The Shoah in America: Liminal Authenticity 29 [H]ydrogen jukebox”: Explosive Dissonance 37 Chapter Two Ginsberg’s Naomi: Claims to Authenticity 42 Ginsberg’s Deconstructed “Kaddish” 51 Dissolution of the Ideal 56 Conclusion 68 Works Cited 71

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