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研究生: 蘇文鈴
Wenling Su
論文名稱: 華語課堂師生提問研究
A study on verbal interaction in a CSL setting: questioning among teachers and their students
指導教授: 葉德明
Yeh, Teh-Ming
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 110
中文關鍵詞: 華語教學語言互動教師提問學習者提問
英文關鍵詞: teaching Chinese as a second language, verbal interaction, teacher questions, student questions
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:719下載:291
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  • 本文試圖以一小型課堂觀察研究揭示華語課堂裡的師生提問特色,學習者的語言程度為本研究設定的變數。面對不同語言程度的學習者,教師如何調整提問功能與形式以適應學習者未臻完美的語言程度並引發語言互動。語言程度不同的學習者所使用的提問功能與形式又如何幫助他們取得可理解的輸入與輸出並尋求新信息。本研究進入課堂觀察師生提問的語言特徵,並以Long and Sato(1983)的提問功能分類系統與漢語疑問句形式分類做為互動分析之本。研究發現不論學習者語言程度為何,教師提問數量比學習者多,但是學習者語言程度越高,教師提問逐漸減少,學習者提問逐漸增多。學習者的語言程度越低,教師使用越多信息提問,學習者語言程度越高,教師使用信息提問的數量並沒有隨之增加。學習者的語言程度越低,教師使用越多教學提問。學習者的語言程度越低,教師與學習者使用越少回應性提問;學習者的語言程度越高,教師與學習者使用越多回應性提問。隨著學習者語言程度提高,教師使用特指問句的比例降低。學習者語言程度越高,教師使用越多選擇問句;學習者語言程度越低,教師使用越少選擇問句。觀察發現學習者語言程度越高,學習者並未使用越多特指問句。學習者並未隨著語言程度提高使用越少是非問句。初級班與高級班學習者並不使用選擇問句,中級班學習者出現頻率亦十分低。本論文希望基於此觀察發現提出教學建議,祈使華語教師能有效使用此教學工具。

    The study is based on the classroom research approach. The purpose is to discover the use of questioning among teachers and their students in a setting of teaching Chinese as a second language. The present study is interested in what functions and forms of questions teachers use to elicit verbal interactions in the classroom. Also the present research is interested in what functions and forms of questions students use to help themselves seek for new information and negotiate meaning. Student language proficiency is the variable of the observation. The category system developed by Long and Sato(1983)is adopted to analyse the functions of questions. The Chinese interrogative system is adopted to analyse the forms of questions. The results reveal that no matter what student proficiency levels are teacher questions outnumber student questions. However、students with higher language proficiency ask more questions and their teachers tend to ask fewer questions. Teachers teaching a class with a lower proficiency level ask more referential questions. The numbers of teacher’s referential questions do not increase with the increase of student proficiency levels. Teachers teaching a class with lower proficiency level tend to ask more display questions. Besides、teachers and students ask fewer echoic questions in a class with a lower proficiency level. With the increser of student proficiency level、teachers and students ask more echoic questions. Teachers ask fewer question-word questions and ask more disjunctive questions with the increase of student proficiency levels. Learners with higher proficiency do not ask more question-word questions and do not limit the use of particle question. Disjunctive questions do not appear in basic and advanced classes. It’s also rarely asked in intermediate class. The study proposes some padegogical suggestions in the hope that teachers can use questions in their classroom in a more efficent way.

    目錄...................................................... i 表目錄...................................................iii 圖目錄....................................................iv 第一章 緒論.................................................1 第一節 研究動機.............................................1 第二節 研究目的與假設........................................3 第三節 研究範圍與重要述語釋義.................................5 一、研究範圍................................................5 二、重要述語釋義........................................... 6 第四節 論文架構.............................................7 第二章 文獻回顧.............................................8 第一節 溝通能力...........................................8 一、第二語言教室特徵.........................................8 二、課堂溝通能力............................................10 三、互動協商...............................................13 四、教師語.................................................15 五、語言鷹架...............................................16 第二節 提問的語言形式與功能..................................18 一、現代漢語疑問句系統......................................18 二、提問的功能分類..........................................21 第三節 相關研究成果.........................................25 一、Long and Sato (1983)..................................25 二、Brock (1986)..........................................26 三、Pica and Long(1986)..................................26 四、金兌珍 (2004)..........................................27 五、陳純音(2006).........................................29 六、Skilton and Meyer(1993)..............................30 第四節 小結 ...............................................32 第三章 研究方法............................................33 第一節 研究方法的選擇.......................................33 第二節 研究設計............................................35 第三節 研究對像........................................... 37 第四節 資料處理............................................41 一、錄音轉寫細節............................................41 二、分類系統...............................................41 三、研究資料效度............................................43 第四章 研究發現............................................44 第一節 課堂提問............................................44 第二節 提問功能............................................46 一、教師提問功能分佈........................................46 二、學習者提問功能分佈......................................52 三、課堂提問功能描述........................................56 1. 教學提問................................................56 2. 信息提問...............................................60 3. 理解檢查................................................70 4. 澄清請求...............................................71 5. 確認檢查................................................76 6. 表達性提問..............................................80 7. 修辭性提問..............................................80 8. 贅言性提問..............................................81 第三節 提問形式............................................85 一、教師提問形式分佈........................................85 二、學習者提問形式分佈......................................87 三、提問功能與形式對應關係...................................91 1. 教師提問功能與形式的對應關係..............................91 2. 學習者提問功能與形式對應關係..............................95 第四節 觀察小結...........................................100 第五章 結論...............................................101 第一節 研究結果...........................................101 第二節 教學建議...........................................103 一、教師語的控制..........................................103 二、課堂活動多樣化.........................................105 三、教師應提高提問意識.....................................106 第三節 研究限制與展望......................................107 附錄.....................................................108 參考文獻

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