研究生: |
簡菲莉 |
論文名稱: |
臺北市立高級中學新任校長學校領導相關問題與因應策略之研究 |
指導教授: |
Wang, Li-Yun |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 138 |
中文關鍵詞: | 新任校長 、校長領導 、領導策略 |
英文關鍵詞: | newly appointed principal, the leadership of a principal, leadership strategy |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:305 下載:18 |
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現行高中學制除傳統的普通高中外,另有含國中部的完全高中及含技職課程的綜合高中;三者教育理念縱使相同,但學生組成、教師專長、學校課程與升學目標等各異。且臺北市近三年公立高中新任校長背景調查資料顯示,有2/3的新任校長係由國中校長轉任。因此,高中校長在轉任別校,成為新任校長時,其在舊學校的領導方式,是否適用於新學校情境,是每一位新學校組織成員所關切的事情。事實上,對新任校長而言,如何在新組織文化中,建立學校成員能夠接受的領導風格,成為上任後的一大挑戰。本研究目的是透過問卷調查與訪談資料彙整,對高中新任校長學校領導提供具體建議。希望提供台北市立高中新任校長,面對新任階段的學校領導,有一廣泛性的參考策略。本研究分三階段進行,分別是1.先依據文獻、專家建議及資深校長的實際訪談結果,將學校領導問題分為校務領導、行政領導、政策執行、課程領導、教學領導、公共關係、支援網絡、領導變革八種類型。2. 使用研究者自製的臺北市立高級中學新任校長學校領導相關問題與因應策略,針對台北市立高中校長進行全面普查與抽樣訪談。3.依據問卷統計與訪談分析,歸納出新任高中校長在此八個面向之問題與解決策略。研究結果提出高中新任校長各項領導任務的重要性、困難度及執行時間排序之分析,結論則為校長應重視新任期間領導成功的重要性,並為新任時期的領導任務及早進行準備。最後提供教育局及新任校長具體之建議,以利高中校長領導轉換時期學校領導任務之推動與成功。
In Taiwan, the existing high school system includes (1) academic senior high schools, (2) complete high schools that are composed of junior high and senior high schools, and (3) comprehensive high schools that provide technical and vocational courses. Though sharing the same educational philosophy and beliefs, they are different in student qualities, teacher expertise, school curricula and goals. A research about the background of the new principals in public high school over the past three years shows that two-thirds of the new principals used to head junior high schools. When a principal transfers to another school, every member in the new school shows great concern about whether the old leading style of that new principal would be suitable for their context. In fact, for the new principal, how to establish a leading style that is compatible with the new organizational culture presents a big challenge. This research aims to provide general strategies and practical advice on school leadership for new high school principals through questionnaire and survey. This research consists of three stages: (1) According to literature reviews, experts’ suggestions and interviews of veteran principals, the school leadership is divided into eight different categories: school leadership, administration leadership, policy leadership, curriculum leadership, teaching leadership, public relation, networking and change leading. (2) Based on the self-designed questionnaire with questions focusing on leadership and strategies of new principals in high schools, a general survey is conducted and interviews are sampled. (3) Data collected from the survey and interviews are analyzed. It is concluded that new principals should put a great emphasis on the initiative stage of the school leadership when transferring to a new school. They should be prepared for the new tasks in advance as well. Feasible suggestions and strategies are provided in the last chapter for Taipei City Educational Department and the new high-school principals with a view to helping promote successful high school leadership.
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