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研究生: 張召雅
論文名稱: 運用實踐社群於教保場域之行動研究
An Action Research on Applying Community of Practice in the Field of Early Childhlood Education and Care
指導教授: 林育瑋
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 207
中文關鍵詞: 實踐社群社群領導者專業成長省思行動研究
英文關鍵詞: community of practice, the leader of community, professional development, reflection, action research
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:545下載:12
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  • 本研究者憧憬實踐社群之社群學習型態,因此以行動研究方式,從本研究者擔任指導教師之幼保系友會中邀請夥伴組成核心成員,核心成員多為資深園所長或主管。期能促發社群夥伴協力關係,以能共同領導,因此共同決定以行動讀書會展開實踐社群之互動,並開放給有興趣之系友參與。




    Longing for the learning style of community of practice, the researcher invited core members from the alumni association in the Department of Early Childhood Education and Care, Minghsin University of Science and Technology, who are mainly experienced heads of kindergartens or day care centers. This study adopted action research method in order to develop cooperative relationship of members as co-leaders in the community of practice. By co-decision, the members started the interaction of community of practice in the way of action reading group and they were open to anyone who was interested.

    The strategies of operating the community included: reading books about action practice or management, brainstorming action ideas for the kindergartens and day care centers, asking questions to stimulate reflection, and proposing action projects which could help members to take actions at their work sites. There were affective activities to improve the feeling of comfort and trust in the community. In addition, an internet forum was built for members to exchange mutual reflection. Any loss of members in the community was due to different individual needs, identity and value.

    The abundant sharing from members in the process of the reading group included: the practical strategies and methods in the field of early childhood education and care, the reflective dialogues about reading contents, and the affective memories or life experience. The difficulty in the process included: the internet forum was hard to maintain because the members were limited in skill in writing on internet; and the companions were not easy to show the depth in reflective process of action because of their busyness at work sites.

    The members of the community met a lot of difficulties from their environments during the study period. The researcher played multiple roles as companion’s caregiver, community service provider, key knowledge interpreter and action inspirer. The community has being operated for more than two years and is still running. The empowerment of individual practice was related to professional reflection. Following the rhythm of the community, the core value was infused to build up common vision and enhance the action power.

    目錄 i 表次 iii 圖次 iv 附錄 v 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景 2 第二節 研究動機與目的 4 第三節 研究方法與範圍 7 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 變遷社會下社群學習之必要 9 第二節 實踐社群之內涵 13 第三節 實踐社群中提升教保專業成長之方式與挑戰 25 第三章 研究設計 33 第一節 研究方法與研究架構 33 第二節 研究對象 35 第三節 研究場域 39 第四節 研究時程 41 第五節 資料蒐集與分析 42 第四章 行動歷程 47 第一節 以愛與無悔為行動記憶的織針 47 第二節 從現成的社群找到行動的入口 48 第三節 以幼保系友組成實踐社群之規劃 50 第四節 以幼保系友之讀書會為實踐社群之文本 57 第五章 研究發現與結論 115 第一節 教保實踐社群之內涵 116 第二節 教保實踐社群之運作策略 131 第三節 教保實踐社群之挑戰 141 第四節 教保實踐社群領導者之角色 152 第五節 教保實踐社群之成效 160 第六節 研究結論、限制與建議 173 參考書目 176 表 目 錄 表2-2-1 教保實踐社群檢核表 18 表2-2-2 教保社群領導人之特質、角色、責任與功能一覽表 20 表2-2-3 有效經營的實踐社群之重要原則與具體措施一覽表 24 表2-3-1 在職教師階段的專業發展活動型態 29 表2-3-2 實踐社群之四大關鍵挑戰一覽表 30 表3-2-1 讀書會社群參與者出席次數一覽表 38 表3-3-1 社群成員互動網區架構 40 表3-4-1讀書會社群各期閱讀選書與行動方向摘要表 41 表3-5-1 研究蒐集資料方式與內容摘要一覽表 42 表3-5-2 研究資料之編碼與說明 45 表4-2-1 讀書會類型檢核表 50 表4-4-1 讀書會社群各期發展狀況 58 表5-3-1 幼保系友讀書會社群各階段目標一覽表 148 圖 目 錄 圖2-2-1 學習的社會理論之構成要素圖 16 圖3-1-1 運用實踐社群於教師專業發展的基本架構 34 圖5-2-1「行動讀書會」運作之基本架構圖 131 圖5-2-2 團體動力運作模式 132 附 錄 附錄一 研究資料分析實例 186 附錄二 讀書會選讀資源、導讀者、取材類型、內容主題一覽表 187 附錄三 社群第一次讀書會學習單 188 附錄四 社群夥伴腦力激盪:「讀書會」點子庫 189 附錄五 社群夥伴個人教保心願:打開心願寶盒 190 附錄六 行動故事:莫拉克風災募款小故事 192 附錄七 行動故事:說一個帶給你幼教力量的故事 194 附錄八 社群讀書會運作中具有實務性之實例一覽表 196 附錄九 行動故事:為紙風車319鄉戲劇演出募款記 201 附錄十 讀書會講義:正向心理學 205 附錄十一 社群幕後故事:嚴長壽簽書會心得 207

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