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研究生: 徐采薇
Hsu, Tsai-Wei
論文名稱: 在「祖國」與「偶像」之間:防彈少年團中國迷群的認同與劃界
Between Homeland and Idols:Identities and Boundary Work of BTS Fans in China
指導教授: 胡綺珍
Hu, Kelly
口試委員: 蔡如音
Tsai, Eva
KO, Yu-Fen
Hu, Kelly
口試日期: 2022/12/22
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 大眾傳播研究所
Graduate Institute of Mass Communication
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 151
中文關鍵詞: 防彈少年團中國粉絲國族主義劃界微博辱華
英文關鍵詞: BTS, Chinese fans, Nationalism, Boundary Work, Weibo, Insulting China
研究方法: 參與觀察法深度訪談法半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300011
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:291下載:73
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  • 中國繼2016年祭出不成文的「限韓令」後,近年韓星的「辱華爭議」也在中國社群平台「微博」頻繁上演,韓國知名男子團體防彈少年團(BTS)就是其中之一。該團體雖在全球取得空前成功,卻在2020年因沾惹上辱華爭議備受中國網友排斥,其在中國的粉絲群體「中國ARMY」同樣遭受「不愛國」指責。該研究所關照的核心議題,即是這群粉絲在面對辱華爭議、乃至眾多國族事件時,採取了哪些行動,以及如何在祖國與偶像間協商認同。





    After the Chinese government issued the unwritten “Korean restriction order” in 2016, in recent years, South Korean stars’ “China-insulting disputes” have also been frequently talked about on the Chinese community platform “Weibo”. The well-known South Korean boy band BTS is also involved in it. Although this band has achieved unprecedented success in the world, it was hated by Chinese netizens because of the controversy of insulting China in 2020, and its fandom “Chinese ARMY” was also criticized as “unpatriotic”. The core issue of this thesis is what actions these fans have taken in the face of China-insulting disputes and even other national affairs, and how they balance their sense of identity between their homeland and idols.

    This thesis uses the theory of identification and boundary work to explore how Chinese ARMY positioned themselves and identified others, and which discourse they constructed, when they confronted national disputes over idols under official restrictions and the atmosphere of network patriotism; and also how Chinese ARMY performed boundary work between loving the homeland and loving idols in offline idolatry and cyberspace (Weibo, Twitter), and which purpose to achieve.

    This study adopts “in-depth interviews” and “online field observation” as the research methods. The researcher interviews 11 Chinese ARMY members through Twitter, and observes the interviewees’ posts regarding the national affairs of BTS on Twitter and Weibo, as well as the opinion of most fans.

    In the study, it is found that while being identified, Chinese ARMY also identified “the other”, including rival fans, anti-fans, little pink, marketing accounts (yngshiauhaw) and normal netizens. They described “the other” as “irrational” and “blind”, thus positioning themselves as “rational” and “judgmental”. The boundary work includes three aspects, namely “between fans and idols”, “between fans”, and “in cyberspace”. Since the sense of identity is a dynamic process full of changes, there is more than one way to analyze the same thing through the boundary work.

    In addition, according to the observation of this study, some interviewees showed an awareness of resistance after a series of identifications and boundary work. They took the China-insulting disputes as an opportunity, migrated from Weibo to Twitter, and began to have the courage to talk about national issues and even criticize the Chinese government, rethinking the meaning of their homeland and idols.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究動機1 第二節 研究背景4     一、中國限韓令下受阻的K-pop4     二、防彈少年團作為文化載體6     三、社群中日常跨越國界的迷9 第二章 文獻回顧12 第一節 中韓關係對K-pop的影響12 一、1992中韓建交:韓流抵達中國12 二、2016薩德問題:限韓令下的韓流14 三、防彈少年團於中國的發展15 第二節 防彈少年團的政治性與國族身份19     一、跨國流動的K-pop文化19     二、防彈少年團重塑K-pop的政治性21     三、作為「韓國代表」的防彈少年團25 第三節 多重認同下的劃界27 一、中國國族認同28 (一)中國國族認同28 (二)當國族主義與韓流相遇31 二、重塑粉絲認同的劃界工作34 三、微博作為國族主義與粉絲活動的空間37 第三章 研究方法43 第一節 研究對象43 第二節 研究取徑48 一、深度訪談49 二、網路田野觀察51 第三節 研究問題53 第四章 中國ARMY的追星處境54 第一節 從正能量團體的粉絲到「不愛國」的腦殘粉54 第二節 指認「濫用愛國」的他者66 第三節 用「理性」定位自我73 第五章 中國ARMY的再進化84 第一節 粉絲與偶像間的劃界84 一、與偶像以「國族」求異85 二、與偶像以「亞洲」求同92 第二節 粉絲間的劃界98 一、中國ARMY之間以「平台」求異、以「國族」求同99 二、與外國ARMY以「國族」求異、以「偶像」求同105 第三節 網路空間的劃界109 一、從微博遷徙到Twitter109     二、以「國族」與「氛圍」劃界113     三、重返微博之後119 第六章 結論127 第一節 研究發現與貢獻127 一、研究發現127     二、研究貢獻137 第二節 研究限制與建議138 參考書目140

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