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研究生: 郭章儀
Chang-Yi Kuo
論文名稱: 金門地區水韭之形態與生態調查研究
The Study on the Morphology and Ecology of the quillwort in Kinmen
指導教授: 張永達
Chang, Yung-Ta
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
論文出版年: 2004
畢業學年度: 92
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 金門水韭形態保育
英文關鍵詞: Kinmen, quillwort, morphology, conservation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:340下載:2
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  • 近年於金門國家公園太武山區某處發現水韭群落,其來源不明,本研究運用植物形態學、解剖學、孢粉學等方法,以瞭解金門產水韭的特徵。研究發現金門產水韭的葉長約9至18公分,球莖2-3瓣,染色體數2n = 22,大孢子為散彎紋,250-310 μm;小孢子為刺紋,32-34 μm,與亞洲地區已知之水韭在形態上均不完全相同。另調查其棲地之物化因子,包括棲地地形、水質、光照、溫度等物化環境、共存植物及動物相等特徵,瞭解其與該水韭生長之相關性,結果顯示它的自然棲地範圍很小,且生態環境受氣候影響,經常改變,對水韭生長之不利因子主要為水量不穩定、水質之優養化及土壤有機質含量過多。此外本研究並評估移地保育之策略及可行性,及研擬水韭及其主要生境-溼地生態系之保育,比較移地保育及就地保育之技術、方法及優缺點,相關之研究結果可做為該物種保育及經營管理之參考。

    The quillwort(Isoetes sp.)was found in the Tai-Wu mountain area in Kinmen National Park, it’s original source is still unknown. In this study, the characteristic of this quillwort was studied by analyzing with morphology, anatomy and its spores. The results showed that the morphology of this quillwort is: leaf length between 9-18 cm, corm with 2-3 lobes and chromosomes are 2n =22. The quillwort has rugulate, 250-310 μm megaspores and echinate, 32-34 μm microspores. It revealed that the quillwort in Kinmen is different with others in neighbor area of Asia in morphology. The physical and chemical factors of its nature habitat were also investigated, including water quality, light intensity, temperature, and the characteristics of flora and fauna, which were compared with the growth of the quillwort for understanding the relationship. Its nature habitat is very small and ecological environment is often changed, which is easily affected by climate. The disadvantage to this quillwort was unstable water supply, eutrofication of water and too much organic substance in soil. For the conservation of the quillwort, the in-situ and ex-situ conservation method and technique were evaluated. The strategy of the conservation for the quillwort and its nature habitat was suggested. The results of this study could be the reference of the management for the conservation of the quillwort in Kinmen NationalPark.

    壹、前言……………………………………………………….…………1 一、 亞洲地區水韭的分類…...………………………………….… 1 二、 水韭生長的環境條件……………………………….………… 4 三、 研究背景…………………………………………….………… 8 貳、研究目的………………………………………………….….……..10 參、材料與方法…………………………………………………………11 肆、結果………………………………………………………...……….17 一、 金門產水韭之形態及與鄰近地區其他水韭之比較..…..…...17 二、 棲地環境因子調查…………………………….….…..…..20 三、 水韭就地(in situ)保育之可行性……………………… ....25 四、 水韭移地(ex situ)保育之可行性………………………….26 五、 金門地區水韭起源之初步探討………………….……28 伍、討論……………………………………………………….………..30 一、 金門產水韭之形態及與亞洲地區其他水韭之比較..…….....30 二、 棲地環境調查…………………………………….………..33 三、 水韭就地(in situ)保育之可行性………………………….37 四、 水韭移地(ex situ)保育之可行性………………………….38 五、 金門地區水韭起源之初步探討………………………......40 陸、結論與建議…………………………………..………….…………42 柒、參考文獻……………………………………………………………44 捌、附表…………………………………………………………………50 玖、附圖…………………………………………………………………72

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