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研究生: 林漢威
論文名稱: 以表情辨識為基礎之嬰兒意外監控系統
An Infant Safety Surveillance System Based on Facial Expression Recognition
指導教授: 方瓊瑤
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 資訊工程學系
Department of Computer Science and Information Engineering
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 62
中文關鍵詞: 動差臉部偵測決策樹
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:241下載:9
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  • 本篇論文主要探討以嬰兒表情為基礎的監控系統。由於嬰兒無法保護自己,若照顧者有疏忽可能讓嬰兒處於危險中。本系統可協助照顧者監控嬰兒,即使照顧者離開嬰兒身邊,也可防止意外的發生。

    This paper presents a vision-based infant surveillance system based on infant facial expression recognition. Since infants are too little to protect themselves, they are easy hurt in accidents by the negligence of the baby-sitters. An infant surveillance system can assist the baby-sitters to monitor the infants to avoid the occurrence of the infant injuries even the infants are left alone in a short period.
    In this study the video camera is set above the crib to capture the infant sequences. The system first preprocesses the input image to remove the noises and reduce the influence of lights and shadows. The region of infant face is then segmented based on the skin color information. Three moment types, including Hu moment, R moment, and Zernike moment, are calculated based on the infant face region. Since each moment type contains several different moments (e.g. seven in Hu moment), given one 15-frame sequence the correlations between each two moments in the same class can be calculated as the features of facial expressions. Fifteen classes of infant facial expressions, including different poses of crying, smiling, dazing, and so on, are defined in this study and classified by the decision tree technique. Three decision trees are constructed to classify their corresponding types of the moments respectively. The experimental results show that the proposed method is robust and efficient, and the properties of different types of the moments are also analyzed and discussed.
    Finaly, the study mainly classify parts of facial expressions of infants. in the future year, i hope that more information of infants at different stages will be discovered in order to make the research more complete.

    第一章 緒論1-1 1.1研究背景與目的 1-1 1.2文獻探討1-3 1.3論文架構1-5 第二章 嬰兒危險監控系統架構 2-1 2.1系統架設環境2-1 2.2系統架構2-2 第三章 嬰兒臉部偵測3-1 3.1光線補償3-1 3.2嬰兒臉部偵測3-2 3.3去除雜訊3-5 3.4臉部擷取3-6 第四章 特徵擷取4-1 4.1動差(moment)4-1 4.2Hu動差4-2 4.3R動差4-3 4.4Zernike動差4-4 4.5特徵間的相關係數4-6 第五章 決策樹5-1 5.1衡量方式(entropy)5-2 5.2切割方法5-3 5.3終止條件5-5 第六章 實驗6-1 6.1決策樹分類實驗結果6-1 第七章 結論與未來工作7-1 7.1結論7-1 7.2未來工作7-2 参考文獻 A-1

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