研究生: |
李眉君 Purswaney, Priya Lalwani |
論文名稱: |
從不同利害關係人的角度探討跨文化市場研究焦點團體口譯品質 Exploring the Expectations toward Interpretation Quality of Cross-Cultural Interpreter-mediated Market Research Focus Groups from the Perspectives of Different Stakeholders |
指導教授: |
Chen, Tze-Wei |
口試委員: |
Chen, Peter Y. H. 孫碧娟 Sun, Pi-Chuan 周世玉 Chou, Shih-Yu 汝明麗 Ju, Elma Ming-Li 陳子瑋 Chen, Tze-wei |
口試日期: | 2021/10/17 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
翻譯研究所 Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 174 |
中文關鍵詞: | 口譯中介焦點小組訪談 、口譯員角色 、口譯服務品質 、口譯研究 、口譯輔助焦點團體訪談 、市場研究 、市調座談會 、行銷研究 、同步傳譯員 、全球消費者研究 、傳譯質量 、國際行銷 、跨國質性研究 、跨語言市場調查 、跨文化溝通 、跨領域研究 、顧客滿意度 |
英文關鍵詞: | cross-cultural qualitative research, cross-language marketing research, focus group interview, market research focus group discussion, global consumer research, international marketing, interpreter role, interpreter-mediated focus group, interpreting service quality, simultaneous interpretation |
研究方法: | 參與觀察法 、 調查研究 、 深度訪談法 、 半結構式訪談法 、 焦點團體法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101721 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:653 下載:47 |
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本論文之目的為探討質性市場研究的領域中,進行跨國消費者焦點團體訪談時,當參與的部分人士因語言不同有溝通障礙,而需要透過同步口譯員的翻譯服務,才能了解座談會討論的內容。隨著全球行銷的普及,焦點團體訪談 (也稱為座談會或Focus Group Discussion - FGD) 這個工具常被用來了解不同國家的消費者之行為及偏好。此論文將介紹FGD及其在國際行銷研究上的應用、在這特殊的跨文化場合中,同步口譯的獨特之處、口譯員在整個溝通活動裡所扮演的角色以及口譯的品質。本論文主要是研究在台灣進行的中文市調座談會(口譯人員負責中翻英同步口譯),但研究結果也可適用於任何國家的雙語FGD。本研究將深入介紹這種特殊的同步口譯情境,並一一分析參加此類溝通活動的不同參與者對口譯品質的要求。筆者將提出市調FGD同步口譯員所面臨的特殊問題和挑戰,以及使用者該如何評斷口譯員是否稱職。主要使用的研究方法為質性問卷調查;對象分為有多年經驗的市調FGD主持人、有經驗的市調FGD口譯員以及聽口譯員翻譯的終端客戶。另外因筆者本身即為具有二十年資歷的市調FGD口譯員,因此論文也包含個人觀察及與三位市場調查公司創辦人進行的深入訪談。三個研究問題為:(一)焦點團體口譯及國際會議口譯之比較;(二)口譯員、主持人及聽翻譯的客戶對口譯品質的期待;(三)給口譯員、主持人及客戶的最佳建議,讓市調FGD能夠消除語言的障礙,發揮該有的效益。研究結果發現準確性、清晰度和即時性是客戶和主持人對好的口譯品質最大的期望。這與以往關於口譯品質的研究類似。與會議口譯相比的獨特之處是FGD口譯員必須全程獨自進行同步口譯,整場座談會沒有口譯搭檔。筆者希望這項論文可以填補在國際市場調查焦點團體中口譯品質研究的缺口。此跨領域研究也希望能建立口譯研究及行銷研究之間的橋梁,讓跨國消費者焦點團體可以成為更有效的溝通交流和資料收集活動。
This interdisciplinary study explores a qualitative market research tool, the focus group interview, when conducted in two languages using the services of a simultaneous interpreter. The growing trend of global market research has led to the wide use of focus group interviews in understanding the views of consumers in different countries. The unique aspects of simultaneous interpretation as a situated act in this special cross-cultural environment are presented through a schematic representation showing the various participants. A model is proposed to highlight the different perspectives on interpreting quality and the role played by the interpreter as a mediator in this communicative event. In addition, the factors that influence interpretation quality are investigated from three perspectives: the interpreter’s, the moderator’s, and the listener’s. The methods used are threefold. Surveys are conducted of focus group moderators who have had vast experience in conducting interpreted focus groups, of interpreters who have had experience interpreting during focus groups, and of end clients who listen to the interpreter’s translation. The author’s personal observations from working as a focus group interpreter in Taiwan for over two decades further contribute to this study. Thirdly, proprietors of two qualitative market research agencies based in Taiwan are interviewed. Three research questions are addressed in this study: (1) How does an interpreter-mediated focus group differ from an interpreter-mediated international conference and what challenges are faced; (2) What are the interpreting quality expectations of three of the stakeholders present during interpreter-mediated focus groups; and (3) What best practices are recommended for each of these stakeholders to overcome the issues and ensure high quality language interpretation during market research focus groups. The findings show that, similar to previous studies on interpreting quality, accuracy, clarity, and immediacy are the top quality expectations toward a good focus group interpreter. When compared with conference interpreting, one of the unique characteristics of this setting is that a focus group interpreter works without a partner for the entire duration of the group. Based on insights from the diverse participants of this study, recommendations are made for best practices that can be adopted when conducting consumer focus groups with an interpreter. While much of the data in this study is based on focus groups held in Taiwan in Mandarin Chinese and interpreted into English, the findings can apply to bilingual qualitative research in any country. This study hopes to be a small step toward filling the existing void in the exploration of simultaneous interpreting quality in the context of international consumer focus groups. The aim is to make the cross-cultural focus group interview a more productive communicative interaction from both the language interpretation and market research perspectives, thus bridging the gap between interpreting studies and marketing studies.
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