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研究生: 胡哲馨
Hu, Che-Hsin
論文名稱: 基層公務人員的情緒勞務、情緒調節、心理彈性與身心健康之相關研究
The study of the Correlation among Emotional Labor, Emotion Regulation, Psychological Flexibility and Mental Health in Public Service Workers
指導教授: 陳秀蓉
Chen, Hsiu-Jung
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育心理與輔導學系
Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 167
中文關鍵詞: 情緒勞務情緒調節認知重評表達抑制心理彈性身心健康
英文關鍵詞: emotional labor, emotion regulation, cognitive reappraisal, expression suppression, psychological flexibility, mental health
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204235
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:537下載:83
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  • 研究目的:基層公務員工作性質往往與民眾有直接的接觸與交流,屬於高度情緒勞務工作。本研究以情緒調節策略與心理彈性為探討重點,討論情緒勞務工作下對身心健康的影響,本研究目的包括:(1)探討情緒勞務、認知重評、表達抑制、心理彈性及負向身心健康間的關聯;(2)探究上述影響變項分別對負向身心健康的預測力;(3)檢證認知重評、表達抑制與心理彈性在研究變項中的角色和影響。

    Aim: When front-line public service workers earned quality of service, they have to exhibit particular affection and emotion, so-called emotional labor. The present study focused on if the emotion regulation strategies and psychological flexibility can mediate the effects between the emotional labor and mental health. The purposes of the present study were: (1) To explore the relationships among emotional labor, emotion regulation, psychological flexibility, and negative mental health of public service workers. (2) To test the predictability weight of emotional labor, cognition reappraisal, expression suppression and psychological flexibility to negative mental health. (3) To find the role of the cognition reappraisal, expression suppression or psychological flexibility variables between emotional labor and negative mental health.
    Method: The present study surveyed a total of 428 civil servants of Household registration office of Taipei City. Participants were required to complete 5 questionnaires, including general information, emotional labor questionnaire, emotion regulation questionnaire (ERQ), acceptance and action questionnaire-II (AAQ-II) and general health questionnaire (GHQ-28). According to the study purposes, statistical methods were included independent sample t-test, MANOVA, Pearson product-moment correlation and hierarchical multiple regression analysis.
    Results: (1) The more emotional labor public service workers had, the less psychological flexibility and the more negative mental health symptoms they had. (2) Psychological flexibility was the main factor to negatively predict negative mental health, including somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction and severe depression. (3) The mediating effect of psychological flexibility was showed between emotional labor and negative mental health, also same relations found in other negative mental health sub-scales including somatic symptoms, anxiety and insomnia, social dysfunction, or severe depression separately.
    Discussion: (1) The psychological flexibility gave full play for emotional labor workers to promote their health. (2) Cognitive reappraisal need through psychological flexibility influenced negative mental health. (3) Suppression only with emotional labor moderated the negative mental health. Our study suggested a mental health improving model for our emotional labor public service workers as well as some actual practices and policy can include in the on-the-job training program.

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