研究生: |
譚聖融 Tan, Sheng-Rong |
論文名稱: |
實況程式設計影片輔助程式設計學習 Teaching by Demonstration: Programming Instruction by Using Live-Coding Videos |
指導教授: |
Lin, Yu-Tzu |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
資訊教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 173 |
中文關鍵詞: | 程式設計教學 、實況程式設計 、陳述型知識 、程序型知識 |
英文關鍵詞: | live-coding, programming instruction, declarative knowledge, procedural knowledge |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202624 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:256 下載:23 |
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一、 在實況程式設計影片輔助程式設計學習平台輔助程式設計學習有助於提升程式設計學習成就
1. 學習者觀看實況程式設計影片撰寫評註時,會使用舊有的知識(基礎程式設計課程所學知識)來比擬新學到的知識(本學期所學之進階程式設計課程所學知識)並進行了反思歷程才有能力留下陳述型知識的評註內容來習得陳述型知識,進而提升程式設計理解學習成就。
2. 程式設計實作成就較佳的學習者,會透過花時間及反覆觀看程式編碼影片。學習者可透過觀看實況程式設計影片中語法意涵、解題邏輯及程式執行與編碼的片段,以及透過比較自己與專業程式設計師的編碼方式來習得程序型知識,進而提升程式設計實作學習成就。
二、 不同程式設計進步幅度的學習者在實況程式設計影片輔助程式設計學習平台之程式設計學習行為有所不同
1. 程式設計理解學習成就越佳的學習者在程式設計理解先備知識評量成績越差,其在觀看實況程式設計影片撰寫評註時,會使用舊有的知識(基礎程式設計課程所學知識)來比擬新學到的知識(本學期所學之進階程式設計課程所學知識)並進行了反思歷程才有能力留下陳述型知識的評註內容,因此培養了陳述型知識。透過撰寫陳述型評註可以讓學習者更了解程式設計相關概念與技能的知識,進而提升學習者的程式設計理解進步幅度。
2. 程式設計實作學習成就越佳的學習者在程式設計理解先備知識評量與程式設計實作先備知識評量成績越差,透過花時間及反覆觀看解題邏輯影片與程式編碼影片,學習者可透過觀看實況程式設計影片中語法意涵、解題邏輯及程式執行與編碼的片段,以及透過比較自己與專業程式設計師的編碼方式來習得程序型知識,透過花時間反覆觀看程式設計解題及程式設計影片可讓學習者更了如何應用程式設計概念與技能以實作的知識,進而提升程式設計實作進步幅度。
The procedure of programming involves both declarative and procedural knowledge. However, traditional instruction is based on lectures, making emphasis on the declarative knowledge, which lacks opportunities to establish procedural knowledge, thereby failing to cultivate the programming implementation skills. This study probes into the effectiveness of programming instruction by using live-coding videos and to understand how the proposed live-coding-based instruction and learning behavior of students on the live-coding programming learning platform affect students’ programming performance. The live-coding videos demonstrate the dynamic and non-linear programming procedure and students can make annotations on live-coding videos to facilitate their procedural knowledge(including procedural-syntactic and procedural-conceptual knowledge)in addition to conceptual knowledge.
The study builds a live-coding-video learning platform, wherein three types of instructional videos are available: 1. Teacher’s lecture video- It presents teacher’s lecture on the syntax and concepts within the theme of course, including declarative-syntactic and declarative-conceptual knowledge. 2. Algorithmic logic video- It is the first type of live-coding video, which presents a professional programmer’s logic and algorithmic thinking process of problem solving, including the procedural-conceptural knowledge. 3. Coding video- It is the second type of live-coding video, which presents a professional programmer’s coding process from scratch, including procedural-syntactic and procedural-conceptual knowledge. Students were asked to watch the videos to review the teacher’s lecture or observe the dynamic programming procedures from scratch in addition to annotating with their reflection and discussion with peers on the videos.
The participants in this experiment were forty high school students and the experiment was conducted in the Information Technology Class. These students employed the live-coding learning platform to facilitate their programming learning. The learning behavior history, and the resutls of programming achievement test and programming learning attitude questionnaire were collected and analyzed by the t-test, regression analysis, one-way anova, k-means, and Pearson Product-Moment Correlation. The research findings include:
1. Students were enable to have an in-depth reflection by annotating their thoughts on algorithmic logic and coding videos, thereby their declarative knowledge was improved.
2. Students who had spent more time on watching live-coding videos had higher programming implementation achievement.
3. Students who have higher self-efficacy were more reluctant to watch live-coding videos, finally resulting in poorer performance in the program implementation test. It should be noted that students who had made greater progress in programming achievement were scored lower in the pretest. However, with a semester of live-coding programming learning, they had developed their own declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge by watching live-coding videos and indeep annotation, and thereby their program implementation skills were improved.
We have studied the effectiveness of programming instruction by using live-coding videos. The students learning declarative knowledge(teacher’s lectures with declarative-syntactic and declarative-conceptual knowledge) and procedural knowledge (problem-solving logic and program coding videos with procedural-syntactic and procedural-conceptual knowledge) by observational learning on the live-coding videos learning platform, further with annotations (students prefer to leave declarative annotation) for reflection process students were guided to establish declarative knowledge and procedural knowledge. Since programming experts are proficient in conducting the non-linear programming process based on their programming strategies, their live-coding videos can provide students with exemplar programming procedures and strategies of programming steps from scratch and thereby enhance implementation skills. Such interactive process provides students with opportunities of observing and thinking how the programs were built more deeply. The experiment results show that the use of live-coding videos in programming instruction can provide students with reference and examples on dynamic and non-linear programming process, which can effectively improve students’ program implementation skills.
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