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研究生: 蔡一銓
Tsai, I-Chuan
論文名稱: 公眾對於憂鬱症患者的態度與信念:心理社會歸因、刻板印象、情緒反應、與求助建議之間的關係
Public attitudes and beliefs for individuals with depression: The relations of psychosocial causal beliefs, stereotypes, emotional reactions and help-seeking preferences
指導教授: 連盈如
Lien, Yin-Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 健康促進與衛生教育學系
Department of Health Promotion and Health Education
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 51
中文關鍵詞: 公眾態度憂鬱症求助建議串聯中介模型電腦輔助電話訪問
英文關鍵詞: Public attitude, Depression, Help-seeking preferences, Serial-multiple mediation model, Computer-assisted telephone interviewing
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001067
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:473下載:0
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  • 研究背景及目的:公眾對於憂鬱症患者的心理社會歸因會增加公眾污名,而公眾污名是憂鬱症患者尋求協助的主要障礙之一。關於憂鬱症心理社會歸因、公眾污名、與求助專業建議彼此間關聯性仍未有定論,本研究旨在探討公眾對於憂鬱症患者的心理社會歸因、刻板印象、情緒反應與求助專業建議之關係。
    研究方法:本研究利用電腦輔助電話訪問系統以隨機撥號的方式抽取具全國代表性之資料,針對臺灣20歲至65歲公眾 (n = 800) 進行資料收集。針對所提供的憂鬱症患者案例,詢問關於憂鬱症罹病的心理社會歸因和對於憂鬱症的污名態度,包含:刻板印象、情緒反應,以及尋求專業協助的建議。本研究透過串聯中介分析檢驗心理社會歸因對於尋求專業協助建議之直接效果與間接效果。

    Background and Aims: Public stigma is one of the most important barriers for help-seeking of people with depression, which can be predicted by psychosocial causal beliefs. Up to now, evidence for the association between psychosocial causal beliefs, different dimensions of public stigma, and professional help-seeking preferences was either insufficient or largely inconsistent. The present study aimed to explore how psychosocial causal beliefs, stereotypes, and emotional reactions could affect professional help-seeking preferences.
    Methods: A nationally representative sample of Taiwanese adults aged 20-65 (n = 800) was recruited by random-digit-dialing computer-assisted telephone interviewing system. Participants were asked to answer their psychosocial causal beliefs, stigmatizing attitudes (i.e., stereotypes and emotional reactions), and professional help-seeking preferences for a person with depression described in a case vignette. Serial mediation analyses were conducted to test the direct and indirect effects of psychosocial causal beliefs on professional help-seeking preferences.
    Results: Psychosocial causal beliefs were positively associated with perceived dependency, which resulted in stronger pity and, in turn, increased help-seeking preferences for mental health professionals. Psychosocial causal beliefs were positively associated with perceived dependency, which resulted in stronger fear and, in turn, increased help-seeking preferences for other medical professionals (i.e., general practitioner, and Chinese medical doctor).
    Conclusions: This study indicated that reducing negative emotional reactions such as fear and increasing the emotion of pity were likely to be useful in promoting public preferences to seek help from mental health professionals. Stereotypes and emotional reactions toward depression had differential serial mediating effects in the relationships between psychosocial causal beliefs with help-seeking preferences for mental health professionals and for other medical professionals. Understanding these complex associations might enable further work in designing evidence-based interventions for depression.

    Chap.1 Introduction 1 1.1 Epidemiology and impacts of people with depression 1 1.2 Help-seeking preferences for depression 3 1.3 Psychosocial causal beliefs and help-seeking preferences for depression 7 1.4 The psychosocial causal beliefs, stereotypes, emotional reactions and help-seeking preferences for depression 9 1.5 Significance and aims 12 1.6 Research hypotheses 14 Chap.2 Method 15 2.1 Study design and sample 15 2.2 Measures 16 2.3 Statistical analyses 20 Chap.3 Results 23 3.1 Descriptive statistics of public beliefs and attitudes towards depression 23 3.2 Correlation analyses 24 3.3 Mediation analyses 25 3.4 Indirect and serial indirect effects of psychosocial causal beliefs on help-seeking preferences for mental health professionals 26 3.5 Indirect and serial indirect effects of psychosocial causal beliefs on help-seeking preferences for other medical professionals 27 Chap.4 Discussion 31 4.1 The mediating role of perceived dependency 32 4.2 The mediating role of emotional reactions 33 4.3 The serial mediating role of perceived dependency and emotional reactions 34 4.4 Limitations 37 Chap.5 Conclusion 38 Appendix. The case vignette 39 References 40

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