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研究生: 葉穎霓
論文名稱: 理查‧伊斯特司(Richard Estes, 1936-)紐約城市風景繪畫研究
指導教授: 王哲雄
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2005
畢業學年度: 93
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 177
中文關鍵詞: 照相寫實主義城市風景理查‧伊斯特司櫥窗
英文關鍵詞: Photorealism, Urban landscape, Richard Estes
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:294下載:54
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  • 本篇論文從藝術史上城市風景繪畫與寫實主義的脈絡出發,探討伊斯特司六○年代到八○年代的紐約城市風景繪畫,以及其作品在形式與內容的意涵。



    論文要…………………………………………………………………5 緒論……………………………………………………………………7 一、 研究動機與目的……………………………………………………..…7 二、 研究範圍………………………………………………………………10 三、 研究文獻回顧與研究方法…………………………………………....21 四、 各章內容摘要…………………………………………………………28 第一章 照相寫實主義與寫實主義………………………………………………31 第一節 二十世紀的寫實主義與照相寫實主義………………………………32 第二節 照相寫實主義中的寫實概念…………………………………………43 第三節 伊斯特司照相寫實主義作品中的寫實與抽象………………………49 第二章 伊斯特司的城市風景……………………………………………………55 第一節 藝術史中的城市風景繪畫作品………………………………………56 第二節 二十世紀紐約的城市風景……………………………………………63 第三節 伊斯特司的城市風景…………………………………………………72 第三章 伊斯特司紐約城市風景作品分析………………………………………83 第一節 燦爛的櫥窗與反射影像………………………………………………83 第二節 靜謐清晰的城市街道…………………………………………………95 第四章 伊斯特司紐約城市風景作品中的內在意涵…………………………..101 第一節 廣告符號與商品櫥窗中的大眾消費景觀…………………………..102 第二節 衰退的城市與消費經濟……………………………………………..109 結論………………………………………………………………………………..114 參考文獻…………………………………………………………………………..119 索引………………………………………………………………………………..125 圖錄………………………………………………………………………………..132

    (一) 伊斯特司專書

    Arthur, John, Richard Estes: Paintings & Prints, California: Pomegranate Artbooks, 1993.
    Canaday, John, Richard Estes: The Urban Landscape, Boston: Museum of fine arts, 1981.
    Meisel, Louis K., Richard Estes : the complete paintings, 1966-1985, New York : Abrams, 1986.

    (二) 其他相關書目
    1. 英文專書
    Arthur, John, Realism/Photorealism, Tulsa: Philbrook Art Center, 1980.
    Baigell, Matthew, A concise history of American painting and sculpture, New York: Harper & Row, 1984.
    ______, Artist and Identity in Twentieth-Century America. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001.
    Battcock, Battcock ed., Super Realism: A Critical Anthology, New York: Dutton, 1975.
    Baudelaire, Charles, The Painter of Modern Life and Other Essays, Oxford: Phaidon. 1995.
    Beauregard, Robert A., Voices of Decline: The Postwar Fate of US Cities, Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.
    Beckett, Sister Wendy, The story of painting, New York: Dorling Kindersley, 1994.
    Broder, Patricia Janis, The American West: The Modern Vision, Boston: Little, Brown and Company, 1984.
    Brown, Milton Wolf etc., American art : painting, sculpture, architecture, decorative arts, photography, New York : Abrams, 1979.
    Chipp, Herschel B. ed., Theories of Modern Art: A Source by Artists and Critics, Berkeley: University of California, 1968.
    Delebanty, Suzanne, The Window in Twentieth-Century Art, New York: Neuberger Museum, State University of New York at Purchase, 1986.
    Goodyear, Jr. Frank H., Contemporary American Realism Since 1960, Canada: New York Graphic Society books, 1984.
    Hauser, Katherine Jane, Something Happened: A Cultural History of Photorealism, Doctoral dissertation, University of California, 1996.
    Hopkins, David, After Modern Art 1945-2000, New York: Oxford Univ.,2000.
    Jill Dunkerton, Susan Foister, Dillian Gordon, Nicholas Penny, GIOTTO TO DRER-Early Renaissance Painting in The National Gallery, New Haven and London: Yale University, 1991.
    Johnson, Ellen H. ed., American Artists on Art from 1940 to 1980, New York: Harper & Row publishers, 1982.
    Koolhaas, Rem, Delirious New York, A Retroactive Manifesto for Manhattan, New York: The Monacelli, 1994.
    Lankevich, George J., American Metropolis: A History of New York City, New York: New York University, 1998.
    Leach, William, Land of Desire: Merchants, Power, and the Rise of a New American Culture, New York: Pantheon Books, 1993.
    Lindey, Christine, Superrealist Painting and Sculpture, New York: William Morrow, 1980.
    Lucie-Smith, Edward, Art now : from abstract expressionism to superrealism, New York : Morrow, 1977.
    __________, American art now, Oxford: Phaidon, 1985.
    __________, American realism, London : Thames and Hudson ; New York : Abrams, 1994.
    __________, Movement In Art Since 1945, New York: Thames & Hudson, 2001.
    Mandel, Ernest, Late Capitalism, London: Verso, 1978.
    Meisel, Louis K., Photorealism, New York: Abradale press, 1972.
    Pohl, Frances K., Framing America : a social history of American art, London: Thames & Hudson, 2002.
    Prendeville, Brendan, Realism in 20th Century Painting, London: Thames & Hudson, 2000.
    Rose, Barbara, American Art Since 1900, rev. ed., New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1975.
    Social Lash, Jonathan Friedman, eds., Modernity and Identity, Oxford: Blackwell, 1992.
    Stich, Stich, Made in U.S.A.--An Americanization in modern art. The ‘50s & ‘60s, Berkeley : University Art Museum, University of California, Berkeley : University of California Press,1987.
    Taylor, Joshua C., The Fine Arts In America, Chicago and London: Chicago Univ.,1979.
    Wallock, Leonard, New York Culture Capital of The World 1940-1965, New York : Rizzoli, 1988.
    Williamson, Judith, Consuming Passions: The Dynamics of Popular Culture, London: Marion Boyars, 1986.
    Willis, Susan, A Prime for Daily Life, London: Routledge, 1991.

    2. 中文專書
    Alexander, Jeffrey C. ed., 鄧正來譯,《國家與市民社會:一種社會理論的研究路徑》(State and Civil Society)(北京市:中央編譯出版社,1999)。
    Benjamin, Walter著,張旭東、魏文生譯,《發達資本主義時代的抒情詩人,論波特萊爾》(台北:臉譜,2002)。
    Bocock, Robert著,張君玫、黃鵬仁譯,《消費》(Consumption)(台北:巨流,1996)。
    Crane, Diana, 張心龍譯,《前衛藝術的轉型》(The Transformation of The Avant-Garde)(台北:遠流,1996)。
    Fiske, John, 楊全強譯,《解讀大眾文化》(南京:南京大學,2001)。
    Frampton, Kenneth著,蔡毓芬譯,《現代建築史》,台北:地景,2000年。
    Harrison, Charles etc. ed., 崔誠、米永亮等人譯,《現代主義,評論,現實主義》(Modernism, Criticism, Realis)(上海:上海人民美術出版社,1991)。
    Melchior-Bonnet, Sabine, 余淑娟譯,《鏡子》(Histoire du Miroir)( 台北:藍鯨出版, 城邦文化發行,2002)。
    Nochlin, Linda, 刁筱華譯,《寫實主義》(Realism)(台北:遠流,1998)。
    Simmel, George, 費勇譯,《時尚的哲學》(The philosophy of fashion)(北京:文化藝術,2001)。
    Taylor, Paul, 徐洵蔚、鄭湛譯,《後普普藝術》(Post-Pop Art)(台北:遠流,1996)。
    (三) 期刊文章

    Amy Goldin and Roberta Smith, “ Present Tense: New Art and New York Museum,”in Art in America, September-October 1977, pp.92-104.
    Bordewich, Fergus, “ The Future of New York: A Tale of Two Cities,” in New York, July 1979, p.32-40.
    Chase, Linda, “ Photo Realism: post-modernist illusionism,” in Art International, 20, March-April 1976.
    Eitner, Lorenz, “ The Open Window and the Storm Tossed Boat,” in Art Bulletin, 37, December 1955, pp.281-290.
    Goodyear, Jr. Frank H., “ Contemporary Realism: The Challenge of Definition,” in American Art Review, vol.4, no.6, November 1978.
    Greenberg, Clement, “Modernist Painting,” in Gregory Battcock, ed., The New Art: A Critical Anthology, New York: E. P. Dutton and Co., 1996.
    Harrison, Helen, “ Richard Estes’s Silk-Screen Interpretations of Cityscape,” in New York Times, 11 October 1992.
    Hurwitz, Laurie S., “Richard Estes: Illusion and Reality,” in American Artist, vol.55, December 1991, pp. 28-35.
    Kuspit, Donald B., “ What’s Real in Realism,” in Art in America, September 1981, pp.84-95.
    Laderman, Gabriel, “ Unconventional Realists, ” in Artforum, vol.6, no.3, November 1967, pp.42-46.
    Lawrence, Alloway, “ Notes on Realism,” in Art Magazine, vol.44, no.6, April 1970, pp.26-27.
    Leider, Philip, “Vermeer & Hopper,” in Art in America, March 2001, pp. 96-107.
    Leuthold, Stephen M., “ Genre-lizing about Realism,” in Art Criticism, vol.12, no.2, 1997, pp.71-81.
    Mandel, Ernest, The Second Slump: A Marxist Analysis of Recession in the Seventies, London: NLB, 1978.
    Nochlin, Linda, “ The Realist Criminal and the Abstract Law,” in Art in America, vol.61, no.5, September-October 1973, pp.54-61.
    __________, “ Return to Order,” in Art in America, September 1981, pp.75-83.
    Seitz, William, “ The Real and The Artificial: Painting of the New Environment, ” in Art in America, November-December 1972, pp.58-71.
    Suzuki, Tad, “Reflection light on photo realism,”in American artist, March 2002, pp. 46-51.
    Tillim, Sidney, “ A Variety of Realism,” in Artforum, vol.7, no.10, Summer 1969, pp.42-48.