研究生: |
楊銀興 Yin-Hsin Yang |
論文名稱: |
傳統評量與新式評量之比較及國小教師對實施新式評量相關問題覺知情形之研究 The Comparison of Traditional Assessment and New-form Assessment, and the Awearness of Elementary School Teachers to the Implementation of New-form Assessment |
指導教授: |
Chien, Maw-Fa 黃光雄 Huang, Kuang-Hsiung |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育學系 Department of Education |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 241 |
中文關鍵詞: | 傳統評量 、新式評量 、實作評量 、真切性評量 、變通性評量 、國民小學 、國小教師 |
英文關鍵詞: | traditional assessment, new-form assessment, performance assessment, authentic assessment, alternative assessment, elementary school, elementary school teachers |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:356 下載:73 |
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The Comparison of Traditional Assessment and New-form Assessment, and the Awareness of Elementary School Teachers to the Implementation of New-form Assessment
Yin-Hsin Yang
This study investigated the differences between the traditional assessment and the new-form assessment by means of exploring the history of the assessment, the different developed processes of the assessment and the techniques when the assessments were administrated. Specifically, this study examined the elementary schools teachers’ awareness about how new-form assessments influenced teachers, students and parents. An additional purpose of this study was to attempt to investigate the difficulties when the new-form assessment was used in the Republic of China on Taiwan.
Two major research approaches were conducted for the purposes. One was learning the he history and the psychology foundations about the assessment, the development of the different types of assessment, the techniques of the administration, the reliability and validity of the assessments and their strength and weakness by literature review. Another was to obtain data by means of a self-developed questionnaire which based upon the foregoing literature review. A sample of 659 elementary school teachers was drawn from 3 counties and a city in middle Taiwan. Randomness was obtained by cluster sample. The independent t-test, paired t-test, x2 test, one-way ANOVA, multiple-response item and the analysis of written opinions were done to assess the awareness of the teachers.
The findings were as follows:
1. Assessment was gradually developed and influenced by times, and the thinking of philosophy and psychology .
2. Teachers who had taken courses or participated workshops about assessment had more new-form assessment knowledge .
3. Teachers knew traditional assessment than new-form assessment.
4. Teachers well knew the content of traditional assessment but “two-way table of specification.”
5. Teachers less knew the new-form assessment.
6. Most of the teachers perceived the new-form assessment improved their teaching.
7. Most of the teachers also perceived the new-form assessment improved students’ learning.
8. Almost half of the sample perceived the new-form assessment changed parents’ value system about their children’s learning, but some didn’t agree with it.
9. Most of the teachers perceived that the skills of assessment is important for them,so their schools must prepare such in-service courses for them.
10. The difficulties of administrating new-form assessment are time-consuming, unfair, the limited facilities and the large bodies of students in a classroom,…etc.
11. Most of the teachers perceived the importance of using new-form assessment for their teaching and were willing to change. For changing their traditional style, they were eager to learn more about new-form assessment from workshop. They prefer participating the workshop in their own school.
12. School teachers expressed their opinions about the traditional assessment and new-form assessment were used concurrently.
According to the aforementioned findings, there were some suggestions for educatuional authorities, teachers’ pre-service programs and institutes, elementary schools and their teachers, parents and the future studies.
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