研究生: |
鍾美貞 |
論文名稱: |
明度對比對圖形顫動效果之影響 Lightness contrast effect on the impact of graphics quiver |
指導教授: | 伊彬 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2011 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 74 |
中文關鍵詞: | 格式塔心理學 、歐普藝術 、錯覺 、視覺殘像 、側抑制作用 |
英文關鍵詞: | Gestale, Op art, Illusion, Visual afterimage, Lateral inhibition |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:652 下載:17 |
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在研究中推演出–視覺殘像是一種錯覺,當色光到達了視網膜,視覺神經受到刺激,傳到達大腦而發生色覺活動,受過刺激的部分神經就會產生疲勞現象。常見的錯覺如︰「馬赫帶效應」造成的「側抑制作用」﹙lateral inhibition﹚。此理論便是用來輔助研究的重要關鍵。經由文獻脈絡整合,完型心理學證實圖形構成影響整體知覺。歐普藝術的創作原則亦驗證「明度對比」操控視覺的張力。在實驗過程中,因本研究詳細的規劃實驗的各項限制,運用網路傳輸的便利,大膽使用即時通訊軟體傳送刺激圖形,並即時記錄參予者的回應。除了以先遣實驗來證實圖檔的呈現組合模式未影響參予者的測驗結果外,後續實驗亦得知明度對比越高,造成抑制作用越強圖形的顫動效果也越明顯。明度對比越低,則抑制作用越弱圖形的顫動效果也趨近消失。
By conferring the illusion and visual perception of disability derived and rose from the past and. This study further examines the effects of lights and contrasts on the scope of the graphic fibrillation. The overall structure of this study will be presented by the aspects of visual perception theory and then supported by psychological reasoning. Finally, by using the brightness levels of theoretical integration principles with Op Art and various literatures, this goal of this is study is to design by experimenting the level of brightness levels.
Deduced in the study – the illusion is a kind of visual disability, when the shade reaches the retina, the optic nerve is stimulated and transmitted to the brain and trigged the activity of highly stimulated part of nerve and resulting in a fatigue phenomena. One common misconception is the Mach band effect that caused by lateral inhibition. This theory is the key to support this study. With the integration of literature, Gestalt psychology has confirmed the overall perception of graphic impact. Op Art is one creative principle of the control of visual tension of the “brightness contacts” verification. During the experiment, due to the detailed planning of possible constraints, the use of network transmission facilities, bold use of instant messaging medium of stimulus graphic while recording the response of participants. Apart from the previous tested combination did not affect the result of the test, the latter test showed that the higher the brightness contrast will result in stronger inhibition; on the other hand, the lower the brightness contrast will result in weaker inhibition effect with poorer graphic fibrillation.
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