研究生: |
林孟賢 Meng-Hsien Lin |
論文名稱: |
串珠環蝶之族群動態 Population dynamics of Faunis eumeus Drury |
指導教授: |
Hsu, Yu-Feng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 103 |
中文關鍵詞: | 串珠環蝶 、族群動態 、蝴蝶 、卵寄生蜂 、外來種 |
英文關鍵詞: | Faunis eumeus, population dynamics, butterfly, egg parasites, exotic species |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:338 下載:22 |
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台灣地區在1997年6月首次於基隆地區發現串珠環蝶(Faunis eumeus),被認為可能是一種外來種蝶類,為了解該種蝴蝶的分布與族群數量的變動情形,在2000年7月至2002年4月之間,於基隆地區共選擇了12個樣區進行串珠環蝶分布的調查。另外,選擇其中兩個樣區﹙HM與HY﹚以多次標識再捕法進行成蝶數量的估算,並在該兩樣區進行幼生期的追蹤調查。
結果顯示串珠環蝶的分布範圍在研究期間並沒有明顯的變動,而且在其中的5個樣區已經建立族群。在HM與HY兩樣區中,族群數量在2001年8、9月之後有明顯的減少,但是在2002年春天族群數量才有稍微增加的現象。在族群擴散方面,擴散的情形並不顯著,僅有在分布範圍的邊緣有短暫性之擴散現象,而且未能在所擴散的地點建立新的族群。根據幼生期調查與成蝶數量估算的結果,認為卵寄生蜂是造成族群數量變動的主要原因,雖然食物量的不足是導致幼蟲存活率降低的重要因素,但並非造成整個族群數量變動的主要因素。此外,除了已知的平柄菝契(Heterosmilax japonica),還發現船仔草(Calculigo capitulata)為新紀錄的寄主植物,然而,母蝶對兩種寄主植物的產卵偏好並不相同,其產卵的選擇可能與成蝶的族群大小有關,而且幼蟲對於船仔草的利用方面,也發生存活率降低與羽化成功率降低的現象。
An exotic butterfly in Keelung, Faunis eumeus, was studied for its distribution and population dynamics. The study was progressed between July, 2000 and April, 2002. Twelve study areas were set up and two of them, HM and HY, were selected for counting population size of adults and tracing survival rate of eggs or larvae.
In the study, the distribution of F. eumeus was stable but the population size in HM and HY was not stable, namely, the population size in HM decline straightly and in HY the population size first increased but later decline as soon as HM in 2001. However, the population size in HM and HY increase in the 2002’s spring. The dispersal of F. eumeus was not obvious but did happen in the marginal areas, such as SD and PK. The reason that made the population size decline obviously was one species of small wasps that lay eggs in the eggs of F. eumeus and causing hosts death. The insufficient source of food plants was also one reason that causing larvae death but not the main cause that decreased the population size. One new host plant was recorded, Calculigo capitulat. However, the female laid eggs whether on C. capitulata or not seemed to depend on population size of F. eumeus. The female preferred the initial host plant, Heterosmilax japonica and the larvae ate it had higher survival rate and higher emerging rate than those ate C. capitulata.
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