研究生: |
翁孝齊 |
論文名稱: |
運用擴增實境輔助國小學生學習幾何概念 Using Augmented Reality to Assist Elementary School Students Learning Geometry Concepts |
指導教授: | 吳正己 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
資訊教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 83 |
中文關鍵詞: | 擴增實境 、幾何 、學習成就 、學習態度 |
英文關鍵詞: | Augmented Reality, Geometry, Learning Achievement, Learning Attitude |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:264 下載:20 |
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The purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were purposes of this study were to develop to develop to develop to develop an augmented reality augmented reality augmented reality augmented reality augmented reality augmented reality augmented reality augmented reality augmented reality augmented reality augmented reality (AR) (AR) (AR) (AR) system system system system system to assist ssist elementary lementary lementary lementary school chool chool students to learn to learn to learn geometryeometry eometry concepts onceptsoncepts . We We We evaluateevaluate evaluate d the the effectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the system effectiveness of the system effectiveness of the system effectiveness of the system effectiveness of the system effectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the system effectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the system effectiveness of the systemeffectiveness of the system in terms of in terms of in terms of in terms of in terms of students ’ learning achievement learning achievement learning achievementlearning achievementlearning achievementlearning achievementlearning achievement learning achievementlearning achievement learning achievement and their attitudes and their attitudes and their attitudes and their attitudes and their attitudes and their attitudes and their attitudes and their attitudes toward learning toward learning toward learning toward learning . The . The . The . The concepts ofconcepts ofconcepts of concepts ofconcepts of concepts of “cuboid andand cubecube ” from geometry from geometry from geometry from geometry from geometry from geometry from geometry curriculumcurriculum curriculum curriculum were were were were covered in our AR system.covered in our AR system. covered in our AR system. covered in our AR system. covered in our AR system. covered in our AR system. covered in our AR system. covered in our AR system.covered in our AR system.covered in our AR system. covered in our AR system.covered in our AR system. With the AR system,With the AR system, With the AR system, With the AR system, With the AR system, With the AR system,With the AR system,With the AR system, With the AR system, students can students can students can students can use a pad to use a pad to use a pad to use a pad to use a pad to use a pad to use a pad to scan scan scan a net a net a net a net (assembled with 6 assembled with 6 assembled with 6 assembled with 6 square square square AR markers AR markers AR markers AR markers ) to visualize the process of visualize the process of visualize the process of visualize the process of visualize the process of visualize the process of visualize the process of visualize the process of visualize the process of visualize the process of visualize the process of how it how it how it beingbeingbeing folded into folded into folded into folded into folded into folded into a cubea cubea cubea cube . FortyForty FortyForty-sevensevenseven seven fifth grade students fifth grade students fifth grade students fifth grade students fifth grade students fifth grade students fifth grade students fifth grade students from from two classes two classestwo classes two classes participated in participated in participated in participated in participated in our our experiment experiment experiment experiment experiment of of evaluating the AR tool.evaluating the AR tool. evaluating the AR tool. evaluating the AR tool.evaluating the AR tool.evaluating the AR tool. evaluating the AR tool. evaluating the AR tool. evaluating the AR tool. One One class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the class with 23 students served as the AR tool tool group and the group and the group and the group and the group and the group and the group and the other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as other class with 24 students served as the traditional tool traditional tool traditional tool traditional tool traditional tool traditional tool group.group. The results revealed that The results revealed thatThe results revealed that The results revealed that The results revealed that The results revealed that The results revealed that The results revealed thatThe results revealed that The results revealed that : (1) there w (1) there w(1) there w (1) there w(1) there w(1) there was no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the as no significant difference between the two groupgroup s in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement in terms of achievement scores, (2) scores, (2) scores, (2) scores, (2) scores, (2) scores, (2) students in the AR group students in the AR group students in the AR groupstudents in the AR group students in the AR groupstudents in the AR group students in the AR groupstudents in the AR group showed showed showed interest interest interest interest in learning as compared to the in learning as compared to the in learning as compared to the in learning as compared to the in learning as compared to the in learning as compared to the in learning as compared to the in learning as compared to the in learning as compared to the in learning as compared to the in learning as compared to the traditional traditional traditional tool group tool grouptool grouptool group , (3) students , (3) students , (3) students , (3) students were were satisfied satisfied satisfied satisfied with the experience of usingexperience of usingexperience of using experience of using experience of using experience of usingexperience of usingexperience of using experience of usingexperience of using experience of using the AR tool AR tool . We suggest We suggest We suggest We suggest We suggest future studies to develop future studies to develop future studies to develop future studies to develop future studies to develop future studies to develop future studies to develop future studies to develop future studies to develop future studies to develop future studies to develop similar similar similar similar AR tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry tools to help students learn geometry by increas increasincreasincreasing ing ing the interactivity of the tool interactivity of the toolinteractivity of the tool interactivity of the toolinteractivity of the tool interactivity of the tool interactivity of the toolinteractivity of the toolinteractivity of the toolinteractivity of the tool interactivity of the tool interactivity of the tool , improving improving improving improving the user user interface interfaceinterfaceinterface interfaceinterface, and , and , and extending extending extending extending features to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning toolsfeatures to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning tools features to let teachers design their own AR learning tools.
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