研究生: |
葉涵菲 Yeh, Han-Fei |
論文名稱: |
以UTAUT2推衍影響消費者接受整合奈米影像感測器智慧裝置之關鍵要素 A UTAUT2 Based Derivation of Key Factors Influencing the Customers Acceptance of Nano-Sensor Integrated Smart Devices |
指導教授: |
Kuo, Chin-Guo |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 138 |
中文關鍵詞: | 高像素智慧手機 、影像奈米感測 、第2代整合型科技接受理論 、決策實驗室分析法 、結構方程模式 |
英文關鍵詞: | High-Pixel Smart-phone, nanosensor, UTAUT2, SEM, DEMATEL |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DIE.045.2018.E01 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:330 下載:0 |
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奈米科技的是全世界先進國家取得未來競爭優勢的關鍵要素,趕上奈米科技的狂潮,是台灣產業永續經營的契機。奈米科技的發展,可以滿足元件微小化的需求。奈米科技的應用多元,而典型的應用之一,為奈米影像感測器,奈米影像感測器與消費性電子平台整合,亦為潮流之一,少有學者探討,確為消費電子廠商訂定行銷策略之關鍵要素。因此,本研究擬導入第2代整合型科技接受理論 (Unified Theory of Acceptance and Use of Technology 2, UTAUT2)為基礎,預測影響整合奈米感測器消費電子設備消費行為之因素; 本研究以將結合決策實驗室分析法 (Decision Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory, DEMATEL)先行分析各構面和準則之間的關係,並以德菲法之專家小組(expert panel)決定德菲法研究的最終結果。因此專家小組成員的遴選以了解先進奈米製程經驗的人士參與。後以結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM)檢定前述DEMATEL推導之影響關係之假設顯著。且分析架構之可行性,結構方程模式(Structural Equation Modeling, SEM) 推衍UTAUT2 各變數對消費者接受整合奈米感測器消費電子設備之關聯程度與顯著性,並以台北市使用高像素手機之工作經驗人士為對象,實證本研究架構之可行性,從以上實證結果來看,一般用戶對於高像素手機是否是先進奈米製程製做較為無感,但一般用戶對於產品娛樂性與產品性價比較為重視,而專家用戶對於先進奈米製程改善暗電流之雜訊呈現有感,故此研究對於專用戶和一般用戶所呈現的數據結果可提供之後想探討相關研究方向時策略之依據.
關鍵字: 高像素智慧手機、影像奈米感測、第2代整合型科技接受理論、決策實驗室分析法、結構方程模式
The key factor for the world's advanced countries to gain competitive leadership in the future is nanotechnology. If you can catch up with the field of nanotechnology, it is an opportunity for the sustainable development of Taiwan's industry.Because meet the demand of components miniaturization. Only the integration of consumer electronics devices with nano-meter sensors will affect consumers' acceptance of emerging technology products. Few scholars have discussed the key elements in setting marketing strategies for consumer electronics manufacturers. Therefore, based on the introduction of the second generation of UTAUT2, this study predicts the factors influencing the consumer behavior of integrated nano-sensors in consumer electronic devices and Structural Equation Modeling deduced the correlation degree and significance of the variations of UTAUT2 to consumer acceptance. Using the work experience person who use the High-Pixel smart phone product in Taipei City as Object, demonstration of the feasibility of this research framework. Use high-pixel mobile phones in Taipei. For the work experience, the feasibility of this research structure is demonstrated. From the above empirical results, the general user is not interested in whether the high-pixel mobile phone is advanced nano-process, but the general user is interested in product entertainment and product cost. More emphasis, and expert users have a sense of the noise improvement of the advanced nanometer process to improve the dark current. Therefore, the research results for the data presented by the user and the general user can provide the basis for the strategy after discussing the relevant research direction.
Keywords: High-Pixel Smart-phone,nanosensor,UTAUT2,SEM,DEMATEL
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