研究生: |
陳彩虹 Chen Tsai-hung |
論文名稱: |
重寫莎士比亞: 愛德華.邦德《李爾》中之啟蒙儀式 Rewriting Shakespeare: Rites of Passage in Edward Bond's Lear |
指導教授: |
Frank Stevenson |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 1999 |
畢業學年度: | 87 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 99 |
中文關鍵詞: | 愛德華.邦德 、李爾 、啟蒙儀式 |
英文關鍵詞: | Edward Bond, Lear, rites of passage |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:220 下載:0 |
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愛德華、邦德 (Edward Bond) 的作品《李爾》(Lear) 改編自莎士比亞的《李爾王》(King Lear)。邦德受到莎翁影響而又能另創一格。他深信莎翁在其劇中所提出的議題值得深思,然而莎翁所提供的解決之道,對現代人來說,卻只是一種迷思。為此,邦德在他的作品中,用不同手法來呈現莎劇情節,以期與原著對話。他並加入新的情節,以表達他劇中的角色對莎劇所提出的相同問題,所做出的不同回應。在本論文中,我嘗試用影響理論來探討邦德與其前驅莎翁的關係,以及用人類學家的儀式研究來讀李爾王和李爾的啟蒙過程。
第一章主要介紹邦德的劇場理論及其戲劇技巧:理性劇場(Rational Theater) 及震懾效果 (Aggro-effect)。前者是邦德對其當代劇場的批判,而後者則為邦德獨創的劇場效果。這在《李爾》一劇,皆發揮地淋漓盡致。第二章運用哈羅德、布魯姆 (Harold Bloom) 的影響理論來探討邦德和莎士比亞之間的伊底帕斯情結。邦德身為一個後輩劇作家,雖在其偉大前驅莎翁的陰影下,產生無法避免的焦慮,但他卻成功地開拓出自己的創造空間。第三章以及第四章分別指出李爾王和李爾在兩劇中皆經歷一個重要的啟蒙過程。此啟蒙過程與社會變動相互影響。在此,我用人類學家的儀式研究來分析何以邦德的李爾所經歷的啟蒙儀式較其前驅李爾王的完整。在本論文最後一章,我們看到邦德終於成為布魯姆所謂的「強者」劇作家 (Strong Playwright)。
This thesis examines how Edward Bond's play, Lear, is influenced by its Shakespearean original, King Lear, but manages to be a brilliant play in itself. Bond firmly believes that the issues Shakespeare proposes in his play are worth contemplating; however, the solutions provided are unsatisfactory to Bond. At best, they are but a myth to modern audiences. Therefore, Bond intends his new play to be a dialogue with its parent work. Aside from presenting the same plot in different ways, Bond adds a new story line to show the way his characters respond to the problems raised in the Shakespearean text. In the thesis, I try to explore the Oedipal relationship between Bond and his predecessor Shakespeare with the use of influence theories, and I will read Lear's and King Lear's learning processes by means of ritual study.
Chapter One introduces Bond's theater and his unique theatrical technique: Rational Theatre and the aggro-effect. The former serves as a criticism of Bond's contemporary theater, while the latter is a typical Bondian theatrical effect. Both find a full expression in Lear. Chapter Two focuses on the parent-son relationship between Shakespeare the precursor and Bond the ephebe by adopting Harold Bloom's influence theory. Bond develops an unavoidable anxiety under the shadow of Shakespeare, but as a belated playwright he endeavors to create his own imaginative space. The third and the fourth chapters interpret the ordeals King Lear and Lear have undergone in their respective plays as processes of initiation. The individual initiation interacts with social transitions. Ritual studies by anthropologists, Victor Turner in particular, are used here to analyze how Lear's ritual initiation completes what King Lear leaves incomplete. By the last chapter, we will have seen how Bond has become a Bloomian "strong playwright."
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