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研究生: 潘宣吟
Pan, Hsuan-yin
論文名稱: 臺灣都市公園永續景觀評估系統之研究
The Establishment of Sustainable Landscape Assessment System for Taiwan Urban Park
指導教授: 李素馨
Lee, Su-Hsin
口試委員: 侯錦雄 郭乃文 李素馨
口試日期: 2021/08/04
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 地理學系
Department of Geography
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 210
中文關鍵詞: PSR 系統都市公園永續景觀評估指標系統專家問卷調查
英文關鍵詞: PSR model, urban park, sustainable landscape, assessment system, expert questionnaire
研究方法: 調查研究半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101832
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:273下載:36
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  • 永續指標有助於衡量國家與地區開發時對自然環境造成的影響,提供客觀的衡量基準,作為政策制定、計畫研擬與設計規劃方案之參考。臺灣都市地區地狹人稠,高強度的開發,造成生態環境的破壞,生物多樣性流失,而台灣僅有綠建築(EEWH)評估指標對環境開發進行永續評估,尚乏建築外的綠地開發評估系統驗證其永續效益。本研究目的為建構一套適用於臺灣都市公園開發之景觀評估系統,以利後續都市於綠地空間規劃、居住環境創造、社會福利福祉與經濟產業發展等之綢繆。

    The “Establishment of Sustainability Indicators” helps to measure the impact of national and regional development on the natural environment, provides an objective benchmark for measurement, and serves as a reference for policy formulation, plan research and design. As well as relevant documents, it is found that Taiwan is crowded in urban areas, and high-intensity development has caused the destruction of the ecological environment and the decline of biological diversity. However, Taiwan only has green building evaluation manual (EEWH), which can carry out sustainable assessment for building environmental development. There is no effective assessment system for green space development outside the building to verify its sustainable benefits. Therefore, the establishment of a landscape assessment system suitable for the development of urban parks in Taiwan will facilitate the subsequent planning of urban green space planning, living environment creation, social welfare, and economic and industrial development.
    In view of this, this study used the PSR model as the theoretical basis of the evaluation system, and formulates evaluation projects for the environmental development state, and conducted consensus surveys on the causes of environmental development pressure and response to future assessment system supporting measures, and complete the system architecture of the assessment system. Semi-structured interviews and expert questionnaires were used to establish the content validity of the preliminary evaluation system, and then conducted a second expert questionnaire survey. There were 18 valid questionnaires collected to modify the assessment of Taiwan’s urban parks. The landscape evaluation system was verified in Taipei City’s "Song Rong Park" and "Yong Chun Pi Wetland Park" to establish the consensus of the evaluation system.
    The results of the evaluation system is based on a number of foreign sustainable land development evaluation systems and the existing conditions of Taiwan’s urban green space environment. The content is divided into three categories: land use assessment, planning and design, usage and innovation. There are 48 assessment items in total. Among them, the category of "planning and design" accounts for the highest percentage of the overall assessment system, followed by "land use assessment", and finally "usage and innovation" shows that the indicator focuses on the evaluation of "design and construction” and confirms the feasibility and usability value of the evaluation system at the current stage. There are recommendations for future research, to facilitate the subsequent practical operation and use, and more case studies are needed to modify and confirm the assessment. In addition to promoting the concept of sustainable landscape in Taiwan through the establishment of this indicator system. The result could serve as a reference for public sector and related academic related.

    目錄 vi 表目錄 viii 圖目錄 x 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景與研究目的 1 1.2 研究方法與流程 3 1.3 實證研究範圍 4 1.4 研究限制 5 第二章 文獻回顧 6 2.1 生態城市 6 2.2 臺灣永續發展歷程 7 2.3 永續設計生態工法 8 2.4 永續維護 10 2.5 都市綠地 12 2.6 台北都市公園綠地 13 2.6.1 臺北市都市公園綠地發展 13 2.6.2 臺北市公園綠地相關計畫與法令 15 2.7 國內外綠建築與相關綠指標評估系統 21 2.7.1 英國建築研究發展環境評估工具(Building Research Establishment Environmental Assessment Method , BREEAM) 22 2.7.2 美國領先能源與環境設計綠建築評分認證系統(Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design , LEED) 23 2.7.3 日本建築環境綜合性能評估系統(Comprehensive Assessment System for Building Environment Efficiency, CASBEE) 26 2.7.4 臺灣綠建築評估(Ecology、Energy Saving、Waste Reduction、Health, EEWH) 28 2.7.5 美國SITES評估系統(Sustainable SITES InitiativeTM ,SITESTM) 30 2.7.6 德國柏林生境面積指數(Biotope Area Factor, BAF) 33 2.7.7 美國西雅圖綠指數(Seattle Green Factor, SGF) 35 2.7.8 國內外綠化空間相關評估系統指標統整 37 2.8 壓力-現況-回應(Pressure-State-Response model ,PSR model) 41 2.9 永續景觀發展指標與政府政策、臺灣景觀現況之連結 44 2.9.1 以制度量能的提升作為永續景觀都市綠地理念基礎 45 2.9.2 臺灣景觀發展歷程 46 第三章 研究方法 48 3.1 研究架構與流程 48 3.2 研究調查方式 48 3.3 臺灣永續景觀都市綠地指標系統 49 3.4 實證研究公園 52 3.5 專家問卷調查 53 3.5.1 專家效度檢定 53 3.5.2 李克特量表(Likert Scale) 54 3.5.3 二分法分析 55 3.5.4 第一階段問卷調查 55 3.5.5 第二階段問卷調查 56 3.6 建立臺灣永續景觀都市綠地指標評估工具 56 第四章 結果與討論 58 4.1 第一階段問卷調查結果與討論 58 4.1.1 問卷內容-指標系統的初步建構 58 4.1.2 專家效度調查結果意見之歸納 59 4.2 第二階段專家問卷調查結果 61 4.2.1 第一部分-PSR理論應用調查結果 61 4.2.2 第二部分-指標項目可行性調查結果 64 4.3 臺灣都市公園永續景觀評估指標建構 76 4.3.1 指標系統分數分佈 79 4.3.2 指標系統後續相關措施 79 4.4 第一次實證操作 80 4.4.1 修正與討論 82 4.5 第二次實證操作 83 4.5.1 修正與討論 85 4.5.2 指標評估系統使用價值 102 4.5.3 PSR理論實證討論 103 第五章 結論與建議 104 5.1 永續景觀發展脈絡 104 5.2 臺灣都市公園永續景觀評估系統 105 5.3 後續研究建議 106 參考文獻 108 附錄 113

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