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研究生: 廖宏銘
Liao, Hung-Min
論文名稱: 橢圓曲線的二次扭變
Quadratic Twists of Elliptic Curves
指導教授: 紀文鎮
Chi, Wen-Chen
Tan, Ki-Seng
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 數學系
Department of Mathematics
論文出版年: 2009
畢業學年度: 97
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 48
中文關鍵詞: 橢圓曲線二次扭變
英文關鍵詞: Elliptic Curve, Quadratic Twist, 2-Selmer Group
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:313下載:4
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  • 關於橢圓曲線的二次扭變,可以追溯到古希臘的一個數論問題,現在我們稱為congruent number problem。而在Ono的論文中提及一個猜想,給定一個橢圓曲線 E 會有無窮多個質數p,使得其對p的二次扭變的秩為零,同時也會有無窮多個質數q,使得其對q的二次扭變的秩為正。在這篇論文中,我們證明了,對於某類橢圓曲線,這個猜想是正確的,並且給出一個方法找出滿足其條件的質數。

    Let E be an elliptic curve defined over Q, and for each square-free rational integer d, let E_d denote the the quadratic twist of E by d (in brief, the d-twist). The
    question concerning the rank rk(Ed(Q)) of the Mordell-Weil group E_d(Q) (the rank of E_d over Q) can be traced back to the ancient Greek congruent number problem for which the involved elliptic curve is nowadays called the congruent curve defined by
    y^2 = x^3-x:
    A square free integer d is a congruent number if and only if the d-twist of the congruent curve has positive rank over Q. There is a conjecture given in the Ono's paper. If E/Q is an elliptic curve, then there are infinitely many primes p for which E_p has rank 0 over Q, and there are infinitely many primes l for which E_l has positive
    rank over Q.
    The main aim of this thesis is to verify this conjecture for a large family of elliptic curves by giving an algorithm to find the suitable primes. For the technical
    reason, we need to assume that the subgroup of 2-torsion points, E[2], is contained in E(Q), or equivalently, the defining equation of E can be written as
    y2 = x(x - a)(x - b); a, b \in Z; 0 < a < b; and (a,b) square free:
    Most of the previous works compute the rank of E_d over Q by computing Sel_2(E_d/Q). Our approach is slightly different, we consider L =Q(\sqrt{d}) and determine the rank of E_d over Q by computing the rank of E over L
    and then using the equality:
    rk(E(L)) = rk(E(Q)) + rk(E_d(Q)):
    The advantage of doing so is that the Selmer group Sel_2(E/L) becomes controllable if the extension L/Q satisfies certain condition that can be easily formulated via local data.

    Chapter I. Introduction 5 Chapter II. Preliminary Results 11 1. The Cassels-Tate Pairing 11 2. The 2-division Points 13 3. The Local Pairing 14 4. Computing Sel2(E/K) 18 5. The Global Duality 20 Chapter III. The Independent Field Extensions 23 1. The Norm Map 23 2. The Map n_{L/Q} 24 3. The Selmer Groups 25 4. The First Main Result 26 Chapter IV. The Local Symbols 29 1. The Archimedean Place 29 2. The Split Multiplicative Places 29 3. The Non-Split Multiplicative Places 30 4. The Potential Good Additive Places 31 5. The map s 32 6. The d-Twist of E for d = p or d = pq 33 7. An Example 34 Chapter V. The Proof of the Main Theorem 39 1. The Injectivity of s(q) 39 2. The Non-surjectivity of s(q) 39 3. The examples of the Congruent Curve 43 Bibliography 47

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