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研究生: 阮日勝
Juan, Ri-Sheng
論文名稱: 川普經貿政策對臺資企業及在臺美商之影響分析
The Influence Analysis of Trump's Economic & Trade Policy on Taiwan-funded Enterprises and American-funded Enterprises in Taiwan
指導教授: 施人英
Shih, Jen-Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 全球經營與策略研究所
Graduate Institute of Global Business and Strategy
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 100
中文關鍵詞: 強化臺美供應鏈排序性常態機率模型川普政策製造業回流認知度模型臺資企業在臺美商
英文關鍵詞: Strengthen the Taiwan-US supply chain, ordinal probit model, Trump policy, manufacturing backflow, recognition model, Taiwan-funded Enterprises, American-funded Enterprises in Taiwan
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GGBS.014.2018.F08
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:261下載:7
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  • 2016年川普作為全球矚目的黑天鵝,當選了美國總統並積極實施製造業回流美國之政策。另外中國19大後,席捲全球的紅色供應鏈,更是企圖再提升中國製造業的全球地位。然而,對貿易依存度高、倚賴著眾多中小型企業的臺灣,將受到來自於全球供應鏈變動的衝擊。本研究將探討如何在美中臺供應鏈的巨浪下,找出一條臺灣所屬的道路?
    1. 爭取與美方洽簽避免雙重課稅協定
    2. 協助廠商於法規面、資訊面、人才面等諮詢需求
    3. 鼓勵臺商赴美投資於新興產業領域
    4. 鼓勵臺商回臺投資
    5. 持續推動法規鬆綁工程,促進臺美產業鏈結與人才流動
    6. 避免對單一市場過度依賴及產業過度單一等問題
    7. 鼓勵臺灣跨國企業供應鏈整合

    In 2016, Trump, as the world's black geese, was selected as the President of the United States. Trump actively implements the policy of returning manufacturing to the United States. In addition, after China's 19th National Congress, the red supply chain sweeping the world is also trying to enhance the global status of China's manufacturing industry. However, Taiwan, which is highly dependent on trade and relies on many small and medium-sized enterprises, will be affected by changes in global supply chains. This study will explore how to find a road to Taiwan under the huge waves of the US-China-Taiwan supply chain.
    First of all, through the consolidation of secondary data, we sorted out the theoretical concept of investment-driven trade effects. Analyze the situation through the US-China-Taiwan trade. Then we will discuss the imagery of the US-China-Taiwan supply chain for Taiwanese companies and explain its implications.
    Second, focus the research spindle on the US-Taiwan supply chain. In view of the current economic and trade and supply chain status of various industries in Taiwan and the United States, we have mapped out the supply chain images of Taiwan and the United States, and analyzed the four types of Taiwan-funded enterprises and their analysis of the situation that may be encountered in the face of Trump policies. Under this image and classification structure, we will explore in depth Taiwan's large enterprises and medium enterprises..
    Third, entrust Dun & Bradstreet to conduct a random sample telephone survey using it’s long-established enterprise database. The 166 Taiwan-funded enterprises and 34 valid questionnaires in Taiwanese companies were selected for sample structure analysis and sorting normal probability model analysis.
    Fourth, based on the results of this research, it is observed that the coverage of Taiwanese investment in the United States may cover emerging industries such as the Internet of Things, smart machinery (including robots), and biotechnology and medicine. However, since Trump took office, Foxconn company, Formosa Plastics company and other companies have planned to expand their investment in the US, such as panel and petrochemical industries. In addition, combined with the regression model analysis of Taiwan-funded enterprises, it is found that if Taiwan-funded enterprises belong to the metal machinery industry, or if they have developed overseas investment in setting up factories, if Taiwan-funded enterprises think that Trump policies will bring economic stimulus, Counteracting the effects of globalization, infrastructure expansion, and energy price reduction will affect its awareness of Trump policies.
    Finally, this study proposes a forward-looking strengthening of the US and US supply chain strategy for the government and enterprises, as follows:
    1. Try to negotiate with the United States to avoid double taxation agreement
    2. Assist manufacturers in consulting requirements such as regulations, information, and talents
    3. Encouraging Taiwanese businessmen to invest in the United States in emerging industries
    4. Encouraging Taiwanese businessmen to return to Taiwan
    5. Continuing to promote the loosening of laws and regulations to promote the industrial chain and talent flow in Taiwan and the United States
    6. Avoid excessive reliance on the single market and excessive single industry issues
    7. Encourage the Integration of Supply Chain in Multinational Enterprises in Taiwan

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究緣起與目的 1 第二節 研究架構 2 第二章 影響臺灣產業供應鏈重組之背景因素 4 第一節 文獻觀點:投資帶動貿易效果 4 第二節 臺美經貿概況與圖像 13 第三節 小結 25 第三章 研究方法 28 第一節 臺資企業與在臺美商問卷調查說明 28 第二節 臺資企業與在臺美商問卷量化分析 32 第四章 美國製造業回流重要政策可行性與專家觀點 40 第一節 美國製造業回流相關政策 40 第二節 美國製造業回流的可行性分析 45 第三節 專家觀點 51 第五章 臺資企業及在臺美商實證分析 56 第一節 廠商因應川普新政之問卷結果 56 第二節 臺資企業認知度模型結果 72 第六章 結論與建議:前瞻性臺美供應鏈策略 75 第一節 結論與發現 75 第二節 強化臺美供應鏈關係之可行策略建議 80 參考文獻 89 附錄1 廠商問卷調查 93 (臺資企業) 93 附錄2 廠商問卷調查 95 (在臺設有子公司/關係企業之美商企業版本) 95 附錄3 專家座談會議記錄 97

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