研究生: |
吳怡慧 Wu, Yi-Hui |
論文名稱: |
探討POE-Inquiry教學策略對國中八年級學生科學探究能力之影響 A Study of the Effect of Implementing POE-Inquiry Teaching Strategy for 8^th Grades on Science Inquiry |
指導教授: |
Hwang, Fu-Kwun |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
物理學系 Department of Physics |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 114 |
中文關鍵詞: | POE-Inquiry教學策略 、科學探究能力 |
英文關鍵詞: | POE-Inquiry teaching strategy, science inquiry |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:683 下載:39 |
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本研究旨在探討將POE(Predict-Observe-Explain)教學與科學探究(Inquiry)教學結合,形成POE -Inquiry教學策略(包含POE教學及POEI實驗設計活動)後,其對國中八年級學生科學探究能力的影響,同時亦探討實驗組學生接受POE-Inquiry教學後之學習感受情形。本研究採準實驗研究設計,研究對象為研究者任教之四個八年級班級,兩班為實驗組,以研究者所研發之POE-Inquiry教學策略進行教學;兩班為控制組,以傳統講述式教學法教學。教學單元為八年級上學期理化科,第三章波動與聲音、第四章光及第五章熱等三個單元,教學時間為兩個月。
研究結果發現:一、在科學探究能力數位評量前、後測表現上,實驗組達顯著差異,控制組未達顯著差異,表示POE -Inquiry教學策略能夠顯著提升學生的科學探究能力。二、由共變數分析結果發現,POE -Inquiry教學策略與講述式教學法對學生科學探究能力的提升無顯著差異。三、由POEI實驗設計活動學習單分析及科學探究能力數位評量前、後測檢定結果發現,實驗組學生在「提出問題」、「選擇變因」、「流程規劃」、「資料轉化」以及「產生推理」等五項科學探究能力有顯著進步。四、學生在POEI實驗設計活動項目中,感到最困擾的項目排序是1.寫出結果與解釋2.提出預測理由3.提出預測結果4.提出問題5.寫出實驗變因6.寫出實驗步驟7.觀察與紀錄。五、學生對POE -Inquiry教學策略持正向感受,多數學生喜愛POE-Inquiry教學策略,因為可以自行設計並操作實驗,藉此訓練思考能力,上課生動有趣,提高學習參與感,並希望能多以這樣的方式上課。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the outcome of POE -Inquiry teaching strategy on 8th graders science inquiry. Also, how the POE -Inquiry as a teaching strategy (including POE teaching and POEI expertment design) impacts on students’ perceptions was studied. It is conducted in a quasi experiment. The subjects are four classes of 8th graders that are taught by the researcher. Two groups of the students receive POEI-based instruction on “Wave and Sounds” (Chapter 3), “Light” (Chapter 4) and “Heat” (Chapter 5), while the other two groups were instructed in traditional expository strategy.
Data were collected before and after this two-months study. Data sources include “digital science inquiry test”, POEI experimental design worksheets, perception questionnaires and interviews. Pre-test and post-test data demonstrated that POE -Inquiry strategy significantly enhanced students’ science inquiry. Data from groups taught with traditional expository strategy only show insignificant increases. However, on the same topic, ANCOVA analysis suggests no significant differences between POE -Inquiry and traditional expository strategy. Students showed better improvement in ”propose questions”, “identify variables”, “plan experimental process”, ”data transformation”, and ” evaluating alternative explanations” after POE -Inquiry instructions. Besides, to sort the step in POEI experiment design activity that makes students feel difficult are: 1.explain experiment result scientifically. 2. make predict reasons. 3. predict results. 4. propose questions. 5. identify variables. 6. plan experimental process. 7. data transformation. Moreover, data collected from questionnaires pointed out that most of the students in POE -Inquiry group prefer POE -Inquiry teaching over traditional expository strategy. Frequently mentioned reasons for this preference include the fun of designing and operating experiments on their own, being encouraged to do logical thinking, and, in short, “a more interesting class”.According to the above results, this research has proposed relevant advices for the present science inquiry teaching in the junior high school and for further studies of related fields.
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