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研究生: 金娜來
Kim, Na-Rae
論文名稱: 「唱讚美歌學習中文」之線上正音行動學習-以韓籍學習者個案為例
A Case Study of Chinese Pronunciation Mobile Learning for Korean Learners through Worship Songs
指導教授: 曾金金
Tseng, Chin-Chin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2020
畢業學年度: 108
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 134
中文關鍵詞: 唱讚美歌學習中文線上口說訓練軟體行動學習線上正音
英文關鍵詞: Acquisition of Chinese through songs, Pronunciation Rectification, Pronunciation Practice, Speaking Practice
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202000772
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:346下載:12
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  • 在許多利用歌曲進行的外語教育經驗中,得出在矯正發音或透過「唱」的行為若是運用在口語練習和詞彙學習方面,能得到正面學習效果。然而在漢語教育方面,由於唱歌時難以辨別音調的聲調,因此好像無法有效地將歌唱運用在中文聲調教學之中。

    Education of foreign languages using songs in diverse language education brings about positive effects in such aspects: pronunciation/intonation correction/rectification, speaking practice through action of singing, and acquisition of words and sentence structure. However, in Chinese teaching, such education method was not actively utilized due to the difficulty in classification of the intonation (that gives each word a definition). The following paper represents a case study to supplement this problem using writing speaking software that can be installed on smartphones.
    The two students participated in this experiment were advanced Chinese learners who have been overseas students in Taiwan but have returned back to South Korea for more than 4 years. These two students were interested in the special field of Chinese worship song, and wanted to improve their long-standing pronunciation errors. Thus, the author designed the learning contents, learning Chinese using songs, together with mobile learning according to the students’ needs and situations. Mobile learning was chosen as this allows practice of effective second language learning regardless of time and space. While the main learning content being Chinese worship songs, practice of pronounciation correction was also made possible by training application that practices speaking of Chinese from the lyrics and the words of the Chinese worship songs. Moreover, the daily study worksheets are provided to write down the given Chinese lyrics, and practice translating the Korean lyrics into Chinese lyrics. The period of experiment was conducted on mobile devices for a total of 33 days, the first practice period of 22 days and the second practice period of 11 days. And intonation test was conducted before and before the practice period in order to compare the effects of improving the intonation errors through the speaking practice application only.
    The pronunciation error of Learner A has decreased from 8 % to 0.72 %, and that of Leaner B has decreased from 4 % to 0.96 %. Through the interviews of the students, this method of learning had a greater effect because pronunciation practice was a popular area of interest for the students. Also, the students positively reviewed the writing worksheets. This helped to prove that pronunciation correction learning, combined with the learning of Chinese worship songs and speaking practice program, has sufficient worth. However, the limit of this research is pointed out from the minimum number of students and the units of learning. This research hopes to see further research of improving the four language functions - listening, speaking, reading, writing - using songs in the future.

    目錄 vii 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 一、唱歌學習語言 1 二、行動學習 2 三、研究動機 3 第二節 研究目的與問題 4 第三節 名詞解釋 4 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 歌曲與外語教學之應用 7 一、歌曲之語言教學 7 二、歌曲應用於華語教學 8 第二節 基督教華語 11 一、專業華語 11 二、基督教華語的語言風格 11 三、福音用語與教會生活用語 12 第三節 行動學習與教學設計 13 一、行動學習概念 13 二、行動學習之特徵 14 三、多媒體數位華語語音教學 16 第四節、小結 18 第三章 研究方法 20 第一節 研究方法 20 第二節 研究過程與步驟 20 第三節 資料收集 24 一、問卷調查與訪談 24 二、聲調實驗之項目 26 第四節 口說練習實驗 26 一、實驗流程 26 二、實驗工具 29 三、聲調測驗評量方法 30 第四章 需求分析與教學設計 32 第一節 需求分析 32 第二節 讚美歌選定與分析 38 一、選定歌曲原則 38 二、歌詞區分與句子和詞彙學習量 39 第三節 口說訓練軟體設定與步驟 46 一、操作說明 47 第四節 學習單編寫 52 一、學習單構成 52 二、寫字練習 53 三、學習單架構 54 四、學習單範例 56 第五節 模組化課程實施運用 64 一、課程實施與內容 64 二、課程規劃 71 第六節、小結 74 第五章 結果分析與討論 75 第一節 聲調偏誤結果分析 75 一、聲調前測結果前測 75 二、聲調練習結果 84 三、後測審聽結果 96 四、前後測結果比較 99 第二節 綜合討論 102 一、聲調音高與流利度的分數比較 102 二、學習者訪談 105 第三節、小結 107 第六章 結論 110 第一節 研究成果 110 一、「唱讚美歌學習中文」課程之成果 110 二、線上口說練習之成果 111 三、行動學習之成果 112 四、學習單分析結果 113 第二節 研究限制與建議 115 參考文獻 116 一、中文文獻 116 二、英文文獻 118 三、韓文文獻 120 附錄 121 附錄一:問卷調查 121 附錄二:聲調審聽範例 125 附錄三:寫字練習範例 129

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