研究生: |
黃慧君 |
論文名稱: |
行動銀行使用者的科技創新意識與虛擬世界危險信念對持續使用意圖之研究 Individual Technological Innovativeness and Belief in Dangerous Virtual World Affect Continuance Intention to Use Mobile Banking |
指導教授: | 洪翊軒 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 100 |
中文關鍵詞: | 科技創新意識 、虛擬世界危險信念 、行動銀行 |
英文關鍵詞: | Innovativeness, Belief in Dangerous Virtual World, Mobile Banking |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202123 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:441 下載:0 |
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隨著金融科技不斷的創新、行動裝置普及和上網人數持續推升,傳統金融業面臨轉型壓力。銀行與客戶的交易行為在這金融創新和行動科技的潮流下也出現轉變,逐漸改變過往金融商業模式。在這競爭時代中,如能更了解使用者意圖,即可更準確貼近目標市場,使投資策略更精確。因此,本研究利用Davis (1989) 提出的科技接受模式為架構,加入科技創新意識、虛擬世界危險信念二項外部變數,探討各因素對於行動銀行使用者的持續使用意圖相互影響關係。研究結果如下:(1)科技創新意識對於知覺有用性與知覺易用性有正相關。(2)虛擬世界危險信念對於知覺有用性與知覺易用性有負相關。(3)知覺有用性對於使用態度與持續使用意圖有正相關。(4)知覺易用性對於使用態度與知覺有用性有正相關。(5)使用態度對於持續使用意圖有正相關。(6)科技創新意識對於使用態度與持續使用意圖有間接正相關。(7)虛擬世界危險信念對於使用態度與持續使用意圖有間接負相關。根據研究結果,建議銀行管理者提出行動銀行使用環境安全性之驗證,以減少使用者的虛擬世界危險信念並增加使用上的信心。
With the continuous innovation of financial technology, the popularity of mobile devices and the number of Internet users has been continuing to push up, the traditional financial industry is facing pressure to transform. Banks and customers’ trading behavior in these trends of financial innovation and mobile technology changed, that also affected the financial business model. In the competitive baking, it is necessary to understand the user's perception and intention to approach target market. Therefore, this study extended the technology acceptance model proposed by Davis (1989) as research framework, including two external variables of technological innovativeness and belief in dangerous virtual world to explore the customers’ continuance intention to use mobile banking. The results of this study indicated: (1) Individual technological innovativeness was positively associated with perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. (2) Belief in dangerous virtual world was negatively associated with perceived usefulness and perceived ease of use. (3) Perceived usefulness was positively associated with attitude toward using and continuance intention to use. (4) Perceived ease of use was positively associated with attitude toward using and perceived usefulness. (5) Attitude toward using was positively associated with continuance intention to use. (6) Individual technological innovativeness was positively related to attitude toward use and continuance intention to use mediated by perceived usefulness and ease of use. (7) Finally, Belief in dangerous virtual world was negatively related to attitude toward use and continuance intention to use mediated by perceived usefulness and ease of use. The implication of this study suggested top managers in banking can demonstrate the security evidences to reduce users’ belief in dangerous virtual world to enhance their confidence to use mobile banking.
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