研究生: |
胡子宇 |
論文名稱: |
國中學生愛滋病防治行為意圖及其相關因素研究-以臺北地區某兩所國中為例 |
指導教授: | 葉國樑 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2014 |
畢業學年度: | 102 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 135 |
中文關鍵詞: | 國中學生 、愛滋病防治知識 、愛滋病防治態度 、愛滋病防治行為意圖 |
英文關鍵詞: | junior high students, AIDS’s preventive knowledge, AIDS’s preventive attitude, AIDS’s preventive behavioral intensions |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:268 下載:24 |
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一、 研究對象的愛滋病防治知識屬於中上程度的暸解;愛滋病防治態度呈現正向態度;而愛滋病防治行為意圖高。
二、 研究對象接觸色情媒體的種類以色情漫畫及色情網站為最多;在網路上所接觸的色情內容主要為色情圖片、色情廣告及色情影片;性知識的主要來源為師長以及同學。
三、 愛滋病防治行為意圖和性別有顯著的正相關,和年級則有顯著的負相關。
四、 愛滋病防治行為意圖和愛滋病防治知識、愛滋病防治態度有顯著正相關。
五、 國中女學生的愛滋病防治行為意圖表現顯著優於國中男學生。
六、 國中學生之「性別」、「愛滋病防治知識」、「愛滋病防治態度」能有效預測其「愛滋病防治行為意圖」的表現,並且以愛滋病防治態度對於愛滋病防治行為意圖的預測力最高。
The main purpose of the studywereto investigate the AIDS’s preventive behavioral intentions, and to explore the relationship with related factors of the junior high studentsin Taipei area. The data werecollected by questionnairestoward the sample-642junior high students.The students of the study included 7th,8th and 9th students from two schools in Taipeicity and New Taipei city.The significant results weresummarized as following:
1. The scores of AIDS’s preventiveknowledge of the studentswereabove average. The AIDS’s preventiveattitude of the students werepositive, and the AIDS’s preventivebehavioral intentions of the studentswas good.
2. The major exposure sources of sex media werepornography cartoonand pornography website. Pornography images, advertisementand adults video were the major contentsofpornography website. The main sourcesof sexual knowledge werefrom teachers and classmates.
3. The correlation between gender andthe AIDS’s preventivebehavioral intentionswaspositive, and the grade with AIDS’s preventivebehavioral intentions was negative.
4. AIDS’s preventivebehavioral intensions were positivelycorrelated with the AIDS’s preventiveknowledge, and also positively correlated with the AIDS’s preventiveattitude.
5. The AIDS’s preventivebehavioral intensionsof female studentswere significantlybetter than those of male students.
6. Gender, AIDS’s preventiveknowledge,and the AIDS’s preventiveattitudecould significantlypredict the AIDS’s preventivebehavioral intensions, and the AIDS’s preventive attitude was the best predictorfor AIDS’s preventive behavioral intensions.
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