研究生: |
蕭玉玫 Hsiao, Yu-Mei |
論文名稱: |
三位婚姻暴力受暴婦女之賦能歷程 Empowering Processes of Three Women Experiencing Marital Violence |
指導教授: | 許維素 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2008 |
畢業學年度: | 96 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 272 |
中文關鍵詞: | 婚姻暴力 、受暴婦女 、賦能歷程 、賦能要素 |
英文關鍵詞: | marital violence, abused women, empowering process, components of empowerment |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:290 下載:0 |
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本研究旨在瞭解受暴婦女走出婚姻暴力的賦能歷程及其賦能要素內涵。研究者以立意取樣法,邀請三位曾經歷過婚姻暴力,自認目前已走出婚暴且具有某些賦能感的本國婦女(年齡介於31至55歲),進行半結構式深度訪談,並以Zimmerman (1995) 賦能理論為依據,以質性研究的開放性編碼進行訪談逐字稿分析。本研究的結果與討論主要分為四個部份呈現:
1. 從受暴到賦能─受訪受暴婦女走出婚姻暴力的故事:依照時間序呈現每位受訪受暴婦女在暴力籠罩下的生活經驗及其走出婚姻暴力的賦能過程。
2. 受訪受暴婦女走出婚姻暴力之賦能要素分析與討論:受訪受暴婦女走出婚暴之賦能要素包括(一)個人內在層面的賦能要素:主要包含「想要控制的動機」、「知覺控制感」、「自我肯定感」、「經濟層面的自我效能感」、「知覺到負向感受的減少」,以及「知覺到正向感受的產生」等六類,其下共含29個成分;(二)互動層面的賦能要素:主要包含「對問題的覺察」、「對資源的覺察」、「技巧的發展」,以及「重新建構觀點」等四類,其下共含9個成分;(三)行為層面的賦能要素:主要包含「投入職場與提昇競爭力」、「情緒或壓力管理行為」、「積極抗暴行動」、「社會支持網絡的支持」、「表現利他行為」,以及「增加社區/社群/社交互動參與」等六類,其下共含18個成分。
3. 受訪受暴婦女賦能歷程之初步探討:受訪受暴婦女的賦能歷程可略分為(1)初始階段:賦能引發於覺察問題、失控感與控制動機的存在,或社會支持網絡的主動介入;(2)預備階段:覺察資源或發展技巧為採取行動前的準備;(3)行動階段:採取具體行動以直接影響事件結果,以及(4)結果階段:產生賦能成果並開啟另一賦能循環等四個階段。然而,這些階段並非截然劃分,而且,各賦能要素在整個賦能過程中其實是穿插互動、往返前進的,並非單純的線性關係。
4. 受訪受暴婦女賦能歷程之重要面向變化的討論:受訪受暴婦女的賦能歷程包含(一)暴力的因應或對抗:由覺察暴力問題到學習如何因應或對抗暴力;(二)情緒或壓力的抒解與掌控:由失控無力感到發展情緒或壓力的掌控技巧與支持系統;(三)經濟上的自主與掌控:投入職場與提昇競爭力以增加經濟掌控力;(四)人際的互動與連結:從社交孤立到人際互動連結與利他行為表現,以及(五)自我價值感的提昇:走出婚暴的賦能歷程即是自我價值感的提昇過程等五個重要面向,並且有其大致的先後發展順序。前四者在受訪者走出婚暴的整體賦能過程當中,顯示有互為影響並同步提昇其自我價值的情形,故自我價值感的提昇可謂受訪婚暴婦女走出婚暴之賦能歷程的核心面向。
This study explored the empowering processes of women who experienced martial violence and the components of personal empowerment that enabled these three women to leave abusive relationships. Three abused women aged 31–55 years who experienced a sense of empowerment participated in this study. Data collected through in-depth interviews were analyzed by using the open-ended rules of the qualitative method. Based on the Zimmerman’s theory, the results and discussion of this study were presented as four parts.
First, the histories of these women, including their life experiences and the empowering processes, were described.
Second, the components of personal empowerment were as follows: (1) six intrapersonal components were motivation to control, perceived control, self-confidence, economic self-efficacy, perceived decrease in negative feelings, and perceived production of positive feelings; (2) four interactive components were awareness of problems, awareness of resources, development of skills, and reframing; and, (3) six behavioral components were taking a job, developing self competence, active anti-violence action, emotional or pressure management, and social network support, performing altruistic behaviors and, and increasing participation in the community or social activities.
Third, the empowering processes of these women had the following four stages: initiation, preparation, action and outcome. These stages were inseparable and the components of empowerment in the empowering process were interrelated.
Fourth, five essential aspects of the empowering processes were identified. These aspects, which interacted with each other, were coping with or resisting violence, relief or control of emotions or pressure, economic autonomy and control, interpersonal interaction and connectedness, and elevation of self-esteem.
Finally, based on the results and discussion of this study, suggestions were proposed for women experiencing marital violence, professionals and future research.
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