研究生: |
劉盈秀 Ying-Hsiu Liu |
論文名稱: |
台灣高中生英文寫作中分詞構句之篇章分析 A Discourse Analysis of Adverbial Participle Clauses in Taiwanese Senior High Students' Writing |
指導教授: |
Lin, Hsueh-O |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2009 |
畢業學年度: | 97 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 116 |
中文關鍵詞: | 英文寫作 、分詞構句 、篇章分析 、定景功能 |
英文關鍵詞: | English Writing, Adverbial Participle Clauses, Discourse Analysis, Grounding Function |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:416 下載:14 |
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分詞構句此一句型向來是台灣高中英語課程的教學重點之一,然而討論分詞構句如何應用於高中生英文作文當中的研究卻是付之闕如。有鑑於此,本研究旨在探討177位台灣高中生英文作文中分詞構句的使用。研究語料來自於受試者根據一幅連環圖畫寫成之英文作文,另外本研究蒐集23位美語母語人士針對同一幅連環圖畫所寫之作文,作為研究分析之參照。透過質性分析,本研究的主要重點有三:(1) 比較台灣高中英語學習者與美語母語人士使用之分詞構句的頻率(frequency)差異;(2) 探討台灣英語學習者使用的分詞構句所代表的語意關係(semantic relations);(3) 就結構(form)與功能(function)層面,對台灣英語學習者使用之分詞構句進行錯誤分析(error analysis)。
研究結果顯示台灣高中生在作文中使用的分詞構句頻率高於美語母語人士,推測為高中英語課程中針對此句型之密集教學與句型練習之影響。另外語意分析的結果顯示台灣高中生使用之分詞構句與美語母語人士類似,大部份均為較不明確之語意關係(less informative relations),而較明確之語意關係(more informative relations)則少見。此外,錯誤分析的結果指出台灣高中生─不管程度高低─在此句型的使用上均有嚴重的問題,特別是在句型的功能方面,包括:(1) 誤用分詞構句去連結邏輯關係疏遠的命題,以及未能正確發揮分詞構句的背景功能(backgroundiung function)。(2) 錯誤的訊息排列順序(ordering distribution)。除此之外,不同程度學生所犯的錯誤之分析結果顯示,雖然功能方面的錯誤對各個程度的學生均為最大的問題,但細分來看程度高與程度低的學生所犯之錯誤仍有不同層面上的差異。
Adverbial participle clauses have long been among the focuses of instruction in high school English curriculum in Taiwan. However, few studies have examined the use of participle clauses in Taiwanese EFL learners’ writing. Thus, the present study aims to investigate the use of adverbial participle clauses in 177 Taiwanese senior high school students’ English compositions. Data were collected by asking EFL participants to finish a multiple-picture guided writing task in which rich occurrence of participle clauses was expected. Another set of data was collected from 23 native speakers, whose written production served as the reference norm on which the comparison with EFL participants’ production was based. Employing qualitative methods, this study focuses on (1) the comparison of the frequency of adverbial participle clauses in learner and native data, (2) the exploration of semantic relations of participle clauses produced by EFL learners, and (3) error analysis of learner productions in form and function.
The results show that Taiwanese EFL learners in this study used more instances of adverbial participle clauses than the native participants, a finding that demonstrates the effect of intensive teaching and pattern practice our EFL learners receive in high school English curriculum. In addition, the analysis of semantic relations of participle clauses in learner data indicates that EFL learners behaved similarly with native speakers in that less informative relations were largely represented while more informative relations were mostly underrepresented in a depictive genre. Finally, analysis of learner errors reveals serious problems in the production of functionally proper participle clauses for both high and low level learners. These functional errors include (1) the misapplication of adverbial participle clauses in terms of problematic logical connection and the failure to recognize the backgroundiung function performed by participle construction, and (2) problematic ordering distribution. Moreover, errors made by EFL learners of different proficiency levels were further analyzed, and it was found that they have difficulty in different aspects, though functional errors still seem most common to learners of all levels.
Following the analysis of learner errors, the present study argues that EFL learners’ problems with the production of participle clauses are related to EFL interlanguage as well as misleading presentation and inadequate explanation of the participle construction in the participants’ EFL textbooks. To contribute to EFL formal grammar instruction in English curriculum in Taiwan, this study proposes pedagogical implications and suggestions in hopes of improving Taiwanese high school learners’ production of participle clauses in writing.
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