研究生: |
邱純玉 Chiu, Chun-Yu |
論文名稱: |
時尚婚紗之關鍵成功因素研析 Analysis of the Key Success Factors of Fashion Wedding Dress |
指導教授: |
Yu, Hsiang |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
國際時尚高階管理碩士在職專班 Executive Master of Business Administration Program in Global Fashion |
論文出版年: | 2018 |
畢業學年度: | 106 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 64 |
中文關鍵詞: | 品牌 、時尚婚紗 、創業 、結婚包套 、顧客關係管理 、明星效應 、周邊商品 |
英文關鍵詞: | Wedding Package, Amount Of Pictures, Wedding Gift Box, Wedding Secretary, Bridal Secretary, Wedding Street, Wedding Adviser Company |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GFEMBA.002.2018.F08 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:351 下載:50 |
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筆者從事婚紗產業逾35年的經驗,一路由基層禮服秘書開始一步步地往上升遷至門市、門市主管,並於2002年自行創業成立「蘇菲雅婚紗社」,為了開拓更大的市場、接觸更多金字塔頂端的客戶,自2007年開始積極參加各大品牌時裝秀、接觸Pronovias、Jason Wu、Michael D、Tarik Ediz等國際品牌並相互交流。也至歐美國家參觀各式蕾絲、布料展覽,發現台灣廠商設計的布料,在國外大放異彩被各大國際品牌採用,有如此豐富的資源卻不能在國內銷售,便有感而發想要透過台灣設計師的手,結合台灣製造的布料,創造出真正屬於台灣原創的禮服,
首章為緒論,包含研究動機、研究背景及目的以及名詞釋義。第二章為文獻探討,首先介紹時尚婚紗、傳統婚紗及台灣婚紗市場演進,再探討國外三家時尚婚紗成功品牌Vera Wang、Jason Wu、Elie Saab的歷史沿革與發展軌跡,以此了解國內外的婚紗市場。第三章研究方法以文獻回顧法及訪談法進行,第四章研究發現,筆者從細分問題裡再次探討時尚婚紗關鍵成功原因,以文獻回顧方法證實,再用訪談法了解相關產業業者想法,以此做研究,進而找出時尚婚紗關鍵成功因素。
第五章為結論,總結以上文獻及訪談內容,歸納關鍵成功因素,後再以台灣婚紗品牌D-S Wedding為例,給予研究及台灣時尚婚紗品牌建議,婚紗市場如何能以現有基礎再往上成長,與國際品牌接軌以致並駕齊驅。筆者思考各方面能夠更加精進的地方,期能了解與打造屬於台灣的婚紗時尚品牌,對台灣婚紗品牌發展有所貢獻。
The author has been engaged in wedding dress industry over 35 years, start from the grassroots, began to step up to the director of the company. In 2002, the author start-upped own business and established Sophia International Wedding. In order to exploit the market and get in touch with the top-tier customers, Sophia International Wedding has been proactively takes participation in various fashion shows since 2007. Also osculated with other international brands such as Pronovias, Jason Wu, Michael D, Tarik Ediz. Moreover, the author also been to countries in Europe and the United States to view and emulate the exhibition of different lace fabrics. And found out that the fabric designed by Taiwanese company has been used in foreign countries and adopted by international brands. With this significant discovery, the author came up with an idea. To create authentic Taiwanese dress by combining the Taiwanese designers with the fabric made in Taiwan.
The first chapter introduce the company background, the motivation, as well as the academic terminology. The second chapter explain the evolution of the Taiwan wedding dress market from ancient to present, and explore the historical change and development trajectory of the three successful wedding dress brands Vera Wang, Jason Wu, Elie Saab. The third chapter is to explain the two methods of literature : Literature review method and Interview method. Chapter four summaries the previous chapters to find out the main component that lead to success and to prove it in retrospect. Then use the interview method to understand other counterpart’s thinking and deduce the key success factors.
Chapter 5 is the conclusion. Combine all the above literatures and interview reports, and sum up the key success factors then take the Taiwanese brand D-S Wedding as an example to analyze whether the Taiwan wedding dress market has these factors. After that, give them advises to help them to reach the top on the existing foundations. And try to perfect all aspects as far as possible, so that the Taiwan wedding can be geared to international standards and catalyze the fashion of Taiwan.
Daisy Chen,新娘物語雜誌,(JUL-AUG 2016 NO.84)
Daisy Chen,新娘物語雜誌,(JAN-FEB 2017 NO.87)
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