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研究生: 陳桂華
Chen Kuei-hua
論文名稱: 不正常中的正常?國中教師借課文化之個案研究
Research on the Borrow-and- lend Issue of Curriculum of Junior High School Teachers
指導教授: 卯靜儒
Mao, Chin-Ju
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 借課課程社會學國中教師學術學科
英文關鍵詞: borrow-and-lend of curriculum, sociology of curriculum, junior high school teachers, academic school subjects
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:269下載:16
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  • 本研究旨在探討國民中學課程運作中的「借課」問題。研究者以自身初任教師時的借課經驗出發,運用課程社會學的理論視角,質性研究厚實描述的特色,探究個案大東國中的借課現況與背後成因。在本研究中,研究者將借課視為學校日常生活中,某種習焉不察但隨處可見,而且背後蘊含著某種意義的文化,希望藉由對大東國中借課文化的探索,嘗試揭露借課文化的問題,陳顯借課文化的潛在教育意涵及重點方向。


    The purpose of this research is to inquire the issues and current conditions of borrow-and-lend behaviors of curriculum of junior high school teachers. Not just taking this issue as an abnormal phenomenon, the researcher analyzed this issue with the sociology of curriculum theories, and viewed it as a kind of culture containing some important meanings in school’s everyday life. With the way of quantitative analysis and case study method, the researcher interviewed 16 teachers and two students in Dadong junior high school, hoping to uncover the problems of the issue and to find out the true educational meanings behind.
    In the research, we can find that the recent reform of curriculum doesn’t really provide this school with enough resources, so the school faces some problems, such as not having enough teachers in some non-academic subjects, or not having enough time for academic subjects’ teachers to teach. Therefore, although borrow-and-lend culture of curriculum is viewed improper, it somehow provides as some flexibility to make curriculum operating smoothly. As a result, teachers think it’s necessary to exist. However, according to the analysis and discussion, three conclusions are drawn. First, the borrow-and-lend culture of curriculum shows that Taiwan’s educational system tends to training students to pass the exam and emphasizes academic subject too much. Second, homeroom teachers play an important role like a bridge in the culture. Third, although it is viewed improper and abnormal, this culture is taken for granted in junior high school. Finally, in order to solve this problem, some reflections are provided as a reference for the authority, schools, and teachers.

    第一章 緒論---------------------------------1 第一節 我的借課初體驗----------------------1 第二節 借課是件「不正常的事」---------------5 第三節 理論的啟發-------------------------7 第二章 借課:一種不適當的研究議題?-----------12 第一節 前導研究的發現---------------------12 第二節 研究方法的選取---------------------15 第三節 找尋場域的過程---------------------16 第四節 資料收集與分析---------------------18 第五節 研究倫理的確立---------------------22 第三章 探究大東國中的借課文化----------------26 第一節 大東國中的學校文化概述--------------26 第二節 大東國中借課文化的特色--------------30 第三節 大東國中的學科階層化----------------38 第四節 導師─大東國中借課文化的橋樑----------56 第五節 大東國中借課文化中權力關係的消長------73 第四章 看見借課文化背後的問題與需求-----------87 第一節 不充分中的充分:借課是因應實際情況的正常措施-------87 第二節 未完成中的完成:不只是教完 -----------------------94 第三節 不正常中的正常:你站在基層就知道會發生什麼問題------101 第五章 結論、反思與建議-----------------------105 第一節 結論--------------------------------105 第二節 反思與建議---------------------------109 第三節 研究限制與後續研究建議-----------------113 第四節 研究旅途中的感想與新成長---------------114 參考文獻-----------------------116 中文部分---------------------116 英文部分---------------------117 附錄一 國民中學藝能及活動課程教學視導實施要點--------119 附錄二 訪談大綱-----------------------------------121

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