研究生: |
楊令廷 Yang, Ling-Ting |
論文名稱: |
獨立歌手品牌與歌迷自我意識關聯性之探討 - 以社群媒體Instagram為例 Exploring the Relationship between Independent Singer Brands and Fans’ Self-Concept in Social Media: Taking Instagram as an Example |
指導教授: |
Wang, Shih-Ju |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Management |
論文出版年: | 2020 |
畢業學年度: | 108 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 61 |
中文關鍵詞: | 歌手品牌 、獨立音樂 、Instagram 、自我意識 、獨特性 |
英文關鍵詞: | singer brands, independent music, Instagram, self-concept, distinctiveness |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202001280 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:355 下載:0 |
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從過去的研究顯示,自我意識與品牌的連結被視為一種展現自我的手段,隨著獨立音樂逐漸佔據音樂產業,自我意識的研究也開始關注到與歌手品牌之連結。獨立歌迷將歌手品牌視為一種反射,在評斷獨立歌手時,若能符合歌迷自我概念中的真實自我(real self)及理想自我(ideal self),將進而追隨並支持該歌手品牌,以滿足自我意識動機之需求。本研究希望能夠探索獨立歌迷如何藉由Instagram上獨立歌手品牌的展現其自我意識,與歌迷在追蹤歌手品牌時,如何產生差異之手段,使自己產生一種「獨特性」。利用質化研究的深度訪談方式,搜集8位獨立歌迷的訪談資料,觀察其8位受訪者在Instagram所發布及張貼的歌手品牌資訊,並藉由下列三個面向呈現:
1. 獨立歌手品牌反映真實的自我:針對在社群媒體上之獨立歌手品牌,觀察獨立歌迷是否會追蹤這些品牌作為展現真實自我的表現,並將採訪結果分為「獨立歌迷之追蹤動機」及「分享真實自我歌手品牌資訊之社會贊同(social approval)」進行探討及剖析。
2. 獨立歌手品牌反映理想的自我:透過詢問受訪者,希望成為的獨立歌手(Who I Could Be),以及希望好友如何看待自己追蹤的對象(Who I Want to Be Perceived),並且觀察受訪對象對於好友知道追蹤對象時,對於自身追蹤此歌手的影響程度。
3. 獨立歌手品牌展現歌迷獨特性:藉由瞭解獨立歌迷使用使用社群軟體追蹤歌手品牌的目的,觀察受訪者社群媒體上是否有目的性的通過歌 手品牌進行自我表達自身的獨特性。
Previous researches show that the connection between self-concept and brand is considered as a purpose of self-expression. With the independent music gradually play an important role of the music industry, the study of self-concept has begun to pay close attention to the independent singer's brand. Usually, Independent fans regard the singer brand as a reflection. When they judge independent singer, they will review their real self and ideal self by their self-concept, and then will further support the singer brands to fulfill their motivation of self-concept. This research expects to explore how independent fans reflect their self-concept through independent singer brands on Instagram, and how to reflect independent fans’ "distinctiveness" by following independent singer brands. Researcher will use the in-depth interview method of qualitative research, interviewing 8 independent fans to collect the data. In addition, observing the singer brand information on Instagram given by 8 interviewees posted. It will be presented by the following three aspects:
1.Independent singer brands reflect independent fan’s real self: For independent singer brands on social media, observe whether independent fans will track these brands as an expression of their true self, and divide the interview results into "tracking motivation for independent fans" and "Social approval of share the brand information which reflects real self ".
2.Independent singer brands reflect independent fan’s ideal self: by asking the interviewee, which independent singer you want to be, and how friends think about the independent singer they follow. Then observe the influence level to the independent fans.
3.Independent singer brands reflect independent fan’s distinctiveness: By understanding the purpose of independent fans follow their independent singer brand, observing whether the interviewees express their distinctiveness purposefully.
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