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研究生: 徐懷彤
Hsu, Huai-Tung
論文名稱: 臺語中遠指詞he的言談功能
The Discourse Functions of the Distal Demonstrative he in Taiwanese Southern Min
指導教授: 張妙霞
Chang, Miao-Hsia
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 178
中文關鍵詞: 遠指詞語法化篇章分析
英文關鍵詞: demonstratives, grammaticalization, pragmatic functions, discourse marker, subjectivity
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:351下載:20
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  • 本研究旨在探討臺語中遠指詞「彼」的言談功能與語法化現象。本研究根
    據 Himmelmann (1996)及 Diessel (1999) 兩位學者提出的指示詞分類方法,分析
    能(the situational use)、語篇功能(the discourse deictic use) 、示蹤功能 (the
    anaphoric use)、以及認同功能(the recognitional use)。情境用所指的對象在於言談

    This study is to examine the discourse functions of the distal demonstrative he in
    Taiwanese Southern Min from a pragmatic perspective. The analysis of this study is
    based on 3.4 hour natural spoken data, including daily conversation, radio interview,
    and telephone calls.
    In this study, the uses of the distal demonstrative fall into four categories, namely
    the situational use, the discourse deictic use, the anaphoric use, and the recognitional
    use. The situational use signifies the use of demonstratives to identify an entity from
    others in the surrounding situation and establish the referring entity into the universe
    of discourse. The discourse deictic demonstrative marks reference to the preceding,
    current, or the following segments in discourse. Discourse deictic demonstratives
    focus on the propositional contents instead of forms. The anaphoric demonstrative
    refers to a noun phrase, mainly to a major participant in the preceding discourse. In
    the recognitional use, the demonstrative refers to a referent that is assumed by the
    speaker to be identifiable based on specific shared knowledge between the speaker
    and the hearer exclusively.
    Concerning the four discourse functions, it shows that the use of the distal
    demonstrative does not necessarily encode deictic information, as in the discourse
    deictic use and the anaphoric use. The distal demonstrative does not refer to any entity
    in the physical world but points out a referent in discourse. In addition, the distal
    demonstrative in the recognitional use may not encode the spatial contrast. The use of
    the distal demonstrative refers to a referent which is assumed by the speaker to be
    identifiable to the hearer. Moreover, the speaker employs the recognitional
    demonstrative to point out the focal status of the referent or to express s/he attitudes.
    Therefore, the distal demonstrative is developed from its basic use as a space deixis to
    refer to referent in discourse, to mark a focal status, or even to express attitudes. In this way, the distal demonstrative is said to be under the path of grammaticalization.

    ENGLISH ABSTRACT.........................................................................................................i CHINESE ABSTRACT.......................................................................................................iii ACKNOWLEDGMENTS.....................................................................................................iv TABLE OF CONTENTS .....................................................................................................vi LIST OF TABLES ...........................................................................................................viii LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS................................................................................................ix LIST OF TRANSCRIPTION CONVENTIONS ........................................................................xi CHAPTER ONE INTRODUCTION .....................................................................................1 1.1 Motivation and Goals...........................................................................................1 1.2 Data Collection ...................................................................................................2 1.3 Organization of the Thesis ...................................................................................3 CHAPTER TWO LITERATURE REVIEW ...........................................................................4 2.1 Deixis....................................................................................................................4 2.1.1 Demonstratives and Space Deixis .............................................................10 2.1.2 Demonstratives and Discourse Deixis .......................................................12 2.1.3 Demonstratives and Anaphoric Usage ......................................................15 2.2 Major Pragmatic Usages of Demonstratives......................................................18 2.2.1 The Situational Use .....................................................................................18 2.2.2 The Discourse Deictic Use ..........................................................................25 2.2.3 The Anaphoric Use......................................................................................30 2.2.4 The Recognitional Use ..........................................................................38 2.3 Studies on Demonstratives in Mandarin and TSM ............................................45 2.3.1 Huang 1999. ................................................................................................46 2.3.2 Tao 1999......................................................................................................56 2.3.3 Biq 2007. .....................................................................................................63 2.3.4 Lee 1999. .....................................................................................................67 2.4 Summary and Discussion ...................................................................................79 CHAPTER THREE THE PRAGMATIC FUNCTIONS OF THE DISTAL DEMONSTRATIVE HE IN TSM ..........................................................................................................82 3.1 Distribution of he in the Data .............................................................................83 3.2 The Situational Use ............................................................................................83 3.3 The Discourse Deictic Use .................................................................................94 3.4 The Anaphoric Use...........................................................................................102 3.5 The Recognitional Use .....................................................................................113 3.5.1 Specific Personal Knowledge....................................................................114 3.5.2 Shared Background Knowledge ................................................................125 3.5.3 Inference ....................................................................................................133 3.5.4 Interim summary .......................................................................................141 3.5.4 Evoked Information...................................................................................147 3.6 Summary ..........................................................................................................148 CHAPTER FOUR DISCOURSE FUNCTIONS AND GRAMMATICALIZATION.....................150 4.1 Mechanisms for Grammaticalization ...............................................................150 4.2 Grammaticalization and the Functions of he....................................................153 4.3 Grammaticalized Functions of he in TSM .......................................................155 4.4 Summary ..........................................................................................................168 CHAPTER FIVE CONCLUSION ....................................................................................170 5.1 Summary of Findings.......................................................................................170 5.2 Suggestion for Further Research ......................................................................172 Bibliography ..............................................................................................................173

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