簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 郭雅倢
Kuo, Ya-Chieh
論文名稱: 存有流離—郭雅倢創作論述
Fragmented Existence—Study of Kuo Ya—Chieh’s Panitings
指導教授: 李君毅
Lee, Chun-Yi
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 47
中文關鍵詞: 後現代主義碎片化失落感疏離當代水墨疏淡
英文關鍵詞: Postmodernism, Fragmentation, Loss, indifferent, Contemporary Ink Art, blandness
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DFA.005.2019.A10
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:329下載:0
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  • 本文以筆者研究所期間之作品為研究對象,透過後現代社會文化理論爬梳,理解當代人無以名狀的不安、失落與疏離,以及這樣的情緒如何反映在作品上,作為創作的反思與聚焦。

    This thesis takes the works of the author's master period as the research object, through post-modern social and cultural theories, to understand the unease, anxiety and alienation of contemporary people, and how such emotions are reflected in the works as a reflection.
    Fragmentation in post-modern theory is the core of this article.Including the reasons for the occurrence of fragmentation and the atmosphere created for the entire society.It then affects the fracture between people and the world,people and the society, people and the people.So that the common people's universal indifference, loneliness and dissatisfaction. The scope of the post-modern theory is large and unknown.Regarding the social atmosphere and the sense of personal acceptance, it is written in detail in Chapter 2.
    The popularization of the capital system replaces the Primitive Community. Individuals can be separated from the organization. Not only are they rich and free, but human beings are pursuing self-realization. But they are more loneliness than in any era. The history of fragmentation makes the personal existence inexplicable and independent. The social organization enables individuals to no longer have an invincible identity, trust, and focus are greatly reduced; fragmented interpersonal relationships can make individuals' social needs unsatisfied. At the same time, mankind finally has the conditions to pursue self-fulfillment while also forming an alienated individualism. With the unseeking and over-expansion of consumer desires of super-realistic images, the deep souls of contemporary people are filled with loneliness and vain. Individuals are frozen. Individual existence in the world.
    Author compares the state of " Fragmented Existence " with a metaphor of the state of western philosophy. Philosophers continue to argue why the essence of life changes no matter how the intension exists. All of this refers to life and cannot be resolved or erased. The most basic nature has unshakeable independence and absoluteness. The use of the word “Fragmented Existence” in the title of this article is to use Existence philosophical connotations to enumerate the helplessness of contemporary people’s schizophrenic state that threatens the nature of the soul.
    The beginning of the third chapter, after the influence of modern anti-aesthetic and visual culture on graphic arts, discusses the logic of image arrangement of contemporary graphic art works, and continues to the creation of the fourth chapter.
    In the third chapter, the author combs the correspondence between the form and content of the work, including the bleak visual form, the incomplete body shape, the operation of the flesh texture, etc., and each has its own expression of emotions and social feelings. The beginning of the chapter shows that the author's work is shaped by the fact that it is in conformity with the value of the esthetic beauty, but the impact of the departure from the content is to shape the perceptual link between break, indifference, alienation and loneliness in contemporary society. From the esoteric form of beauty and its spiritual values, we will describe how to practice techniques in the works to achieve a faint visual effect. Finally, in the fifth chapter, the author analyzes the creative context and practice of individual works in detail, hoping to complete the whirlpool of personal thoughts through this article, and then reflect on the works in order to facilitate the deeper and cumulative creation of the future.

    摘 要 i 第一章 緒論 - 1 - 第一節 創作研究動機與目的 - 1 - 第二節 研究內容與範圍限制 - 2 - 第三節 名詞解釋 - 2 - 第二章 學理依據 - 5 - 第一節 馬斯洛的人類動機理論 - 5 - 第二節 後現代社會文化中的失落 - 5 - 第三章 創作形式與內容 - 11 - 第一節 疏淡的視覺形式 - 11 - 第二節 不完整的人體呈現 - 12 - 第三節 血肉質感的營造 - 14 - 第四章 創作實踐與作品分析 - 16 - 第一節 視覺形式與圖像內容的衝突 - 16 - 第二節 技術與實踐 - 17 - 第三節 作品分析 - 18 - 第五章 結論 - 27 - 圖錄 - 28 - 表錄 - 42 - 參考書目 - 46 -

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