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研究生: 陳景勻
Chen, Ching-Yun
論文名稱: 運用概念導向閱讀教學帶領高中生主題探究之行動研究
An Action research of Using Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction in High School Students’ Thematic Inquiry
指導教授: 唐淑華
Tang, Shu-Hua
口試委員: 陳昭珍
Chen, Chao-Chen
Lin, Chun-Yi
Tang, Shu-Hua
口試日期: 2023/06/20
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 課程與教學研究所
Graduate Institute of Curriculum and Instruction
論文出版年: 2023
畢業學年度: 111
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 142
中文關鍵詞: 概念導向閱讀教學探究學習國語文教學
英文關鍵詞: Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction, Inquiry Learning, Mandarin teaching
研究方法: 行動研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202301111
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:282下載:1
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  • 本研究源於研究者對於素養導向與自主探究的教育趨勢之下,國語文教師如何在國語文課中培養學生運用閱讀進行探究之好奇,因此研究者運用概念導向閱讀教學框架(Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction)來發展一套教學方案,帶領高中生進行主題探究,並檢視實施歷程中,學生主題探究與閱讀動機的表現,以及研究者的成長。

    本研究採用行動研究法,研究場域為臺北市一所實驗教育的高中語文選修課,共 4 位學生。本研究共分為兩期:行動期與調整期。在研究過程中,研究者以參與式觀察、檔案文件分析、訪談之方式蒐集資料,並對資料進行整理與分析。


    四、 研究者的收穫與成長分別為(一)在教學觀念上,了解CORI是心法,沒有固定的方法;(二)在教學設計上,反思CORI教室在線上時應運用科技工具使協作更順暢;(三)在教師信念上,對閱讀素養能力再理解。


    This study originates from the researcher's curiosity about how Mandarin teachers can foster students to do thematic inquiry with reading in the Mandarin class. To achieve this, the researcher adopts the Concept-Oriented Reading Instruction to develop an instructional program, guiding high school students in conducting thematic inquiries. Additionally, the study evaluates the students' performance in thematic inquiry and reading motivation throughout the implementation process, while also reflecting on the researcher's own growth.

    This research study utilized an action research approach. Research field is in a Mandarin elective course of an experimental education of Taipei City. This course had 4 students. This study had two periods: the action period and the adjustment period. During the process, the researcher collected data by participant observation, documents, interviews, and then analyzed data.

    The conclusions of this study are as follows:
    1. According to the process of instructional program:(1)In the phase of Observe and Personalize, the key is having students opportunities to connect with their personal life experiences; (2)In the phase of Search and Retrieve, the key is helping students to clarify "what is related to the theme of inquiry";(3) In the phase of Comprehend and Integrate, the key is having students opportunities to discuss what they have read and providing a scaffold for writing; (4)In the phase of communicating to others, the key is to design an authentic context for communicating.
    2. Performance of thematic inquiry:(1) Students can do observations and ask questions, but the performance of recording is poor; (2) Students can use keywords to search for information and judge its relevance to the theme of inquiry, but the performance of finding new keywords to search for information is poor (3) All students can comprehend and integrate the text, also write a coherent report; (4) Most of the students can share the results orally and communicate with the audience.
    3. Performance of reading motivation: (1) Students all read because of intrinsic motivation; (2) Students all read because of compliance, and most students read for social reasons; (3) students all read because of the willing to challenge complex texts and have no reading work avoidance. In addition, most students read because of the beliefs of successful reading.
    4. The growth of researcher: (1) For thinking of instruction, understanding that CORI is more like a mindset, rather than a method; (2) For designing instruction, teachers should use digital tools to build a smooth collaboration when CORI Classroom is online; (3) For teacher beliefs, researcher re-understood reading literacy.

    Based on the above conclusions, the researchers put forward suggestions on the use of concept-oriented reading teaching for teaching or research, for the reference of practitioners or future researchers.

    第一章 緒論1 第一節 研究背景與動機1 第二節 研究目的與研究問題5 第三節 名詞解釋5 第二章 文獻探討7 第一節 探究學習與閱讀教學7 第二節 閱讀投入理論與閱讀動機16 第三節 概念導向閱讀教學24 第三章 研究設計與實施33 第一節 研究方法與研究情境33 第二節 資料蒐集與研究工具42 第三節 教學方案46 第四節 資料分析與檢核54 第五節 研究倫理57 第四章 行動歷程59 第一節 行動期的教學與反思59 第二節 調整期的教學與反思74 第五章 研究結果86 第一節 學生的主題探究表現86 第二節 學生的閱讀動機表現99 第三節 研究者的收穫與成長107 第四節 小結111 第六章 結論與建議111 第一節 結論111 第二節 建議114 第一節 研究限制117 參考文獻118 附件一 Miro工作區與任務活動紀錄128 附件二 學生訪談大綱140 附件三 青少年參與研究意願書暨家長知情同意書141

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