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研究生: 黃資閔
Huang Tzu-min
論文名稱: 使用者對共創故事網站服務功能需求之研究
A Study on User’s Need for Service Functions of Collaborative Storytelling Websites
指導教授: 王健華
Wang, Chien-Hwa
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 圖文傳播學系
Department of Graphic Arts and Communications
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 160
中文關鍵詞: 故事共創說故事工具網站服務功能Web 2.0
英文關鍵詞: story collaboration, storytelling tools, service functions of websites, Web 2.0
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:229下載:1
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  • 本研究企圖了解不同使用者對共創說故事網站服務功能的需求,以期讓說故事工具能達到長期且廣泛的運用。透過內容分析法,共創說故事網站服務功能得以被了解;在使用者方面,則以網路調查法探討其對服務功能的需求,總計回收255份有效問卷。並進一步分析比較共創說故事網站所提供服務功能與使用者需求間的差異。本研究之重要發現如下:

    For the purpose of extended and massive adoption of the storytelling tools, the study attempted to understand different users’ need for the service functions of collaborative storytelling websites. By content analysis, service functions of the 6 collaborative storytelling websites were investigated, while by online survey, users’ needs for the service functions were explored. After collecting 255 valid questionnaires, the analysis was conducted and further compared the difference between service functions provided by collaborative storytelling websites and what users need. The research results are as follows:
    1. In informational category, service functions in “customer support” dimension were adopted most and those in “commercial information” dimension were least adopted; while in interactive category, service functions in “two-way communication” dimension were adopted most and those in “transaction” dimension were least adopted.
    2. In informational category, users needed service functions in “non-commercial information” most and those in “commercial information” service functions least; while in interactive category, users needed service functions in“active control” most and those in “two-way communication” least.
    3. There was significant difference between “gender” and user’s need of “commercial information” service function
    4. There was significant difference between “user experience” and user’s need of “transaction” service function
    5. There were significant differences between “usage frequency” and user’s need of “transaction” and “active control” service function
    6. The gap between “non-commercial information” service functions provided by collaborative storytelling websites and what user’s need was big
    7. The gaps between “two-way communication” and “active control” service functions provided by collaborative storytelling websites and what user’s need was big
    According to the results of the study, practical suggestions were proposed for the operators of collaborative storytelling websites and future researchers.

    摘要……………………………………………………………………………………. i ABSTRACT…………………………………………………………………………....ii TABLE OF CONTENT……………………………………………………………….iii LIST OF TABLES……………………………………………………………………..vii LIST OF FIGURES……………………………………………………………………x CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................1 1.1 Background........................................................................................................1 1.2 Research Purpose...............................................................................................5 1.3 Research Question .............................................................................................6 1.4 Delimitation of the Study...................................................................................7 1.5 Research Procedure ...........................................................................................8 1.6 Definition of Terms ............................................................................................9 CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW...............................................................10 2.1 Web 2.0.............................................................................................................10 2.1.1 Definition and Characteristic........................................................................10 2.1.2 Web 2.0 Application Website .......................................................................16 2.2 Collaborative Storytelling Website..................................................................20 2.2.1 The Importance of Story ..............................................................................20 2.2.2 Definition and Characteristic........................................................................24 2.2.3 The Status Quo of Collaborative Storytelling Website ..................................27 2.3 Service Function of Website ............................................................................30 2.3.1 The Importance of Innovation of Service Functions .....................................30 2.3.2 Dimensions of Website Service Functions ....................................................32 2.3.3 Dimensions of Service Functions on Collaborative Storytelling Websites.....39 CHAPTER 3 METHODOLOGY.........................................................................46 iv 3.1 Research Framework.......................................................................................47 3.2 Research Design ...............................................................................................48 3.2.1 Content Analysis ..........................................................................................48 3.2.2 Online Survey..............................................................................................48 3.3 Subject..............................................................................................................49 3.3.1 Content analysis...........................................................................................49 3.3.2 Online survey...............................................................................................50 3.4 Instrument........................................................................................................50 3.4.1 Coding scheme ............................................................................................50 3.4.2 Online questionnaire ....................................................................................52 3.5 Data Collection Procedure...............................................................................52 3.5.1 Content analysis...........................................................................................52 3.5.2 Online questionnaire ....................................................................................53 3.6 Data analysis ....................................................................................................55 3.6.1 Content analysis...........................................................................................55 3.6.2 Online questionnaire ....................................................................................55 CHAPTER 4 RESULTS AND DISCUSSES.........................................................56 4.1 The Distribution of Informational Service Functions of Collaborative Storytelling Websites........................................................................................56 4.1.1 Commercial Information..............................................................................56 4.1.2 Non-Commercial Information ......................................................................57 4.1.3 Customer Support ........................................................................................57 4.1.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................58 4.2 The Distribution of Interactive Service Functions of Collaborative Storytelling Websites........................................................................................60 4.2.1 Creation .......................................................................................................60 4.2.2 Transaction ..................................................................................................61 4.2.3 Two-way communication.............................................................................61 4.2.4 Active control ..............................................................................................62 4.2.5 Discussion ...................................................................................................63 4.3 The Comparison with Informational Service Functions of Different Collaborative Storytelling Websites ................................................................67 v 4.3.1 Commercial Information..............................................................................67 4.3.2 Non-Commercial Information ......................................................................67 4.3.3 Customer Support ........................................................................................68 4.3.4 Discussion ...................................................................................................69 4.4 The Comparison with Interactive Service Functions of Different Collaborative Storytelling Websites ................................................................71 4.4.1 Creation .......................................................................................................71 4.4.2 Transaction ..................................................................................................71 4.4.3 Two-way communication.............................................................................72 4.4.4 Active control ..............................................................................................73 4.4.5 Discussion ...................................................................................................73 4.5 The Descriptive Statistics of Users’ Background Information .......................77 4.5.1 Demographics..............................................................................................77 4.5.2 Usage of Collaborative Storytelling Website ................................................78 4.5.3 Discussion ...................................................................................................80 4.6 Users' Need for Informational Service Functions of Collaborative Storytelling Websites........................................................................................83 4.6.1 The Descriptive Statistics of Users’ Need for Informational Service Functions 83 4.6.2 An Analysis on the Differences of Users’ Needs for Informational Service Function ..................................................................................................................85 4.6.3 Discussion ...................................................................................................94 4.7 Users' Need for Interactive Service Functions of Collaborative Storytelling Websites............................................................................................................97 4.7.1 The Descriptive Statistics of Users’ Need for Interactive Service Functions .97 4.7.2 An Analysis on the Differences of Users’ Needs for Interactive Service Function ................................................................................................................100 4.7.3 Discussion .................................................................................................112 4.8 The Differences between Users' Need and Informational Service Functions of Collaborative Storytelling Websites ..............................................................118 4.8.1 Commercial Information............................................................................118 4.8.2 Non-commercial Information.....................................................................119 4.8.3 Customer Support ......................................................................................120 4.8.4 Discussion .................................................................................................121 4.9 The Differences between Users' Need and Interactive Service Functions of vi Collaborative Storytelling Websites ..............................................................123 4.9.1 Creation .....................................................................................................123 4.9.2 Transaction ................................................................................................124 4.9.3 Two-way communication...........................................................................125 4.9.4 Active control ............................................................................................126 4.9.5 Discussion .................................................................................................127 CHAPTER 5 CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION .........................................131 5.1 Conclusion......................................................................................................131 5.1.1 The findings of service functions in collaborative storytelling websites......131 5.1.2 The exploration of the differences of service functions provided by different collaborative storytelling websites .........................................................................132 5.1.3 The findings of users’ needs for service functions in collaborative storytelling websites.................................................................................................................134 5.1.4 The exploration of the differences between service functions provided by collaborative storytelling websites and users’ needs ...............................................136 5.2 Suggestion ......................................................................................................139 5.2.1 Suggestions for operators of collaborative storytelling websites .................139 5.2.2 Suggestions for future researchers..............................................................142 REFERENCES........................................................................................................144 APPENDIX A CODING SCHEME......................................................................151 APPENDIX B QUESTIONNAIRE ......................................................................154

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