研究生: |
范軒睿 Fan, Hsuan-Ray |
論文名稱: |
不同性別與組別的高中生於圖像理解與眼球運動的差異 Difference of Image Comprehension and Eye Movements between Genders and Study Majors of Senior High School Students |
指導教授: |
I, Bin |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2012 |
畢業學年度: | 100 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 147 |
中文關鍵詞: | 青少年 、性別 、文理組 、圖像理解 、眼球運動 |
英文關鍵詞: | adolescence, gender, study major, image comprehension, eye movement |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:344 下載:9 |
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就性別與組別的圖像視覺能力差異而言,目前已知男性相較於女性,其視覺空間能力表現較為優秀(Healy,2004/2009,134)。理組在掌握線條、色彩、形狀等的能力較文組優秀(吳武典等,2009)。故本研究針對高中生青少年,探討性別(男性與女性)與組別(文組與理組)對於不同圖像的理解差異。以102位台北市某高中高三學生(17-18歲)為實驗參與者,以挑選過的無字圖像為刺激物,將刺激物分為空間、歷史、文化、生活等4個類別,透過參與者從電腦螢幕觀看圖像,研究者口述訊問,並同時記錄參¬¬與者眼球運動的方式,紀錄參與者的圖像解讀與眼球運動資料。研究結果為:1. 高中生參與者深層符號解讀能力不足:參與者整體無法理解圖像深層涵義。2. 高中生參與者細節觀察能力不足:參與者整體忽略圖像細節。3. 專業背景影響圖像理解:理組參與者空間翻轉能力較好、文組參與者歷史圖像及文化圖像理解力較好。4. 空間概念難易度影響圖像理解:較難的圖像,文理組參與者能力達顯著差異,較容易的圖像則無。5. 推論視覺偏好影響圖像理解:符合男性參與者的視覺與創作偏好的圖像,男性參與者表現較優異。6. 錯誤的圖像理解有一定模式:分別為看見刺激物卻理解錯誤、看見刺激物卻無法記憶、看見刺激物卻無符號整合能力、看見刺激物卻無符號思考能力、對刺激物背景知識的不足或不知道、沒有看見刺激物特定部分。7. 推論符號複雜程度影響男性參與者眼動數值:符號複雜程度過於簡化或過於複雜的圖像,男性參與者須要較多的注視時間。8. 推論圖像理解程度影響眼動數值: 理解程度較低,會有較多的注視次數、掃視次數。9. 圖像構圖影響眼動數值。
On the difference of image understanding between genders and study majors, previous research indicated that spatial visualization abilities of male is better than female (Healy, 2004/2009,134), science major students better than literature major students (Wu et al., 2009). In order to understand the difference of image understanding between genders and study majors of senior high school students, the present study investigate the correlation between subjects and image understanding in different areas, image understanding and eye movements。The sample consisted of 102 third grade senior high school students(17-18 years old) attending a public school in Taipei. The present study identified and defined 10 images into 4 areas: spatial, history, culture, and life. Images were showed through computer screen to subjects, while eye movements were recorded, subjects had to verbally respond to questions about images at the same time。Results are:1. Only few can understand the depth symbol meaning of images. 2. Only few can recognize the detail of images. 3. Study backgrounds influence image understanding abilities. 4. Difficulty of spatial image influence image understanding. 5. Visual preferences influence image understanding abilities. 6. There are certain patterns of image misunderstanding。7. Complexity of image symbol meaning influence eye movements of male subjects. 8. Image understanding influence eye movements. 9. Image composition influence eye movements.
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