研究生: |
夏秉楓 Hsia, Ping-Feng |
論文名稱: |
國際數位遊客現地旅遊資訊搜尋行為之研究-網站使用分析與質性分析綜合研究 The Study of International Digital Tourists’ On-Site Information Search Behavior – A Mixed Research of Web Usage Analysis and Qualitative Approach |
指導教授: |
Li, Ching 原友蘭 Yuan, Yu-Lan |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 234 |
中文關鍵詞: | 旅遊目的地 、資訊需求 、資訊來源 、網站瀏覽行為 、Google Analytics |
英文關鍵詞: | Tourism destination, Information needs, Information sources, Website browsing behavior, Google Analytics |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900942 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:483 下載:16 |
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網際網路與行動裝置的普及改變了人們的資訊搜尋行為,對旅遊資訊搜尋行為來說,線上與現地的資訊搜尋更加蓬勃,然而現階段的研究較少從行為面向來探討相關議題;因此,本研究目的主要有兩個面向:一是探討國際數位遊客現地旅遊資訊搜尋行為,二是探討國際數位遊客於旅遊目的地官方網站的資訊搜尋行為。研究方法亦分為兩大部分,第一部分透過深度訪談進行調查,調查期間為2017年6月20日至2017年9月29日,總共訪談了25位研究參與者,以內容分析整理歸納出研究結果;第二部分透過網站使用分析工具Google Analytics進行分析與調查,資料擷取期間為2016年10月1日至2017年9月30日,總共擷取了959,855個工作階段,依據GA報表、t檢定以及集群分析整理歸納出研究結果。
Travel information search behavior has been changed because the internet and mobile device were used widely. Searching information online and onsite become much more popular. In light of these trends, there are two purposes in this study: the first was to explore international digital tourists’ on-site travel information search behavior, and the second was to investigate international digital tourists’ information searching behavior on destination management organization (DMO) official website. A mixed-method was designed and contained two studies. The first one was a qualitative study. The researcher conducted an in-depth interview from June 20, 2017, to September 29, 2017. 25 participants were recruited, and content analysis was performed in the first study. The second one was a quantitative study. The research employed web use analysis. Data were collected from October 1, 2016, to September 30, 2017. 959,855 sessions were collected and reported by Google analysis. We also performed t-test and cluster analysis through the data in the second study. According to the interview, we summarized several conclusions as following:
A. In the dimension of information need, tourists showed function, hedonic, and innovation needs on on-site travel information search;
B. In the dimension of the information channel, search engine and mobile application were mainly used on on-site travel information search;
C. In the dimension of information resource, interpersonal resource both form physical and internet network was important on on-site travel information search;
D. In the dimension of information strategy, the influencing factors of the strategy were searching device, travel information in tourists’ native language, and the effort of off-site information search. In general, the strategy of on-site travel information search was task-oriented.
Furthermore, the results of web use analysis reflected some features about international digital tourists’ travel information search behavior on DMO official website.
A. International digital tourists searched on DMO official website for travel planning, which indicated destination official website played a role of information hub.
B. Most of the clickstream of destination official website were off-site information search, which reflected tourists in travel planning phase expressed higher stickiness on the DMO official website.
C. The travel information search behavior of international digital tourists could be divided into two types. The first type was task-oriented information search behavior and the search behavior was narrow and deep. The second type was exploration-oriented information search behavior and the search behavior was wide and shallow.
D. The popular webpages of DMO official website browsed by international digital tourists could be divided into three types. The first type was travel information objective page which was visited by task-oriented information search mostly. The second type was travel information exploration page which was visited by exploration-oriented information search mostly. The third type was travel information general page which was visited by task-oriented and exploration-oriented information search equally.
Based on the foregoing findings, there are some suggestions for future research and practitioner. In academia, more researches are needed to explore on-site travel information search behavior, re-examine the type of on-site travel information search behavior, and use web mining technique to discover more features of on-site information search behavior. In practice, DMO should provide sufficient information for on-site information search, and design the structure and function of the website based on digital tourists’ information search behavior patterns. Besides, presenting information in multimedia and customizing search function could attract international digital tourists to use the website. Moreover, DMO needs exposure website on a different channel to reach digital tourists from different countries.
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